Monday, June 10, 2013

Big Brother Is Watching Us

If our Big Brothers in the United States National Security Agency (NSA) is watching us there is really only one thing to do.
Photography by Hudson Wright


Thank you Edward Snowden for informing us about this, you are my hero! 

Just like Daniel Ellsberg and Bradley Manning before you, you have brought the public's attention to the wrongdoings of the powers that be and their henchmen.

We always need heroes in our midst who, when they feel that something is utterly wrong, have the courage to act and to do the morally right thing. I hope that I will have the same courage if and when I find myself in that position.

P.S. If anyone is wondering if the ass above is mine I must coyly admit that it is NOT. Mine is a bit hairier and even more beautiful.

Sunday, June 9, 2013


I was lazy today, so I stayed at home and sat in my meadow for a while listening to the birds chirping and chatting with Butch, Guyke and Dej.

They were all doing well. Butch was busy with getting a new DJ-program to replace his unreliable SAM. Guyke was brooding over the intricacies of sailing in SecondLife and Dej, who had had a fun night with little sleep, was even more tired than I and for better reasons.

How Could I Forget?

A few months before I rezzed into SecondLife in March of 2007 I had broken off a three year long affair with a married man in first life.

I have never seen it as my responsibility to decide or influence how other people lead their lives or how they handle their other relationships, neither do I wish to pass any moral judgement on their attitude towards extramarital affairs. The only person whos actions I can judge and wish to influence are my own. In my own relationships I have not accepted anything except total commitment, trust and loyalty. Infidelity is never an option.

The first life affair left me totally drained of all self-respect and confidence in myself. Of course I accept that a person who is involved with someone and/or has a family must give them the highest priority, that goes without saying. However, even with that knowledge it doesn't mean that I must be the one they have their fling with.

It took a lot of time and effort on Ars' part to rebuild me from what I had become during that affair. I cannot understand how I suddenly forgot the lesson learned and was prepared to throw it all away just because of my sexual desperation.

Today I sent a message to the man I have been chatting and planning a date with on a Swedish cruising site, that I am no longer interested in meeting him for a sexual encounter but that I would like to continue our friendship.

Iono Captures SaveMe

When I watch this machinima I understand what straight men see when they look at women. My profound respect and gratitude goes to Iono Allen for this exceptional piece of art.

I would like to add that my former client Ms. SaveMe Oh has never looked more beautiful, even if she is always stunning!

Funny Coincidences

Yesterday my buddy NE0 Timeless posted a response to my recent post about my problems with insomnia. In his post he suggested a wonderful piece of interesting, soothing and relaxing music that I should listen to whenever I had problems sleeping.

The music was Thomas Dolby's song N.E.O. which I am sending you to NE0's blog to listen to, Free Your Mind: A song dedicated to Bock McMillan.
While I was listening to the song I focused on the photography of a meteor that is displayed throughout the video. Suddenly I saw a vague outline of my own face on parts of the meteor, which was rather amusing.

The next funny thing that happened was that when I was going to comment on the post and thank him, I got the following word verification.

Thank you so much for the caring suggestion buddy, I will try it the next time I cannot sleep!

Saturday, June 8, 2013

At the Opening of "Viva l'Italia"

I was invited to the opening of my friend Eddi Haskell´s photo-exhibition "Viva l'Italia" today. my son Guyke accompanied me to.the opening, partly because I always like to hang with him, partly as my chaperon to keep me out of trouble. 

We were a little late in arriving because we had wasted a lot of time getting dressed. After starting out in full gala with tuxedos that could have fit in well at the royal wedding in Stockholm today, we dressed down until we were in extremely casual attire. 

When we arrived the party had already filled up with a host of beautiful men and some women. Mikedacook "Mikey" Dinzeo was the DJ of the evening. I enjoyed his music thoroughly while talking with Guyke in voice and the other guests in local or Instant Message, all the while hungrily looking at the men at the venue - one in particular whom I will spare the embarrassment of being mentioned here. 

Many of my buddies or long time acquaintances were at the party like Eddi and Benja, Garth and Mitch, Rico and Avacar, Mikey's partner Robin, Judas, Mattias, Khar and Christo,.but also many men and women that I did not know - yet

All in all, I had a great time, enjoying the beautiful photographs, the great music and the pleasant conversation. .
Guyke and I admiring one of Eddi's works
I and my favorite among the beautiful photographs
Brent (I was to distracted by his hotness to catch his last name), a
 mysterious and silent stranger with a sexy avatar. I noticed he had rezzed
in 2009, which means he is  like 15-20 years younger than myself
My buddy Christo Spyker.
What is this thing with Dutch men and their bare feet, I wonder?
Christo grooving
My friend, the always charming Kharissa Indigo,
mskes a fashion statement as always
The exhibition will continue until the end of June, I highly recommend you pay it a visit at The Eddi Haskell Gallery (SLurl)

More pictures can be found at my buddies blogs, Eddi Haskell's Second Life and Benja Aquila's Second Life

"You Are A Slut, Bock!"

Today has been sort of a weird day. The first thing I noticed was that I had a cold again and - as always when I have a cold - I had a really nasty cough too.

People sometimes get scared and think I am about to die when they hear me cough, if they haven't heard me coughing before. My coughs come in attacks, are really, really loud and sort of come from the belly up. They sound as if my body is trying to push my lungs out through my mouth.

To alleviate the coughing I took some of my preferred cough syrup, Cocillana-Etyfin. It's an antitussive drug I get prescribed by my sweet Hungarian doctor, The main ingredient in it is ethylmorphine but it also contains other antitussives such as Cocilana extract and Senega extract. The problem is that I probably overdosed the medication a bit today, which is always risky because most of them contain narcotics of some kind and you end up with a high.

A short sidetrack. I formerly used a medication named Lepheton, which combines both ethyl-morphine and ephedrine. If I took the recommended dosage I ended up with the worst nightmares I have ever encountered or the most vivid and wonderful sex dreams  The nightmares were so bad though that I eventually decide to switch to another medication as I could never know or control what kind of dream I would get.

My overdose today made me lightheaded , scatterbrained, unfocused  and totally obsessed with sex. Luckily my stepson Guyke was close at hand so I only talked to him about what was on my unfocused mind, although some of it may have slipped into local chat from time to time in a cloaked way. Guyke wisely enough just laughed at me.

All through the opening of Eddi Haskell's latest exhibition I was discussing sex and my preferences in certain aspects with my SecondLife son, while trying to be charming to the other guests while ogling the beautiful men at the party. I remember thinking to myself at one point, "You are a slut, Bock!", but it did not help me or stop me from going on ranting into poor Guyke's ears.

I am hoping the young man is not scared for life.