Showing posts with label PhotoMonkey SL. Show all posts
Showing posts with label PhotoMonkey SL. Show all posts

Thursday, October 6, 2016

The Difference Between A Master & His Pupil


It's the same wonderful chair by Apple Fall and the same man (although in another avatar-shape and unclothed), but a different venue and a different photographer.

It is easy to spot the differences between the two works, this one by Tomais is the better one in every sense of the word. If you should wish to compare with my snapshot, see my post My Man. I have much to learn, but will keep at it.

Monday, July 7, 2014

On the Beach - Three Aspects

"On the beach - vertical"
"On the beach - square"
"On the beach - horizontal"
While I was modelling for my Tomais yesterday I played around with Windlight settings and taking snapshots to create my version of the same scene. 

What I wanted to achieve was to contain the central part of the picture and present it in differently cropped versions. It can possibly be seen as a comment on "truths".

For Tomais' vision, please visit PhotoMonkey SL:  "Together" (Possibly NSFW).

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

I & My Identical Twin

Sometimes we need to be in two places at the same time, but as we know that isn't possible in our first life. However in SecondLife it is. On Friday evening I realized I had promised to be at two separate places at 12 PM (noon) on Saturday.

First I had promised Tomais that I would be at the Wastelands sim for a photo shoot with him, Lee McKay and Ryder Yowman for the "And equality under the law for all" picture. So I needed to have my body there. The second place I needed to be was the Second Pride board meeting taking place at the exact same time. So I needed to have my mind there.

The problem is impossible to solve in first life, but a no-brainer in SecondLife. I logged in the lairds Secretary of State, my oldest and wisest alt Wild Zepp-McMillan to take care of my presence at the Second Pride meeting, while my body rested safely at the Wasteland sim under the protection of my lover.

Wild hasn't been online much and far less outside of the home sim since he was created, so first thing he needed was new clothes. (He only had system clothing and any McMillan would rather be seen naked.) He was sent off to a trip to The Men's Department with an allowance of L$2 000. After only spending about L$500 he was good to go and a pride to see.
I can understand if you have difficulty telling us apart, but left to right it is
Bock McMillan and Wild Zepp-McMillan
The experiment was a complete success, I am happy to say, and I was able to perform my obligations in both places, thanks to Wild and being in constant communications with Tomais on Skype.

The photo shoot turned out wonderfully and I am extremely proud to have been a part of it.
And equality under the law for all.
"And equality under the law for all" Photography by Tomais Ashdene
with (left to right) me, Ryder. Lee and Tomais

You can see more of Tomais photography on his his Flickr photostream here or his Tumblr PhotoMonkey SL (NSFW). However, all four of us were ejected from Wastelands and sent back to our respective homes when we tried to pull off the naked version of the picture.

The Second Pride meeting went well too, for the minutes please visit SP Board Meeting Minutes 4-19-14 and for the transcript please visit Transcript of SP meeting on 4-19-14.

As could be expected, the present Marketing Director World Undercroft and Event Director Merrick Genesis, were relieved of their duties for failure to attend three consecutive meetings in a row without permission from the Chair.

The meeting was informed that the key responsibilities of the Marketing Director would be performed jointly by Karl Kalchek and Baz Ceawlin. As the position of Events Director is crucial for the upcoming Festival, even I could see that the position would have to be filled with someone who had the skills for the office. I was therefore not at all surprised when level headed Marge Beaumont made a motion that the position, in accordance with the bylaws, should be filled immediately by Kharissa Indigo (a.k.a. the Relentless Khar).

Although I myself love Khar and could see that she had the required skills I was worried by this nomination both for Khar's own sake and for the sake of Second Pride as she has been a target of "some contention" (to put it mildly) within the community, so I gave voice to my concerns at the meeting.

After being assured by several members of the board that they would not allow Khar to stand alone as a target and that they had discussed policies to handle such a situation I was satisfied. The board then appointed Khar to the position of Events Director.

We were then introduced to The Sponsor and Vendor packages for the Festival, and the registration form for those who had purchased those packages.

Next meeting will be Sunday, May 4 at 12 PM (noon) SLT.

P.S. I would like to clarify that Merrick Genesis absence is due to first life health issues, not through any desire to neglect his duties.

Friday, April 11, 2014

Picture of the Day - 49

Walk in the snow
"Walk in the snow" Photography by Tomais Ashdene

If you wish to see more of Tomais' photography, please visit his Flickr photostream here or his Tumblr PhotoMonkey SL (NSFW).

Monday, April 7, 2014

Picture of the Day - 45

Gone Fishing
"Gone Fishing" Photography by Tomais Ashdene

If you wish to see more of Tomais´s photography, please visit his Flickr photostream here or his Tumblr PhotoMonkey SL (NSFW).

Sunday, March 23, 2014

Photo Safari

My Tomais and I went on a photographic expedition yesterday to Kaelyn Alecto's "It all starts with a smile..."-sim, because there is an ongoing photography contest on Flickr which Tomais is taking part in. (It all starts with a smile... - Photography Contest).
"Lazing together at the dock..." Photography by Tomais Ashdene
Tomais found a nice spot and started playing with his Windlight-settings (He actually has more than the 20,000+ than I have in my viewer, apparently it is possible to download a a shitload of other settings from somewhere.) While Tomais was doing that and taking pictures I was chatting away at him on Skype to his muttering responses.

I eagerly followed Tomais work process in Photoshop with his picture. It is always fascinating to see how he detects and corrects glitches and how he can enhance his pictures seemingly without effort. The effortlessness of course comes through skill and practice. Although many people often tell me that I am the most patient man in SecondLife, I do not hesitate to admit that I would never have the patience - or talent - to learn how to do it.

Anyway, after awhile I started to take a few pictures myself and I submit to my version of the same scene.
"Bock's version" by Bock McMillan
As you may have noticed, I am now using it as my blog header.

If you wish to see more of Tomais awesome photography you can visit his Flickr Photostream or PhotoMonkey SL (NSFW).

I also posted my picture to my own Flickr Photostream - it's the only one there so far - and joined the Flickr group "It all starts with a smile..." - Photo Contest to submit it to the contest.

Furthermore, I consider that Dejerrity Mycron must be partnered soon. The wonderful man's single status is an utter mystery to me and he certainly needs other things to occupy his mind. Interested parties should contact me a.s.a.p. for additional information.

Friday, January 24, 2014

Catching Up with My Lives

After a good night sleeps my internal hard drives have started working again as they are supposed to do and I have started catching up with my lives.

So what has been going on while I was away in Uppsala for three days and zonked out for a fourth?

My parents, who live on the fifth floor in their building, have been trapped inside for four days because the elevator stopped working, apparently some safety fuse burned out. 

In modern day Sweden it has become customary for the service companies to keep as few essential parts as possible in stock, so they had to order it from the manufacturers in Germany or some similarly "distant" country, and not by express delivery or overnight shipping either. Instead my elderly parents and some of their similarly elder neighbors were held as prisoners in their homes.

My mother told me she had actually gone down to the mailbox, which in modern Swedish buildings are located on the ground floor close to the entrance, on the second day. Going down had been easy she said, but getting back up to the apartment again had taken her several hours in the stairs. I promptly scolded her for this adventurous trip, while at the same time understanding why she did it.

Luckily my parents - as always - had been well stocked with food and other essentials, except they ran out of milk, and could stay indoors.

However it seems to me that modern Swedish society seems to willingly making itself more and more vulnerable and unable to handle "unexpected" or other crisis situations. Our modern day society seems to live with the concept that everyone is young, healthy and fully functional, which should be apparent for everyone that we aren't as the population gets more and more elderly and modern technology exposes us to a larger dependency of spare parts. Nothing these days can be banged into place or fixed with a rubber band, you need an electronic card or something highly complicated.


My dear friend and mentor in blogging, the amazing Eddi Haskell celebrated his seventh rezday on Wednesday January 22, 2014.

Belated congratulations to you my friend!

Eddi shares some of his accumulated wisdom on life in SecondLife in his celebratory Ask Eddi-post, Ask Eddi: What Advice Can You Give To Others After Being a Second Life Resident For 7 years?


"Sailor in the wild..." Photography by Tomais Ashdene
"911, called." Photography by Tomais Ashdene
"Isle of Mousai" Photography by Tomais Ashdene
My husband Tom has been busy photographing and today posted this wonderful picture on his Tumblr. For more of Tomais photography please visit Flickr - Tomais Ashdene or Photomonkey SL (NSFW).

Note: I changed the photos because my hubby informed me that the two above were the ones he actually did while I was away, while the first picture I posted was done several months ago.

My bosom buddy Apmel Goosson on his blog "My Avatar's Name is Apmel" in two posts informs his readers about the project that has been going on Tom's and my home-sim Southern Charm over the last week, which will come to it's conclusion with a concert by Ultraviolet Alter in an installation by Betty Tureaud today Friday January 24, 2014, 2PM SLT.

SLurl to the event

Apmel's posts can be read here: Oändligt långt från Southern Charm (in Swedish, but translation is available) and here Friday Tip: The Infinity Space over Southern Charm (in Swedish but translation is available)

Friday, January 17, 2014

Point of View

Isn't it fascinating how two people sometimes can look at the same view and see completely different things?
"Together" Photography by Bock McMillan
"Together" Photography by Tomais Ashdene
For more of Tomais photography please visit Flickr - Tomais Ashdene or Photomonkey SL (NSFW).

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Married Life

Being married agrees with me, except when my husband expects me to get up early in the mornings to fry his chicken wings for breakfast.
"Morning with the husband". Photography by Tomais Ashdene
I get to massage my husbands aching muscles when he has been out shoveling snow in first life.
We have fun with family and friends using every possible vehicle known to man.
Kayaking with Guyke
Hanging with Ziggy & Guyke at Ziggy's new home
Flying with Wayne (and Holter)
Sledding with Dej
Then we have those wonderful times when we are alone together, sometimes trying to make babies.

For more of my husband Tomais Ashdene's photography please visit these websites:
Tumblr (NSFW): PhotoMonkey SL

Friday, November 15, 2013

Happy Rezday, Mr. Ashdene

Today is the fifth rezday of the stunning, amazing and delicious man Tomais Ashdene. Happy fifth rezday, Tomais!
"Lumber Camp" by Tomais Ashdene
I am happy that Tomais has reached the age when he can be trusted to be careful around sharp objects, especially when it comes to his more delicate body parts... It would be a pity indeed if "anything" happened to be chopped off by mistake during a photo shoot.

For more of Tomais wonderful photography, please visit PhotoMonkey SL.