Saturday, November 16, 2013

Second Pride Board Reshuffles

It's been awhile since I was able to attend a Second Pride board meeting, but I follow whats going on closely by reading the agendas and minutes that are posted at the Second Pride website (url).

Lately there have been a few interesting developments that I would like to report for those of you who do not have the time, inclination or patience to read minutes.

Tylo Mabellon (picture), who was elected to the Marketing Chair, has been voted off the board for having missed more than three consecutive regularly scheduled meetings without notification. 

I am hoping that Tylo is well, despite having failed to respond to the questions from the board. He is a pleasant man that worked well as marketing director during the last board.
Merrick Genesis (picture) was voted in to replace Tylo as Marketing Chair at the board's latest meeting on November 13, 2013.

The elected Security Director Gaius Tripsa (picture) was voted off the board at the last meeting for having missed four consecutive regularly scheduled meetings without notification. 

An open call has been made for parties interested in taking over the Security Chair to submit a notecard to the secretary/co-chair Petr Hastings-Vanbeeck as soon as possible. The applications will be posted on the Second Pride website for discussion and comments by the membership.

I don't believe that losing Gaius as a board member is a loss to the board in any way. From what I have observed Gaius has since the elections mostly been destructive and acting as a puppet for the losing faction in the election. He has invariably tried to cause as much havoc and damage as he possibly could whenever or wherever he could, both at meetings and in-between them.

So far two applications have come in and have been posted on the forum. One of the applications is from a European man, Tylendel Falconer, and the other is from an American woman, Sutry Long. As I see it both of them would be qualified and a welcome addition in diversifying the board, whether it be to broaden its geographical base or to improve the gender balance.)

Petr Hastings-Vanbeeck urged the other members of the board to consider appointing co-chairs, so that no-quorum meetings can be avoided in the future. Petr also announced that Andy Long (picture) had agreed to be his Secretary Co-Chair for 2014. 

At the meeting the question was raised on why the board had changed the normal time of the board meetings from Sundays at 11AM to Wednesdays at 7PM. The reply given was that this "is currently (the) time when we can definitely get all the board together to be able to hold a meeting with quorum."

I certainly hope that the board will consider the question of what time to hold its meetings carefully in the future, when they have replaced all the vacancies and non-attendees and also appointed co-chairs, because the new time of the board meeting only accentuates the impression that Second Pride is solely an American affair, which I do not believe is quite the impression the board wishes to convey.

Friday, November 15, 2013

Happy Rezday, Mr. Ashdene

Today is the fifth rezday of the stunning, amazing and delicious man Tomais Ashdene. Happy fifth rezday, Tomais!
"Lumber Camp" by Tomais Ashdene
I am happy that Tomais has reached the age when he can be trusted to be careful around sharp objects, especially when it comes to his more delicate body parts... It would be a pity indeed if "anything" happened to be chopped off by mistake during a photo shoot.

For more of Tomais wonderful photography, please visit PhotoMonkey SL.

Thursday, November 14, 2013

An Evening with Tomais

First we danced a little...

...then we tried out a few cuddles...
..and finally I bought a bicycle and we took a ride all around Southern Charm
I had a wonderful time.

The Ballroom Picture

Today I got the result of my photo shoot with Eeva Rasmusen for the BM Ballroom Promo. Don't we look stunning?

The demonic - and angelic - photographer is my dear friend Kahvy Sands.

Well Said!

Clip description
In this edition of "No More Mr. Nice Gay", Guy Branum explains why he isn't going to see the film adaptation of Orson Scott Card's "Ender's Game". Mr. Card, Guy knows you're homophobic, but he's not boycotting to kill profits; he's doing it for good, old self-respect.

I love it!

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

No Pressure

I keep on trying to tell myself that there is no pressure, that I should just let my body relax, take things as they come and enjoy the ride. "What will happen, will happen! And if it doesn't happen, it will not be the end of the world."
"Puddle Jumper" by Tomais Ashdene 
Usually I'm not at all anxious or nervous around people, I am confident that I will be able to handle almost any situation that may arise, but when he is around I get self conscious, my body gets tense and I hear myself losing control of the English language.

Breathe, breathe, breathe deeply and relax!