Thursday, September 12, 2013

I Am Leaving Facebook - Again (Updated)

This is just to inform you all that I have decided to drop out of Facebook again. It will most likely happen during the coming weekend.

If I remember correctly from the last time I left, my account will remain on Facebook for two weeks after I have deactivated it  before it is removed.

I rejoined Facebook as a favor to my friend NE0 Timeless and stayed on much longer than I had originally intended, but now I am completely fed up with being easily accessible for certain people there even though I love most of you.

The thing I will miss the most is probably "poking".


OK after posting this I have received a lot of feedback from friends and people I did not know before. Three things have been said that have made me reconsider my decision to leave Facebook.

  1. "If you leave, they win"
  2. "Noli illegitimi carborundum" (Mock-Latin for "Don't let the bastards wear you down") and
  3. "Block them, its easy".

I am now thinking about it and will let you know as soon as I am done.

"Fallen Leaves" - A Spectacular Show

The Spirit Light Dance Company performs its latest dance drama "Fallen Leaves" every Sunday in September, at 1PM SLT. I caught the first performance last Sunday and was, like the rest of the audience, completely enraptured by the show. I recommend everyone to see it.

The story itself is rather insipid. It's the traditional tale of youthful romance that clashes with traditional ways but in the end works itself out - in this case with the encouraging interference of fairies - to a happy end, where each boy and girl gets the girl and boy they love, the families consent and everyone is happy. 

But who ever goes to an opera or a dance recital for the depth and meaningfulness of the libretto or the storyline?  We in the audience were instead treated to a spectacular dance show, with beautiful sets and set changes, beautifully performed and wonderful dances in solos, duets and groups, that were all well synchronized. It was all received favorably by the enthusiastic audience who remained spellbound for the whole ninety minutes.

For more information on the schedule, times and for a SLurl to the theater, please visit my post "Fallen Leaves" - A Dance Drama

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Remembering 9-11

This drawing was made by a child during the week following the attacks of September 11, 2001. It was rescued from being destroyed by rain from the front wall of a Chelsea elementary school by blogger +Joe Jervis, Joe.My.God., on September 18, 2001.
"The Hugging Towers"
Please read Joe's touching original post about how he found the picture, J.M.G.: "One Week Later" (reposting September 18, 2006).

Joe has donated the painting to the museum which now resides on the site of the former World Trade Center.

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

World Suicide Prevention Day 2013

This is a guest post by Krissy Sinclair who has run the Survivors of Suicide-Depression Project in SecondLife for five years.

The Survivors of Suicide Group in SecondLife has over 400 members and is free to join. The goal of the group is to help people in SecondLife find real life help near them. The group offers 24/7 peer to peer support inworld and also offers education on how to prevent suicide and deal with depression. The group does not offer therapy as that should be done in first life with a trained and licensed professional. 

Krissy Sinclair is a social worker in first life, so this is a issue close to her heart.

Survivors of Suicide-Depression Support Project in Second Life

Suicide can be prevented through education and public awareness.

Suicide Facts

  • Suicide takes the lives of nearly 30,000 Americans every year. Many who attempt suicide never seek professional care.
  • Suicide rates in the United States are highest in the spring.
  • Over half of all suicides are completed with a firearm.
  • Over half of all suicides occur in adult men, ages 25-65. For young people 15-24 years old, suicide is the third leading cause of death. Suicide is the 3rd leading cause of death for 15- to 24-year-old Americans. (CDC)
  • Suicide rates among the elderly are highest for those who are divorced or widowed. The highest suicide rate is among men over 85 years old.
  • There are an estimated 8 to 25 attempted suicides to 1 completion.
  • The highest suicide rate is among men over 85 years old.
  • The strongest risk factor for suicide is depression. Substance abuse is a risk factor for suicide.
  • By 2010, depression will be the #1 disability in the world. (World Health Organization)
  • In 2004, 32,439 people died by suicide. (CDC). Suicide is the 11th leading cause of death in the U.S. (homicide is 15th). (CDC)
  • An average of one person dies by suicide every 16.2 minutes. (CDC, AAS)
  • There are four male suicides for every female suicide. (CDC, AAS). There are three female suicide attempts for each male attempt. (CDC, AAS)
  • According to the Violent Death Reporting System, in 2004 73% of suicides also tested positive for at least one substance (alcohol, cocaine, heroin or marijuana).

The Good News

Research has shown medications and therapy to be effective suicide prevention. 80% of people that seek treatment for depression are treated successfully. It is estimated that there are at least 4.5 million survivors in this country. (AAS)

What we can do in Second Life

We can band together and offer education and support to everyone. We can try and touch as many lives positively as possible as a group.

The Survivors of Suicide-Depression Support Project in SecondLife is such a group. We offer:
  • Daily positive living and healing articles
  • 24/7 Peer support via the groups chat
  • Join a community that understands what you are going through, as they are also
  • Education about depression and depression related issues
  • Referrals to real life resources
  • Don't be alone

Who can join us

Anyone! We are open to anyone who needs support, has needed support, has lost a loved one to suicide, who has depression, who wants to help in the fight against depression and suicide.

Look us up inworld at: Survivors of Suicide-Depression Support Project in Second Life (SLurl)

Join the Survivors of Suicide Group inworld! 

If you have any questions feel free to contact: Krissy Sinclair


I would like to thank Krissy for sharing this important information. Although it mainly focuses on facts from the United States, the conditions do not differ much around the world except possibly concerning the means used to commit suicide.

For more International information please visit The International Association for Suicide Prevention (IASP).

Monday, September 9, 2013


A safeword makes it possible for a submissive involved in BDSM to say "No" or "Stop" and pretend as much as he or she wants without really meaning it while still having a safe way of indicating they seriously need the scene to stop.

I am not involved in the BDSM scene but have for completely different reasons negotiated a safeword or a code word with someone. The agreed upon word is "Orange" and is to be used when either of us wishes a certain behaviour to cease or all communication to stop immediately until the following day. 

As I am a forgetful person, I am posting it here for future reference so I can find it when I need it. Otherwise I may end up shouting "Indigo", "Crimson", "Aquamarine" or something else in a futile attempt to bring an end to something. 

An Interesting Second Pride Board Meeting

Last Sunday morning, at 8AM SLT, was the first meeting of the SP2014 board after their installation.
Damian Tar
The agenda for the meeting contained items that can be classified as "potential dynamite" for those of us who are versed in reading such dreary documents. Among other things there was a proposal for changes in the roles of the chairperson and the treasurer. 

The meeting room was packed with mostly interested members and one member who mainly focused his attention on my allegedly puny, insignificant and uninteresting derriere, the sight of which caused him to blackout with boredom according to a post on said members blog.

Although there was a risk of this meeting getting out of hand I am proud to report that it was throughout conducted in a respectful and orderly fashion, much thanks to the competent leadership of the Chair Damian Tar, who was obviously well prepared and conducted the meeting in a calm, kind and responsive manner.
The directors (from left to right) Petr Hastings-Vanbeeck, Karl Kalchek,
Paul Gracemount (Mr. G), Gaius Tripsa, Damian Tar and Hotboy Skytower.
The complete minutes from the meeting are posted on the Second Pride website, SP Board Meeting September 8, 2013. I will however give you my subjective summary here.

The meeting was shocked and astonished to be informed of certain aspects of what had been going on within the board since the election.

It became clear to the assembled members (from the proposed bylaw amendments and the additional information received during the meeting) that the Treasurer had certain trust-issues which had lead him to refuse to, in direct contravention of the bylaws, share the password to the Second Pride Avatar (the treasure chest of the organisation) with the Chair and Co-Chair and to refuse to submit monthly financial reports to the board. The Treasurer had thereby also refused access to the Second Pride Avatar by the Auditing Committee. 

It was also apparent that the Treasurer - for unclear reasons - was at odds with the practice that had been established by the previous boards and had refused to share ownership of the Second Pride Festival Group with the Chair.

After these alarming issues had been discussed extensively the board (or a majority of it) directed the Treasurer to comply with the bylaws and established practices and share passwords and ownership with other members of the board.

I was filled with a great relief and much pride when I left the meeting. Relief  for the competent way the Chair and the board as a whole had handled the situation and pride that the serious topics had been discussed in such a respectful and thoughtful way despite the potentially inflammatory issues.


After the board meeting I have learned that the Treasurer, has complied with or made arrangements for complying with all the boards decisions.

Following the board meeting Paul Gracemount (Mr. G), the Build Director, posted the following message on Facebook.

"To: Second Pride Membership and Board
This letter is to Inform the Second Pride membership and board that effective immediately, I resign the position of Second Pride Build Chair. I wish you good luck in the coming year but I do not have the time to put my best effort into Second Pride. If the Board would inform whomever they elect / select to fill the vacant position to contact me when they assume their duties to discuss the current Second Pride headquarters build.
Thank you all for your support in the past year,Mr Paul Gracemount"

I was extremely sad to read this notice as Mr. G is a levelheaded and charming man and an extremely talented builder who did a great job on the builds for this years festival and the beautiful new headquarters for Second Pride. He and his talents will be sorely missed.

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Poll Concerning My Ass

A certain blogger, who shall remain unnamed, has asserted that looking at my ass made him (yes, it is a man and he is gay too), and I quote, "blackout from boredom". Before reshaping my ass I am going to ask my readers if you agree with said blogger or not.

Please take the poll in the upper right hand corner!