Monday, June 25, 2012

Gay Anthems for Second Pride 4

ABBA - Dancing Queen

Galloping Paranoia Analyzed

Photo: Matt Dunham/Scanpix
As I am temporarily suffering from a mild bout of "rainbow overdose", I will try to direct your interest towards this interesting article by Nick Cohen, which was published on on Sunday; Nick Cohen: Definition of paranoia: supporters of Julian Assange.

Some of Assange's supporters say that the women have no right to put allegations of sexual abuse before a competent court. Instead, they denounce them as "feminazis" in language so extreme that the women's lawyer said his clients were "the victims of a crime, but they are looked upon as the perpetrators". I doubt that posterity will recall much that Assange said. But it ought to remember his assertion that "Sweden is the Saudi Arabia of feminism". In one sentence, Assange encapsulated the special pleading and misogyny of a rotten "progressive" culture.

Sunday, June 24, 2012

DJ Sarco´s Early Morning At Pride

Sarco Halderman is an old time friend of mine, I first made his acquaintance in 2007, when I started "stalking" my Ars around in SecondLife.

Sarco is one of the best DJ´s SecondLife has to offer, and he showed that at his set between 3-5 AM SLT. The crowd may not have been large but the quality of the music was still the best - as always.

DJ Sarco
Aelred Huet, Fabi Ishtari and yours truly
Close-up of muscle man Aelred
I am enjoying myself
Dodo Ahanu
Harley Homewood, a great DJ in his own right and Sarco´s partner
DJ InsyX Piranha grooving
MadeInRussia, Chace Nizna and Preston Benoir
Zim Gunsberg
Avacar Bluestar came in close to the end of the set

Elfay At Pride

The one and only Elfay Pinkdot.
There are very few things that can convince me to crawl out of bed before 9 AM (12 AM midnight SLT) on a Sunday morning, my Ars was one and the divine Elfay Pinkdot doing a set at Second Pride is another.

Despite the early hour I was happy when I got there and was looking forward to two hours of good music, pleasant company and a fun chat. My expectations were indeed surpassed!

Not only was it a good crowd of humorous like-minded people that stayed on after the previous set or came in but also some long missed friends. Among those I want to mention Circe Broom especially, the iconic and generous megastar on the SecondLife live music scene from almost the start until the end of last year. Although Circe isn't feeling well and the fact that it was 3 AM local time for her, she joined us in good spirit and with her usual charm. It was so good to see her again!

Joetonight Starship and Ryce Skytower were also there, adding a bit of male beauty to the starving masses, i.e. me. Longtime readers of this blog will remember Ryce from my series "Naked Avatars in SL" where he stunned us all with his beauty; see Nakna Avatarer i SL 67 (url)

Even if Elfay had a sexy drawl at first, coming straight from bed to do the show, she soon warmed up and so did the crowd, both the regulars and her new fans. We really had a ball.

The best thing is though, that at the end of her show Elfay mentioned that she had agreed with the organizers to do a second set during the coming weeks. I will of course be there, I do not like missing Elfay.

Here are some more pictures from the event.
Joetonight dancing with feathers
Elfay, me and Circe
Ryce and I, the only picture of us that doesn't
have one or the others face covered by the darn flag
Hugging my dear Circe goodbye

Gay Anthems for Second Pride 3

Bronski Beat - Smalltown Boy

Saturday, June 23, 2012

SP2012 - Day 2

Lets start at the end of my second day with a few hunky men, it always makes me feel better. 

Above and below you see the three hunkiest men of the day at Second Pride, it´s DJ Cupric "The Coop" Router and his host Jagger Naughton with a companion doing their SWAMP THANG. Whatever that was it was leisurely and sexy.

I took it very easy Day 2 and gave it an early night because I knew I had to be up by 12 AM (midnight) SLT for Elfay Pinkdot´s Coffee & Pajamas Jazz Show and an hour after that my mate DJ Sarco Halderman´s set.. 

DJ Wesley Spengler grooving and blogger Jeff Ellsworth checking him out.
 The rest of the day I spent checking out the Ruthenium sim, where parts of the celebration rakes place.

I found the exhibition of quilts there, beautifully displayed and in a calm setting. Strangely enough there were quilts from 2003-2009 and none at all for 2010 and later.
The buildteam for Second Pride, under the lead of my friend Levi Ewing,  have done a really great job, with beautiful sets imaging the streets of
Buenos Aires (SLurl)
London (SLurl)
San Francisco (SLurl) and 
Sydney (SLurl) 

On Ruthenium there are a couple of beautiful streets from a few block in Buenos Aires. (see below)
The Gay History Museum is an amazing build showing an exhibition of the LGBT-movement from the early days until the present days. The globes are a masterpiece, both from outside and within.
Bock,  the eternal tourist

Your Receipt, Madam/Sir!

This is to inform the anonymous donor who, using my buddy Butch Diavolo as an intermediary, asked me to forward a donation to The Fabrice Snook Foundation (SLurl).
Above you see me standing next to the donation kiosk for The Fabrice Snook Foundation at the entrance of the foundations HQ. (If you enlarge the picture you will see that the last donation made was for L$5,000)

Below you see an excerpt from my SecondLife transaction history, showing that today I made a donation of L$5,000 to the FSF donation kiosk.

If you should require further proof of payment, please let Butch know and I will do what I can to assist you.

I also wish to thank Garth Raleigh for supplying me with a landmark to the donation kiosk.