Showing posts with label Tomais. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Tomais. Show all posts

Thursday, July 12, 2018

Second Most Sexiest Man Alive?

So I have been watching the Congressional hearing of FBI agent Peter Strzok.

I must honestly say, that after watching his clashes with representatives Trey Gowdy and chairman Bob Goodlatte, his bated and controlled anger made me hot and bothered and moist in my underwear. 'Tis a pity the man is straight.

Agent Strzok must be a pride and joy to 70% of the American people, and I don't give a damn about whatever foolishness he texted (taken out of context) that was totally irrelevant to his fulfilment of his duties.

(The sexiest man alive is of course Tomais Ashdene, the lairds consort.

Saturday, June 16, 2018

BMcM Proudly Presents DJ Butch at SP, today 1-3 PM SLT

BMcM (that's me and this blog thingy) are happy to give you (the LGBT+ community in SecondLife and our allies) the oh-so-sexy, the unruly and the mischievous DJ Butch Diavolo.

Where: Main Stage at the Second Pride sim
When: 1-3PM SLT
What to wear: No shirt & no shoes and leave your problems at home!

My thanks to sweet husband Tomais Ashdene for taking and editing the green screen picture of the awesome Butch and to sweet Kahvy for making the fabulous poster for this event. 

Friday, June 15, 2018

New Header for Second Pride 2018 & More

Second Pride starts today at 6PM SLT with an opening ceremony at the Pride sim and after that an opening party with DJ Weylin.

Check in at the Second Pride website for the updated schedule, party posters, social interactions, pictures, and everything else. It's the hub for all things Pride! (Thanks for pointing this out, Lee!)

As always I have a special blog header during SL Pride. I made it myself so it doesn't meet the usual high standards you may be used to when Tomais makes them for me, but I didn't wish to put additional burden on my already stressed and tired husband. Besides Tomais set up my booth at Second Pride into an awesome pizza parlor and also created this years fabulous Flat Bock.

Revealing the Flat Bock 2018:
Flat Bock 2018 by Tomais Ashdene
This years Flat Bock shows me dressed in a few balloons with my untamed puma.  (The backside is even better, as it shows you my delightful and scrumptious legs and my cute bubblebutt.)

Monday, May 28, 2018

Sporty Shorty

Me on a wakeboard pulled through the Blake Sea by my husband Tomais on one of his contraband deliveries in the GTFO-game. This time i believe it was drugs to Half Hitch. My brother JJ took the picture.

Friday, May 25, 2018

An Exceptionally Wonderful Man

Butch Diavolo has been a good friend of mine for many years now.

Butch is also a squatter on my homesim and is appointed as the Royal Gardener of the sim. (Although truthfully he hasn't been building or beautifying much (except his own plot) the last year, but he has been busy having a love life and taking care of himself.)

I know Butch as a kind, intelligent, warm hearted, level headed, everso faithful, amusing and highly sarcastic man, who always tries to help out if he is able. The only thing I have found lacking is his lovelife and his - sometimes - worrying choices where men and partners are concerned.

Yesterday I decided to adopt him as a son, and he agreed (Let's see how long that will last...) to defer to me before entering into any future partnerships. Any prospective partner will first be vetted by me - and my swarms of spies all over the Internet and in SecondLife - before being partnered. Linden Lab has been notified of this requirement and have agreed to assist in any way possible.

Fun thing though, through other familial ties of both my sons Butch and Pook, Butch will now be both Pook's brother and his grandmother. SecondLife families are a seriously messed up thing. However, as Pook's "pappa" I shall now be humming this tune to myself:

"For your brother is your grandma,
but your daddy don't know.
Woe, is me, shame and scandal in the family
Woe, is me, shame and scandal in the family"

(For clues to this musical reference please listen to Shawn Elliott in "Shame and Scandal in the Family")

Friday, May 4, 2018

"naked with a chair" - An Art Project by Mind

You all know how it is. When you login to SecondLife you are overwhelmed by notices, note cards, IM's, invitations and more. Sometimes you just click away or discard, other times you mean to read and respond later.

Well, if you are as forgetful as I am, that "sometimes" means you don't get to read important and interesting stuff, like an invitation from min cher ami Mind Carlberg to join in a fun photography project. 
Sample from Mind Carlberg's Flickr
Luckily, I was made aware of the project yesterday as I am surrounded by great photographers much of the time. One of the guys suggested we go over and take a look, as far as I could see neither my husband Tomais or my brother JJ had made a picture, nor had JJ's husband Wayne.

So when Wayne logged off to enjoy his Friday and my hubby and bro went to model in a photoshoot, I stayed on to take a nudie pic of myself and take part in the exhibition.

This morning I got an email from Mind ominously informing me "you've been framed" and thanking me for my picture. He had accepted my picture although I had informed him that I am not a photographer, merely a snapshooter.

If you want to see all the naked women and men with chairs who have taken part so far, please visit Mind Carlberg's Flickr page (url) or visit the interactive installation at THE BURIED MAN/Love Land (SLurl). While you are there why not undress and take a picture at the chair that is set up there.

The exhibition has been extended, so go, go, go!

Saturday, April 28, 2018

Picture of the Week - 1

This week I am starting a new series of posts, it's a variation of my previous "Picture of the Day"-series, the difference being I am only going to select a picture from my or Tomais Ashdene's - the blog's art editor and my loving husband - Flickr feeds once a week. 

My husband is gracefully (that's just the kind of great guy I am) allowed to make suggestions but the decisions are always all mine.

Let's get going!

A League of Their Own
"A League of Their Own" by Tomais Ashdene (url)

You can click the photographer's name to get to their photostream and on the picture to embiggen it.

Wednesday, April 25, 2018

I Blame Kip!

So, this evening I was innocently going about my business in SL, whilst my - otherwise - sweet husband was browsing on Facebook. There he saw a suggestion from Kip Ashbourne which he thought was completely appropriate for me. I am not sure I agree...
OK, so I have a phobia against chickens, but should my husband really send me "Crazy Chickens" from Marketplace, or as he himself claims "Delightful items like this" (a dead rubber chicken).

Sunday, April 22, 2018

New Blog Header - Spring 2018

The blogs art director my spouse the multi-talented Tomais Ashdene has kindly agreed to remake one of his beautiful pictures as the blog header this time.

Enjoy, and please let him know he is an amazing artist. You can find the complete and unadulterated version on Flickr: At the Quay (url).

Wednesday, March 28, 2018

How Uncouth

Well, I never...

My Tomais and I handed out these beautiful Flat Bock's at last years Second Pride. Everyone wanted one, two or three or even more.

Imagine my surprise when I was wandering around at the home-sim and found that my beloved brother Dej had misused that precious and beautiful objet d'art in this disrespectful way!

As if I could enjoy a flagpole in my manly love-hole. *sigh*

Saturday, March 17, 2018

I Am Curious (Green)

Celebrating Saint Patrick's Day at Chouchou in my sonic green outfit from boyberry. Photo by renowned photographer Tomais Ashdene. I had to twist his arm a lot because "he didn't like the green" (sic!).

The title of the post is a nod to Vilgot Sjöman, the Swedish director who directed the movies "I Am Curious (Yellow)" and "I am Curious (Blue)" in the late 1960's.

Saturday, February 24, 2018

"It Is Considered A Fashion Faux Pas"

I and the guys visited the one year anniversary celebration of Achille's "Men's Nudist Beach" (a.k.a. MNB or Men's Clothed Beach) yesterday.
Holt, I, Tomais, JJ and Wayne 
After awhile I saw something on one of my friends that shook me to the core.

Old men all over the world do it without shame. Germans and Brits do it. Hell, even David Beckham does it! And in the fashion seasons of 2010 and 2014 some designers attempted to make it trendy, but - Thank the Babylonians! - failed. We are talking about wearing socks with sandals.

Now, according to Wikipedia, this is an age old point of contention in men's fashion. "Wearing socks and sandals together is a controversial fashion combination and social phenomenon that is discussed in various countries and cultures. It is considered a fashion faux pas."

So, one of my friends was actually wearing sandals with socks, believe it or not... Surprisingly it was the most fashion forward among us sporting this weird combination, the awesome and well known SecondLife fashion icon, fashion vlogger, film director and producer (link takes you to his YouTube Channel) and not least a brilliant photographer (link to his Flickr), Mr. WayneNZ Esq.
Wayne in socks and sandals
Ladies and gentleman, I am now going to ask you for your opinion, is it the combination of socks and sandals cool or uncool? Please take the poll in the top right corner and add any additional remarks you may have in the comments.

Sunday, February 4, 2018

Winding Down

After a long and hard week it's become more or less a tradition to wind down at the Steamworkz Sunday Tea Party with DJ Lee McKay and host Jax Endriago.
My brother JJ, I & my husband Tomais, photo by JJ Goodman

Saturday, January 27, 2018

Totes Adorbs!

Today Tomais, JJ, Wayne, Holter and I went scouting for a setting with craggy cliffs for a photo my hubby was going to do.

Somehow, we happened to make a stop at the Chouchou sim, which of course has no cliffs at all, just water and a beautiful - although rather harsh - Windlight.

I thought it would be a good time to take a picture to show off my new appearance, especially the legs and calves. Totes adorbs, dontcha agree?

Clothing: Dufaux - Sporty tank and shorts
Sandals: Illi
Hair: Stealthic - Rebellion
Body: Signature - Gianni
Head: Catwa - Daniel
Face: StrayDog - Shane

Wednesday, August 23, 2017

There's A New Superhero Team InWorld

A new superhero team premiered last night in SecondLife. It's the Amazingly Patient and Never Cranky Bock McMillan and his cute sidekick Tomais.
"I'm Starsky, he's Hutch" by Tomais Ashdene
It is rumored that Bock is a gay nobleman who steals from the rich to give to the poor and fights crime, injustice and for the Scandinavian way of life diligently as he goes along. 

Most of Bock's superpowers haven't been revealed yet but it is known that he can fly, teleport and charm the pants of anyone with his dazzling smile.

Saturday, August 12, 2017

When Dej Disappeared (Update)

I haven't been able to see my brother Dej at all during the last week, not even his tag. I couldn't figure out what had happened or what was wrong.

Everyone else we asked saw him perfectly well, but not I. 
Dej in a screenshot when Mirco shares his screen on Skype
What I saw on my screen
With the help of Mirco and his friend Miro Collas, we finally figured out what it was and then I understood when, where and how I had messed. I feel like such a noob!

Tomais, Dej and I visited The Men's Department a week ago for some serious shopping. 

As always the place was full of eager shoppers, so I did what usually do in those laggy circumstances, with one fatal exception. I marked all the other shoppers and derendered them, but instead selecting to do so temporarily I selected permanently. 

So my poor beautiful, meshified, albeit much older brother ended up being blacklisted on my screen. It was a great relief to finally see his sweet face again.

Thanks for the help Mirco and Miro!
Update 8/13/2017
If you are using the Firestorm viewer my friend Anonymous has a nifty trick for you on how to derender all avatars at a busy event and then to render them again later with only two clicks.

I may have learned this once upon a time, but had since then managed to forget it. There is no better way to remember things than by repetition, especially if you are a forgetful and absentminded person like yours truly.

Friday, August 4, 2017

Plastic Surgery

So I did a bit of plastic surgery on my eyebrows yesterday to remove the frown that made me "look evil" according to a friend.
Photo by JJ Goodman
I am pleased with the results of the operation and wish to thank my surgical assistants, my husband Tomais Ashdene and my brother JJ Goodman, for their input and help.

Saturday, July 8, 2017

Five Naked Guys In A Pool x 2 (NSFW)

I was hanging out with Tomais, JJ, Wayne and Garrett today and we ended up in the pool at Wayne's & JJ's home.

This is my snapshot from the event.
Five Naked Guys in a Pool
Snapshot by me
And below the fold you will see my brother JJ's version (NSFW) of the same event. Only click "Read more" if you are willing and prepared to see male nudity.