Showing posts with label lists. Show all posts
Showing posts with label lists. Show all posts

Thursday, November 3, 2016

Reminder: Superheroes - The Party

It's high time to get your shit together for the Superhero-party on Saturday!

Read - almost - all about it here: BiSL: Superheroes - The Party.


If you need inspiration here is a link to someone named Lvenger's favorites: My 100 Favourite Superheroes. I have also decided that "Mummy" and "Daddy" are acceptable superheroes.

Wednesday, November 2, 2016


I am grumpy this evening and am going to make it an early night.

A list of possible, but not extensive, reasons for my grumpiness
  1. I haven't seen my Tomais since the weekend
  2. DST ended on Sunday morning in Europe, and I have a DST-hangover (phrase coined by Butch Diavolo)
  3. I didn't sleep well last night
  4. I had a dentist appointment first thing this morning
  5. I haven't seen my Tomais since the weekend and he is teasing me with amazing pictures of himself
  6. I miss Tomais
  7. I'm hungry but it's after 8PM and I don't want to stuff my mouth this late
  8. I have a slight headache
  9. I wish every country on the Northern Hemisphere switched to and from DST at the same day
  10. I am bad at writing lists like these...
Good night, stay safe and hopefully I will see some of you tomorrow. If you should happen to see my lover in-world, please tell him that I am doing spectacularly well and don't seem to miss him at all!