Thursday, November 28, 2013

Mission of Mercy

My prospective lover and I decided to go out motorboating yesterday. As Butch logged into SecondLife just as Tomais was preparing the boat he was invited to join us.
After we had been out to sea, enjoying the sun, wind and pleasant conversation (although I was secretly irritated by Butch shamelessly flaunting his huge bulge at my boyfriend) Tomias informed us that he had received a "Mayday"-call. Apparently the Prince of Paradijs, my son and heir, had been out flying with Dex Moleno in one of my son's latest toys (The big spender bought no less than t-w-o airplanes yesterday) and had now crashed somewhere in the middle of the Blake Sea.

I suggested to Tomais that we should ignore it and let the princeling stew a while on the desolate island, but the man has a heart of gold and was by the steering wheel so it was - after a little bickering on my part - decided that we would be merciful and pick Guyke up anyway.
When we arrived at the island the poor princeling was huddling by a fire and looked like a drowned cat, at that moment my heart overflowed (temporarily) with warm and fuzzy feelings and I was happy that I had been persuaded.
Having picked up Guyke we continued the trip across the Blake Sea and later ended up getting merman-outfits and merman-AO's, but thats another post.

Happy Thanksgiving

I wish all of my American family, lover and friends a wonderful thanksgiving, with loads of food and drink, football and games with family members who are as peaceful and contented as the people in Norman Rockwell's illustration.
"Freedom from Want" (1943) by Norman Rockwell

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Happy Blogoversary Eddi Haskell's Second Life

My mentor in blogging Eddi Haskell's celebrates the fifth blogoversary of his blog today. The blog has now been renamed Eddi & Ryce's Second Life.

Thank you for five wonderful years, Eddi my friend, and I for one am hoping for five more years of following you!

Hugs buddy!

Crown Shopping

Late in the evening yesterday the Much Honored Bock McMillan, laird of Southern Charm, prince of Cascade Falls, Sovereign Ruler of the Commonwealth of Southern Enchantment Region and Outer Territories and finally UN appointed Protector of the Solace Island and Mount Whitney sims in SecondLife, and Tomais Ashdene, Duke of Erat etc, etc, decided that it was high time that Guyke, Prince of Paradijs, and Butch (who is a prince of Cascade Falls but has not yet formally been bestowed a title) had earned their crowns. Butch was reluctant - in his traditional sheepish manner - but a crown was forced on him nonetheless.

Two beautiful crowns were purchased at Medieval Designs for the upcoming audience with the haughty Queen BM, Queen of the Netherlands in SecondLife etc, etc.

Enough Said...

This hangs on the bedroom walls of my "love interest", Tomais. (Yes, I have actually been there - standing in the doorway of course! *blushes*)

Need clues? (I didn't, so I may be a geek too). OK, think of the creation of universe, television and the humor of social disability through a supreme intellect, i.e. low EQ and high IQ.

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Take The Geek Test

 How geeky are you? (url)

My score, but everyone around me is 83% or above, except the lovable Ziggy who only got a measly 19% (as rumor has it)!

Fine Dancing

The Much Honored Bock McMillan,  laird of Southern Charm etc, etc, Tomais, Duke of Erat etc, etc, and Guyke, Prince of Paradijs (the traditional title bestowed to the heir of the laird) etc, etc, and other royalty in SecondLife received a special invitation from her majesty BM, Queen of the Netherlands in SL etc, etc, and the dance master her dance master Mr. Kahvy Sands Esq. to attend an event of light entertainment and fine dancing on Sunday evening.

We were of course all delighted to accept and cherished this rare occasion to escape the gawking stares and pointing fingers of the plebs. The only two commoners present (except for the entertainers) were Ms. Helene Dragoone and Mr. Butch Diavolo (in shoes!).

Entertainment was provided by an amazing singer Reallymad ''Mick'' Morpork and later by the DJing talents of Mr. Sands.
As the duke proved to be extremely useful in these surroundings and very adept in choosing the correct dances, the laird could relax and enjoy himself completely in his strong and muscular arms.
The Laird and the Duke in a pasodoble
The Prince of Paradijs and Ms. Dragoone