Showing posts with label anniversary. Show all posts
Showing posts with label anniversary. Show all posts

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Lucky Woman & Luckier Man - UPDATED

Emarald Harvey
Look at that beautiful man in his humorous picture! It is my buddy Emarald one of his contributions to this blogs series "Nakna avatarer i SL" (Nude Avatars in SL)

Would you believe that this boyish, charming and talented man with a wonderful sense of humor could capture and hold the heart of one of the most kind, caring, talented and beautiful women in SecondLife for four years? Four years in SecondLife, that must be something like 25 years in first life, even for a straight couple.

Well, I know both Emarald and his wonderful wife Zigadena Gabardini and today they are celebrating their fourth anniversary, and let me tell you I am not in the least surprised. They complete each other in all the ways a long-lasting couple should.

Ziga attacking my buddy Em
Today my two lovely friends are celebrating their fourth wedding anniversary at one of the friendliest places in SecondLife Club Ormdricka and of course everyone is invited.

The party starts at 12.30 PM SLT. I for one am going to be there! Club Ormdricka (SLurl).

UPDATE: Ughhh terrible! First I overslept until 1.38 PM SLT and when I finally logged in I could not teleport anywhere. I managed to get hold of my buddy Em but the sweet Ziga had already retired. Hugsand kisses my darlings, I am so sorry about this mess, talk to you tomorrow!

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Jago´s & Eddi´s Third Anniversary Party

After the long seminar with Jessica Lyon it was great to know I had a party waiting to celebrate my friends Jago Constantine and Eddi Haskell on their third anniversary as partners in SecondLifeDJ Insyx supplied the music as a real pro.

It was a fun party with both old timers like myself. Eddi, Jago and Jordyn Carnell and a some almost noobs and all the ages in between. Oh and dogs, dogs, dogs everywhere - even a lesbian bitch dog named Betsy that kept hitting on missK all evening.

Enough talk, here are the tell-all pictures. For even more pictures visit Eddi Haskell´s Second Life Photos from Our Third Anniversary Party Today
The happy couple, Jago and Eddi
We were all relieved that mtd wore a sock on it
Yours truly and sexy missK making some moves
Avacar, Esme and Cambieul grooving

Friday, December 16, 2011

Congratulations to Eddi & Jago

Join the party to celebrate Eddi Haskell´s and Jago Constantine´s  third anniversary as partners in SecondLife!

The happy couple invites you all to come and to bring your friends along.

Sunday, September 18, 2011

The Beauty and His Beast

sirhc and Vampi forever!
Today I would like to take the opportunity to congratulate the beautiful sirhc DeSantis and his wonderful spouse Vampi Twine DeSantis on the second anniversary of their handfasting.

Hey guys, there actually were a few of us that believed that you could do it and I am happy you proved us right. May you both have many, many years together both here in SecondLife and in first life.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Happy Fourth Anniversary

Today we celebrate the fourth anniversary of the oldest Swedish blog still in existence "Min avatar heter Apmel".

The soul, the brain and the heart behind that blog is of course my bosom buddy and mentor Apmel Goosson. May there be many more years of blogging to come for you and "your relatives", Uncle Ib, Apmelina and Kludden.


P.S. I just checked and this blog celebrated it´s "real" first anniversary on January 12th, 2011, it was founded earlier but the first real blog post was on that day. So now you know what all we Swedes do in a New Year, we start a blog!

Hmmm the other two celebrating blogs chose a slogan for the coming year, I guess I should do so also! Mine will be "Let´s live, love and party!"

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Happy 1st anniversary Jeb & Shayne

Ars brother Jeb Nicholls and his charming partner Shayne Turbo celebrated their first wedding anniversary yesterday by throwing a huge party. The theme was "Gods of Love and Monsters".

The music was provided by DJ Hotboy and the party venue was soon filled with almost all the hottest men that Second Life can provide, with the possible and obvious exception of the hunkalicious Jesper Prinz and two other guys that I will not name here.

Jebs brother Dejerrity Mycron, this evening dressed as an automaton, held the sweetest toast for the happy couple. I am sure that Jeb was in tears when he heard it, the big, rough but oh so sweet mush. I was alas too tired to remember to copy it for your benefit, but instead I give you a few pictures from the party.

The party started late from a European point of view, so I stayed only for an hour before my friday coma set in, but I am convinced the party went on long into the American night. It was the best Friday the 13th I have ever had!

I wish you all the best for the future, Jeb and Shayne, and may you have many more anniversaries to come! Love you both, guys!