Showing posts with label face light. Show all posts
Showing posts with label face light. Show all posts

Thursday, August 11, 2016

Conceited Much?

"AC 4 - Conceited as hell" by Pwnchy
This is a what actually came out of my mouth at a photoshoot today, when I was modelling in a picture with my husband Tomais Ashdene, the second most patient man in SecondLife.

"Well, maybe I should take my face lights off, because right now my radiant beauty attracts most of the attention in the picture. Wouldn't you agree?"

Tomais agreed.

Sunday, November 24, 2013

Madonna - The Virtual History Tour

I dragged along my scrumptious "love interest" to this event at Provincetown yesterday. I had the most wonderful time in the company of Tomais. The pleasure was added to by the presence of his friend Keebo and my friend Butch. The two friends "just happened" to turn up, no doubt to see to it that nothing untoward took place. On a sidenote, I must inform ya'll that I have so far successfully guarded my regrown virginity, except for sessions of cuddling and kissing. This in spite of warnings from Guyke not to let the hot Tomais "wait too long". Oh, I must also tell you though that I am slowly getting better at emoting, which is a tricky art form indeed.

Over to the main story of this post, Madonna's Virtual History Tour in SecondLife.

I had a great time at the event for about 90 minutes, at which point I just got tired, restless and a bit bored - unfortunately the show continued for another 30 minutes. Editing is essential in all all artforms! I could easily shorten this otherwise exceptional performance with stunning avatars, amazing sets and well synced dances, just by cutting away the many and long breaks for scenery changes - when the audience was left looking at the curtain or a façade and the Lady Gaga insertions.

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

The Rhino Writers Broadcasting Party

SL Live Radio broadcast party at the Rhino Writers pavilion at SL10B can only be characterized as a thundering success.

DJ's Johny Alderton and Heloq Tomsen kept all of us in an excellent mood with their music and chat. The crowd was lively and and in excellent spirits so we all had a good time. Among other things I learned that Heloq is from Italy and that his name is pronounced "Ghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh-elo-kkkk".
Butch, myself & Guyke
From a strictly personal point of view there were a few added benefits and some drawbacks, which I will list for you here (What is it with me and lists these days, this must be the tenth in just a few days..?)


  1. I got to meet Dodo, my most dedicated reader (which was proven by the fact that he was the only one who had read my post on saggy pants)
  2. Vampi Twine-DeSantis-McMillan-McMillan (honorary) was there, I had not met her in a long time.
  3. Bastien Berboral kindly shared a few  landmarks to shops I had never heard of after showing me pics of their awesome clothing lines.


  1. My son told me that, "Face lights are so 80's!" (I am so not going to share my new landmarks with him.)
  2. My friend Butch told me that my beautiful skin is "OLD!". If I had newer skin I would not need face lights, was his reasoning.

Well I guess that's what you have family and friends for, to tell you the awful truth when you need to hear it. The only problems are that I feel ugly without the face light - as the old-timer that I am - and I love my skin. Oh well, maybe I do need to update my appearances, but it will be a struggle....