Showing posts with label Butch H. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Butch H. Show all posts

Sunday, June 29, 2014

A Unilateral Action

Today I have been in SecondLife 2,667 days or, expressed in another way, 7 years 2 months and 18 days.

I would like to think that I have friendly relations with most of the people I have encountered during those many years, some are still close, others I meet sporadically but for various reasons our paths have mostly parted, some have more or less or altogether left SecondLife and some I don't have contact with even if they are still around. But those that we are friends with or have amicable relations with are never the problem, are they?

The relationships that drain my energy, and that I have been thinking much about the last two weeks, are the failed ones. Those relationships that have to some degree turned into open or concealed enmity. I find that it weighs down on me and makes me weary to keep track of the perceived wrongdoings and insults. It has also to some degree turned into an unwanted bitterness on my part that I do not at all care for.

So today I am going to clean the slate by unilaterally forgiving those I feel have wronged me - or someone I love - intentionally or through carelessness, so that I thereby in time can forget the perceived insults and abuses. I am also asking those whom I know feel that I have wronged them for forgiveness. I am going to unblock all those that have previously been blocked from Instant Messaging me in-world or from entering my home sim or on social media sites.

I know that this action will most likely be labeled as "drama" by some, but I don't care one iota because I am doing it for my own sake not anyone else's. My forgiveness is in no manner dependent on the their willingness to forgive me.

As I do not believe a sweeping apology is enough I am going to name each and every one of those I believe deserve my forgiveness and whose forgiveness I need for my words and actions in the past. I will not go into my reasons for feeling hurt by those named, except in one particular case.

I forgive you, Ars Northmead, for dying and leaving me alone and heartbroken for such a long time. I also ask your forgiveness for resenting you for something you could not help. You know I love you, babe, and I know you loved me. Forgiving you was and is always easy.

I forgive you, Andrey Messmer (a. k. a. D R E Y Messmer), and ask for your forgiveness.

I forgive you, Martial Eisenhart, and ask for your forgiveness.

I forgive you, Butch Horton, and ask for your forgiveness.

I forgive you, Vanadis Falconer, and ask for your forgiveness.

I forgive you, Sjöfn Stoneshield, and ask for your forgiveness.

I forgive you, Kynlif Leikfang, and ask for your forgiveness.

I forgive you, Loo Berensohn, and ask for your forgiveness.

I forgive you, PetGirl Bergman (a.k.a. Tina Dahl), and ask for your forgiveness.

I forgive you, Alessia Kranfel (a.k.a. Vesper Kling and Mera Kranfel) and ask for your forgiveness.

Lastly I forgive myself.

The deed is done and now the rest of my life can start afresh. It is a big relief! 

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Breedable Animals

Does anyone still remember Sion Chickens? Ever since I dropped that crazy, costly and immensely lag-creating "hobby" I totally lost interest and touch with that community and any other breeding animal or vegetable in SecondLife.

Sion Chickens were all the rage for a while in SecondLife. Someone had actually figured out how to sell eggs (Sion Eggs), which when they were lain on the ground after a few hours would hatch into the cutest small yellow - male or female -chickens in different colors. These small chickens would after a while grow into ugly adults. If you had a rooster and a bunch of hens together the hens would start laying eggs, which in turn would hatch into male or female chickens and grow up and would in turn mate, lay eggs of new colors depending on which colors their parents had, hatch, grow up, breed... etc. etc. ad infinitum.

All the while they had to eat, the food was the real racket, the food could only be bought from Sion Corps. One plate of food was inexpensive, but you had to feed them all the time and relatively soon  you had many chickens that needed food. Because who wanted chickens dying all over their backyard in SecondLife, screaming pitifully to you that they were hungry?

I got my first four Sion Eggs as a rezday present from a then friend and business partner of Ars´s named Butch H****n - today he is by me mostly referred to as "that a**hole" if I ever think or speak of him - however I will not go into that ugliness today.

When the four eggs had hatched I promptly named them Uno, Dos, Tres and Cuatro. Uno was the only rooster, the other three were hens. These four were the start to my completely failed egg production industry, "McMillan Eggs - Simply the best".

Ars helped me out by building a basic chicken coup for me where I could keep my hatched chicken. The man was actually amazing through the following months, he just suggested we restart the sim more often than we had in the past. In the end I think we were up to five or six times a day and we still had our only tenant complaining about the lag created by my 25 adult poultry.

At first you could take the eggs you didn't want to hatch into Inventory, then Sion Corps "updated" so you couldn't do that without buying "proteggtors" from them.

I left the racket when not even the "proteggtor" would help because they "updated to make it more lifelike" and any eggs not hatched within three or four weeks would rot and go poof. That was when the racket finally dawned on me, I am only sorry to say it took a couple of months. I slaughtered my poultry, sent the remaining food to one of Sion Corps representatives with a few choice words and closed down the business.

Life was blissful after that. Ars was happy and the lag was minimal again. The amazing thing is Ars never once complained to me and I don´t think to anyone else either. He was loving and patient through it all, not until I shut down did he tell me that he had not been "particularilly happy about those damned chickens".

The pictures show the remnants of my venture, I keep them as a reminder of my foolishness and to stay away from breedable animals. Everything else from that era in my second life has been completely deleted from my Inventory.

The Sion Chickens were the first breedables to the best of my knowledge, then came the Sion Corn (which you could use to feed the chickens with but had to buy water etc. from the Sion Corps to grow), then the bunnies, the horses and the kittens and whatever...