Sunday, November 24, 2013

Second Pride - Finally A Full Board Again

I have been remiss in my bogging to keep you updated on Second Pride, if you desperately need someone to blame I suggest you speak to Mr. Tomais Ashdene.

However, there was a board meeting last Thursday (which I unfortunately could not attend due to timezone hassles) that presented quite a few interesting developments. If you should wish to read the complete and unadorned minutes please visit the Second Pride website, Meeting Minutes of SP Board Meeting Nov 20, 2013 (url).

Here are my personal reflections on what occurred.

The attending membership was informed that Damian Tar had chosen to resign as Chairperson of the Second Pride board. He was duly thanked for his services to Second Pride.

This news saddened me greatly. Damian has been treated abominably by parts of the gay community, both in the election process and afterwards. He has received countless vicious and unreasonable personal attacks ever since he declared his intention of running for Chair. Damian has not even been granted the common decencies, that are fundamental principles of every democratic society, the right of being considered innocent until proven guilty or the chance to be heard in his own defence. Instead he has been judged, condemned and hung out to dry by the mob in whispering campaigns on social forums with little or no mercy shown.

I have grown to like, respect and admire Damian, but I can also see that in the end the hostility and focus on his person took away his and the boards ability to perform the important work they are elected to do. With the added burden of his sickness it is understandable that he, for his own good and the good of Second Pride, finally decided to step down. Like the board, I wish Damian all the best for the future.

Petr Hasting-Vanbeeck was appointed to replace Damian as chairperson.

Petr is a hardworking, no-nonsense and charming man who is well equipped to handle this position. I trust him and his level headedness to assure that the board's focus now is turned to the business at hand.

Andy Long was appointed to the position of Secretary/Co-Chair. I welcome this appointment also, although I will implore the new secretary to in the future spell my last name correctly, i.e. McMillan with two capital M's.

Sutry Long was appointed to the vacant position of Security Director. I am certain that Sutry will be an asset in the boards continued work.

So we finally have a full board again, lets get some work done people!

IT Director Jagger Naughton informed that Baz Ceawlin had agreed to become his co-chair.

At the meeting Petr then commenced to announce the creation of an ad hoc committee to review the bylaws of Second Pride.The committee is to be co-chaired by board directors Karl Karlchek and Marge Beaumont and include "Doc Spad, Bock Mcmillan (sic!) and one more as yet unnamed committee member".

Madonna - The Virtual History Tour

I dragged along my scrumptious "love interest" to this event at Provincetown yesterday. I had the most wonderful time in the company of Tomais. The pleasure was added to by the presence of his friend Keebo and my friend Butch. The two friends "just happened" to turn up, no doubt to see to it that nothing untoward took place. On a sidenote, I must inform ya'll that I have so far successfully guarded my regrown virginity, except for sessions of cuddling and kissing. This in spite of warnings from Guyke not to let the hot Tomais "wait too long". Oh, I must also tell you though that I am slowly getting better at emoting, which is a tricky art form indeed.

Over to the main story of this post, Madonna's Virtual History Tour in SecondLife.

I had a great time at the event for about 90 minutes, at which point I just got tired, restless and a bit bored - unfortunately the show continued for another 30 minutes. Editing is essential in all all artforms! I could easily shorten this otherwise exceptional performance with stunning avatars, amazing sets and well synced dances, just by cutting away the many and long breaks for scenery changes - when the audience was left looking at the curtain or a façade and the Lady Gaga insertions.

Friday, November 22, 2013

Trying Out Poses

My "love interest", the delectable Tomais, and I visited at Vice Poses main store last evening to try out a few poses.

We do look stunning together and our bodies seem to fit together like a glove, so keep all your fingers crossed.

For Podophiliacs

I am terribly proud of my new (correctly tinted) mesh feet and show them off whenever I can. Actually come to think of it, I haven't worn socks once since I got them tinted.

They look absolutely lickable, wouldn't you agree?

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Prostitution in SecondLife

When I was at the SL Shoetopia Fair yesterday to pick up a few shoes at the Valiant showcase I saw a really tacky female avatar pass by and couldn't help but follow her with my cam.

Suddenly I was passed a notecard named "Prices and rates", which informed me that she charged L$1.500 for 15 minutes of voice chat and L$500 for 15 minutes of text chat.

I also received the following Instant Message:
ღT-------e S-.J---- B------dღ: "Don't just stare, pay and play!"
ღT-------e S-.J---- B------dღ: "Wooo!~!"

I immediately blocked her!

The whole experience reminded me of an experience I had when visiting Munich, Germany, when I was 25 years old, and happened to stray off the main streets in broad daylight, it was around 12PM local time. As I was passing what I thought were two elderly hausfraus standing at a door talking with each other, one of them (who looked to be my grandmothers age at the time) turned to me and said "Willst du mit, schatz?" ("Do you want to come with me, honey?"). I couldn't believe what I heard so I asked "Wie bitte?" ("Excuse me?") and when she repeated her question I answered "Nein danke, gnädige Frau" ("No thanks, ma'am!") and hastily moved away shuddering, sweating and blushing all over.

I felt the same embassament at that time as I did yesterday at the fair. Can't an innocent, sweet, gay guy walk about minding his own business looking at shoes without being accosted by "working girls" anymore?

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

The Meeting of The Day

Don't miss it, those of you who can make it!

There are now four candidates for the vacant Security Chair, beside Tylendel Falconer and Sutry Long (whom I have informed you about earlier) we now also have Andre’ “Andy” Rennebohm and Jake. Read the candidates statements here to prepare for the meeting.

Yeah, yeah, I mistakenly published this yesterday, but the meeting is actually today!