Sunday, August 28, 2011

Are You Ready to Party?

From 10 AM to 10 PM (SLT/PST) it´s paaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarty time with a collection of some of the best DJ´s that gay SecondLife has to offer at my old hangout place Arsenal for the 4th Anniversary of DJ World and the 30th DJ Night.

As I sometimes say:

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Intermission - NOW With Added Value...

Above is the Bollywood version, beneath is the hunks having fun version. I love both equally. (I found the hunk-version on J.M.G.)

Take the Poll About Mesh

"How excited are you about Mesh?"

That´s the question my friend Eddi Haskell is asking in the poll on his blog this week. Go to Eddi Haskell´s Second Life and tell us what your opinion is.

Friday, August 26, 2011

Help I Need A New Body!

As you may remember my stepson Guyke took me to a few choice-stores the other day.

Well, I went back yesterday to see if I would find something I liked and I did. Because he had told me the clothes would need "a lot of fitting" I was careful enough to only buy one item of clothing though.

I bought a cool denim-jacket that looked really great on the store picture, but this is what it looks when I wear it...

In my third life I am so going to wish for a body like a clothes-hanger or demand that the vendor give me the numbers for the body shape that can wear their garments.

I have no patience for this... I am going completely crazy trying to get this prim to fit my body.

Perhaps I should instead make a shape for when I wear clothes and one for when I don´t, just like women who always get a shape for "with skirt" and one for "without skirt".

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Breedable Animals

Does anyone still remember Sion Chickens? Ever since I dropped that crazy, costly and immensely lag-creating "hobby" I totally lost interest and touch with that community and any other breeding animal or vegetable in SecondLife.

Sion Chickens were all the rage for a while in SecondLife. Someone had actually figured out how to sell eggs (Sion Eggs), which when they were lain on the ground after a few hours would hatch into the cutest small yellow - male or female -chickens in different colors. These small chickens would after a while grow into ugly adults. If you had a rooster and a bunch of hens together the hens would start laying eggs, which in turn would hatch into male or female chickens and grow up and would in turn mate, lay eggs of new colors depending on which colors their parents had, hatch, grow up, breed... etc. etc. ad infinitum.

All the while they had to eat, the food was the real racket, the food could only be bought from Sion Corps. One plate of food was inexpensive, but you had to feed them all the time and relatively soon  you had many chickens that needed food. Because who wanted chickens dying all over their backyard in SecondLife, screaming pitifully to you that they were hungry?

I got my first four Sion Eggs as a rezday present from a then friend and business partner of Ars´s named Butch H****n - today he is by me mostly referred to as "that a**hole" if I ever think or speak of him - however I will not go into that ugliness today.

When the four eggs had hatched I promptly named them Uno, Dos, Tres and Cuatro. Uno was the only rooster, the other three were hens. These four were the start to my completely failed egg production industry, "McMillan Eggs - Simply the best".

Ars helped me out by building a basic chicken coup for me where I could keep my hatched chicken. The man was actually amazing through the following months, he just suggested we restart the sim more often than we had in the past. In the end I think we were up to five or six times a day and we still had our only tenant complaining about the lag created by my 25 adult poultry.

At first you could take the eggs you didn't want to hatch into Inventory, then Sion Corps "updated" so you couldn't do that without buying "proteggtors" from them.

I left the racket when not even the "proteggtor" would help because they "updated to make it more lifelike" and any eggs not hatched within three or four weeks would rot and go poof. That was when the racket finally dawned on me, I am only sorry to say it took a couple of months. I slaughtered my poultry, sent the remaining food to one of Sion Corps representatives with a few choice words and closed down the business.

Life was blissful after that. Ars was happy and the lag was minimal again. The amazing thing is Ars never once complained to me and I don´t think to anyone else either. He was loving and patient through it all, not until I shut down did he tell me that he had not been "particularilly happy about those damned chickens".

The pictures show the remnants of my venture, I keep them as a reminder of my foolishness and to stay away from breedable animals. Everything else from that era in my second life has been completely deleted from my Inventory.

The Sion Chickens were the first breedables to the best of my knowledge, then came the Sion Corn (which you could use to feed the chickens with but had to buy water etc. from the Sion Corps to grow), then the bunnies, the horses and the kittens and whatever...

Beach Party

Wesley in the center of attention
I remember Wesley Spengler from my earliest months in SecondLife, actually I think he may have been among the three first DJ I heard in-world. In those days Wesley had a Euro time slot also, before he became too busy in his real life. I always loved going to his parties because he has such a wonderful way of connecting with the audience.

Last night I went to his party because I happened to be awake at 4 a.m. in my morning. It was great fun,! Wes and the lovely Kharissa Indigo, who has hosted his parties for a long time and also is a Second Pride Board member, one of the only two women on the board.

They work very well together and kept the guys in a great mood. You always know when there is a good host because the guys chat in local and you see they are having fun. When I got there they were actually talking about IKEA and lingonberries.

Jeff doing his thing and me watching him move.
To my surprise and joy Jeff Ellsworth was there also, which gave me the opportunity to do a closer inspection of his most recent extreme makeover.

Stunning, I must say, absolutely stunning.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Peaches & Coconuts

Last week one of my co-workers, who was married with an American woman for ten years and lived stateside for a few years longer, told me one of these rather amusing generalizations about the difference between Americans and Swedes.

My co-worker said, "Americans are like peaches and Swedes are like coconuts, because Americans seem so warm, charming and sweet when you meet them but are hard as stone inside when you get to know them better while Swedes have a rough, hard and inaccessible exterior and are actually all soft and mushy they you come closer."

I hadn't heard this before and thought it was a rather amusing way of describing the differences, bearing in mind of course that these kinds of generalizations only hold some truth on the macro-level. When one get´s down to the micro-level with smaller groups and individuals they mean nothing at all.

I usually follow the news closely all the time but not so yesterday because I had been too preoccupied with other stuff. When I logged in to my SecondLife at noon (SLT) I was therefor not aware of the fact that there had been a earth quake on the east coast of the U.S. and that it had hit New York City as well.

You can imagine my surprise when my brother in-law Dejerrity Mycron sent me an IM telling me that he had waited for me to get in-world to let me know that he and his family were all doing well and that my other brother in-law Jeb Nicholls was also fine.

Dejerrity knows me quite well - and he knows from experience that I am a worrier - so he had stayed in-world to give me this news personally. That was so caring and thoughtful of him that it still warms me up inside and brings tears to my eyes thinking about it now.

"Actions speak louder than words", as my darling Ars always used to say so I will return the favor to Dej and tell him "Yes Dej, I love you too you big muscular, hairy ball of mush!"

So now I only have the hurricane to worry about, but hopefully it will change it´s path enough or lose momentum not to cause any real harm to my loved ones.