Friday, August 23, 2013


Early evening yesterday I had some time to myself, it was great! And when I found this animation on one of my new couches it felt even better. After having watched myself relaxing in-world for a few minutes I could start feeling that my first life body was starting to relieve itself of some of the tension that had been building up during the week.

Overall I feel better at the moment than I have felt for more than 3,5 years. Everything is hunky dory, except that I have come to the conclusion that I am in fact scared of sex for some reason. I am not certain what about it that scares me really, its not like I haven't done it before. 

Thursday, August 22, 2013

"Nobody Pokes Anymore", He Said

My bosom buddy Apmel Goosson, a.k.a. +Lennart Nilsson commented on my post Facebook Error, see exhibit 1 below.
Exhibit 1
So as the good man I am, I did not wish to leave him un-poked for a second longer than necessary and rushed onto Facebook to give him a good poke, lo and behold this is the response I got from Facebook, see exhibit 2 below.
Exhibit 2
Apmelito, the reason "nobody pokes (you) anymore" is evident, you do not return the pleasure and by doing so cannot receive anymore delicious pokes!

Important Community Information

Today the most important community information that reaches Swedish households in a non-election year was dropped into my letterbox. It is of course - as every Swede knows - the latest IKEA catalog, this time the issue for 2014.

Every Swedish household gets it, most of them will look in it to check what's new, many will start planning what to buy, some will go to one of the stores to look at it and possibly buy it. No matter what they do or how much they get involved they will all know that the new catalog has arrived.

Thats what's called excellent goodwill and brand awareness, no one beats IKEA in those areas in Sweden.

You can browse the U.S. edition here, IKEA Catalogue of 2014

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Facebook Error

The little %&@#¤ is keeping me waiting!

Fiona Apple - "Hot Knife"

Because I can!

Petition: Strip Sochi of the 2014 Winter Games

"Respect for basic human rights, including the right to choose whom you love and being able to show it, must be a fundamental requirement of allowing anyone to stage the Olympic games. Russia doesn't fulfill this requirement with the recent laws against so called "gay propaganda" and should therefore be stripped of the games!"
Bock McMillan (through my primatar)
If you agree please sign the petition at; International Olympic Committee (IOC): Strip Sochi of the 2014 Winter Games

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Demographics of A Diverse World

(via Apmel Goosson at "My Avatar's Name Is Apmel" from Infographics and Data Visualizations @

Apmel adds the interesting piece of information, that the total amount of SecondLife accounts corresponds with half a person in a world as 100 people.