Friday, June 21, 2013

Tinies, Furries, Goreans, Romans and More (Correction)

DJ Shadow at the Tinies Dance
A thing I like very much about this years Second Pride is the fact that the board has managed to bring in many of the gay subgroups in SecondLife, with the possible exception of the lesbians who sadly still seem to be preferring a sort of "splendid isolation". Correction, They are here!  Prætor tells me he saw a ton of them here last evening!

In this years Pride celebration the tinies, the furries, the Goreans and the Romans are taking part in a highly visible way with their own presence in exhibitions and events. I thoroughly and completely love it and am grateful to the board for doing this!

Alas I came to the tinies dance just as it was about to end but I am still happy I got there.

Next I went to the jousting arena to see another event between the warriors of Gor and the Roman gladiators. I realize all do not appreciate it, but I sure do like watching the hunky men there and join in the unexpectedly cordial banter going on. The Goreans and Romans seem to be a fun group of people I must say.

I am more than pleased to be able to inform you that I got a promise from Parvin, who seems to be one of the head-honcho's of the Goreans, that next year they will implement a "thongs only" rule for the attire usd during the jousting, thus giving the gloating spectators an eyeful.
 When I got to the furries party I sadly did not set the lighting properly so most of my pictures turned out too dark, except for the one beneath. But that on the other hand is a real beaut!

The furries also seemed like a good natured and kind lot, especially the DJ Skan who humoristically referred to me as "meat" in the most charming manner.
Today was also the day for an inspirational speech by 20 y/o Jordan Maxwell Anderson. The young man shared his wisdom with those of us who were there to listen. What the young man may have lacked in experience he made up in youthful enthusiasm. It was actually more inspiring than I had expected.
The beautiful Lee McKay was there to listen

The Best Legs of the Day - SPF Day 7

Hugho Aeon

Swedish Snus Is Saved!

Snus, is a moist powder tobacco product originating from a variant of dry snuff in the early 19th century in Sweden. It is consumed by placing it under the upper lip for extended periods of time. The precursor of snus, the dry form of snuff inhaled through the nose, was introduced in Europe much earlier. Snus is not fermented and contains no added sugar. Although used in a manner similar to American dipping tobacco, snus does not typically result in the need for spitting and is different from naswar in that snus is steam-pasteurized. (Wikipedia)

Snus is widely consumed in Sweden by a large portion of the Swedish male population and some of the women too. It is considered a healthier way to consume nicotine and has the added benefit of not provoking spiteful comments or hateful glances like the ones smokers get for "polluting the environment".

Snus' sale is illegal in Turkmenistan and the European Union, but due to special exemptions, it is still manufactured and consumed primarily in Sweden and Norway.

The Swedish snus recently came under threat as the EU Commission in its proposed tobacco direktive wanted to regulate the flavors that could be used in snus. It was also suggesting a prohibition to add sodium carbonate, E 500, which is used in all Swedish snus to facilitate nicotine absorption. This prohibition would, according to the manufacturer Swedish Match, ultimately mean "the end of Swedish snus".

Todays meeting of the responsible EU ministers has in Swedish press been described as "a fateful day" for Swedish snus. However, the EU ministers today took Sweden's side, thereby leaving it up to Sweden to continue to determine the flavor and content of Swedish snus.

"I feel very happy", said Minister for Children and the Elderly Maria Larsson, to the waiting journalists on location in Luxembourg. "The joy is for the fact that the tobacco directive has been approved, but in particular the Swedish "victory" on snus. We actually saved the snuff to be free to decide on content, product marketing, ingredients, distinctive flavors and also sodium carbonate and the pouches can maintain their moisture."

How's that for some first life drama?

Kitchens & Bathrooms in SecondLife

Ever since I arrived in SecondLife I have been wondering about all the kitchens and bathrooms we see in-world, when we never really use them for much. Obviously we do not eat, drink, wash, crap or pee in our virtual homes, so why do we let these useless rooms take up space and prims to the extent that we do?

I was reminded about my early fascination on this subject, when I saw my son in-law and friend Ziggy's beautiful picture. The only valid excuses for having bathrooms that I can think of are the many wonderful "sex-in-the-shower/bathtub" animation scenes I have seen.
Photography by Ziggy Starsmith
Quoted from Ziggy and Guyke On The Edge Of Second Life
But what about the kitchens? As far as I can recall I have not seen any sex-animation scenes centered around that particular space in our SecondLife homes.

Considering the many wonderful moments I have spent in the kitchen in first life getting slammed against the kitchen cabinets, thrown on to or over a kitchen table, a sink or a kitchen counter or even rolling around the floor, it is rather amazing that it has not been resulted in any sex-animations. Surely I cannot be alone with these sweet memories, can I?

My old buddy Kip Ashbourne and his husband Chaz Longstaff over at Blue Balls Animations really should start working on this pretty darn soon, in my opinion they could make a fortune or two by catering to this forgotten room. But then again, it may just be that I haven't done a proper market research. There may very well be sex- animations for this room, I just haven't come across them yet.

Trailer for Pride - #7 Lucky Bastard (2009)

Written and directed by Everett Lewis. Starring: Patrick Tatten (Rusty), Dale Dymkoski (Denny), Timothy Ryan Cole (Garrett)


Stairway to Heaven" by Gert Wingårdh
This stair rises 18 meters over the ground and leads to nothing. It weighs six tons and is made of corrugated steel that is painted black. It was created by the architect Gert Wingårdh.

I will admit that it is a constructed object, but is it art? 

Midsummer's Eve

Today is the day of the summer solstice in the northern hemisphere. The solstice marks the peak of summer and takes place when the sun is at its highest point in the sky. After today, the days get shorter until the winter solstice on December 21 when they start to get longer again.

The day is also called Midsummer's eve and is in Sweden, together with Christmas, the traditionally most celebrated holiday of the year. Midsummer is however without a doubt the most loved of the two. Contrary to Christmas there is no pressures or obligations of consorting with relatives, cooking huge festive meals or buying gifts.

On midsummer you hang out with friends and people you like. No gifts are involved and meals can be extremely simple to prepare but still delicious. Besides the weather is warm, daylight lasts around the clock - almost - and it never gets really dark though.
For meals you can get by with boiling small, new potatoes (preferably just washing them lightly in water first to get the dirt off but without peeling them) with some dill, boiling a couple of eggs, opening one or more cans or jars of pickled herring, pouring up some sour cream and cutting some chive. Nothing more is needed except possibly beer or aquavit for snaps. For dessert you simply use fresh strawberries with some cream and a little sugar (if you must). It's absolutely delicious!

If you wish, you can go out go into the bright summer night and pick seven different kinds of flowers and tuck them under your pillow, so that maybe - if you're lucky - you may dream of your future husband or wife. 

Happy Midsummer, dear friends and readers of Bock in SecondLife!