Sunday, June 7, 2015

On "VPL" - Updated

My husband Tomais steadfastly insists that he is not funny, but I disagree completely. No man has ever before consistently made me laugh so often and so much as he does.

A couple of nights ago, while we were talking on Skype as usual, Tomais suddenly mentioned the abbreviation VPL, don't ask me how and why because the conversation leading up to it has been wiped off my teflon-memory. 

Jon Hamm,
The King of VPL
My understanding and knowledge of the English language is quite good, even if I say so myself, but it is not my mother-tongue so there are still some unchartered areas that become apparent occasionally. VPL was one of those, I had never heard the expression before so I asked him what it meant.

Jon Hamm, a.k.a.
"The Rosetta Bulge"
"It means ´Visible Penis Line´", my darling told me with a serious voice, as I exploded with laughter.

Then as he continued telling me about the rules I almost croaked, "Underwear, bicycle pants or wet boxers don't count, because anyone can show a VPL in those outfits". (This means that my friend Kandinsky's favorite picture of a Polish bicycle team is out of the contest, see my previous post Re: Bicycle Pants.)

According to writer Christian Zamora at Buzzfeed, when he ranks The 21 Most Important Celebrity Bulges Of All Time: "All bulges are ranked and measured on a scale of zero to five Jon Hamm's. Each bulge [is] evaluated on its outline, girth, and prominence to determine its rank and the number of Hamm's it deserve[s]".

As far as I know there is no equivalent term for this phenomenon in the Swedish language, except possibly the Swedish words for "poseur", "indiscreet" or "show-off". That fact does however not mean that we haven't noticed the phenomenon before.

Update 2015-06-10
For those who want to see more VPL you should visit the Tumblr-blog "Visible Penis Line", although from what I could see at a quick glance most of the pictures posted seem to fall into the illegitimate category according to "Tomais Rule of VPL´s"

Saturday, June 6, 2015

Picture of the Day - 361

Ship Ahoy!
"Ship Ahoy!" by Roman Godde

If you wish to see more of Roman's photography, please visit his Flickr photostream here.

It's Int'l Kiss-A-Swede Day 2015

So it's June 6th again and time to celebrate Sweden's National Day and The Swedish Flag Day. In SecondLife it has for some years also been known as The International Kiss-A-Swede Day.
Sweden Flag Grunge by Mystica-264
On this days we Swedes - as a gesture of peace, love and understanding - offer the International community our sweet, soft and supple lips for a kiss to those of you who wish to forgive us for having raped, robbed, pillaged and burned your ancestors, your towns and your countries in bygone days.

Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Futile Endeavors

Tonight we tried to get in to The Arcade, the monthly gacha event which starts a new round on every 1st of the month, for a very long time. Finally Tomais managed to get in on the Gacha Galley but I did not succeed...

Read more about The Arcade (url)

Picture of the Day - 360

there is so much i want you to know
"there is so much i want you to know" by Jordan Giant

If you wish to see more of Jordan's photography, please visit their Flickr photostream here.

At Sea with the New Bandit IF

Alalyse Dean, is another of the many amazing content creators in SecondLife. She focuses mainly on creating ships and boats and sells them through her company Bandit.

Last weekend Analyse released a new sail boat - The Bandit IF (International Folkboat) - and I am sure you know that my consort was first in line to get it. Tomais had in fact already prepared the retexturing so he had it ready for when he could finally buy the boat.
What separates the Bandit IF from other sail boats in SecondLife is, as I understand it, that is intentionally made so that it needs two people to sail it, the skipper and his slave (although Tomais insists that the term is "crew". When we tried it out yesterday I am certain that you can guess who acted was skipper and who was the slave.
I am certain that Tomais thoroughly enjoyed the experiences of ordering me about for once, and - actually - so did I. We had a long and wonderful sailing experience and Tomais was very happy with his latest acquisition.
Before we finished our voyage yesterday - and I was sent of to bed - we were invited to our friend Petr Vanbeek's home for some newly baked cookies, hot coffee and cold beer.

Monday, June 1, 2015

Club Ωmega - Grand Opening Tonight @ GFW

Rico Bluestar and Astanias are happy to welcome you all to the grand opening of their joint venture Club Ωmega! 

The party starts at 5 PM SLT and the DJ is HerrDirektor.