Tuesday, December 4, 2018

This Year We Were First...

Last year Tomais and I almost missed sending out our Holiday greetings to friends and family, so this year Tomais started early and we had the card ready to send out in the middle of November, or close enough...
"Holiday Card 2018" by Tomais Ashdene
Tomais informed me, with a stern voice, that we were sending the card out either when we received our first card or December 1st, whichever happened first.

We wish all our family and friends a 
wonderful and happy holiday season!

Monday, December 3, 2018

Second Pride: Habemus Praesidem!

The LGBT+ residents and our straight allies of SecondLife waited with bated breath for the announcement from the Special Meeting that had been called on Saturday for the particular purpose to appoint a new Chairperson.

All eyes were fixed on the tiny chimney perched on the roof of the Meeting-skybox for a sign of either black smoke or white smoke. Then suddenly, at 1:40 PM SLT, the smoke appeared. And it was gloriously white! The board had agreed (6-0, with 1 abstention) on a Chairperson for Second Pride.

Sister's and brother's, sing out in joy and exultation, for we are no longer orphaned lambs shambling our way through the desert in disarray, facing the dangers without a leader to guide us. 

Please join me in welcoming our new shepherd, and leader, 
Lee McKay!!!

Saturday, December 1, 2018

World AIDS Day 2018

Remember those of us who died. Do what you can to prevent the disease from spreading. It's so fucking easy, don't have unprotected sex with people you don't know.

Tuesday, November 27, 2018

"This Is My Fight Song"

There is too little fighting spirit in first life and SecondLife.

Get out there, fight for your rights and the rights of your brother and sisters all around the world.

If you feel complacent and comfortable, raise your head and look further than your nose. There are people still suffering in the world who are denied the rights you take for granted. Then think of the rights you have today, which may not be there tomorrow. Do you feel the winds changing and how it's getting colder again?

"I still got a lot of violence in me!"

Sunday, November 18, 2018

On The Importance of Raking Forests

Thursday, November 15, 2018

Happy 10th Rezday, Tomais!

Night Life
"Night Life" by Tomais Ashdene

My wonderful and sexy husband celebrates his 10th rezday in SecondLife today. He is so lucky that I have decided to remain married to such an old avatar. Of course, that decision may have been affected by his pleasant nature and his stunningly good looks.

Wednesday, November 14, 2018

Rude Fashion Designers

We all know that some fashion designers in first life aren't known for being civil or courteous. Stefano Gabbana called Selena Gomez "ugly", Karl Lagerfeld said Adele was "a little too fat" and let's not go near John Galliano's abusive racist and antisemitic comments.

Did you know that fashion designers in SecondLife are just as bad?

I have a friend who has his own brand of clothing and he asked me if I would try out some of his new pants the other evening. As the always charming and agreeable man that I am, I agreed to do it.

When I pointed out two small, but ever so irritating, problems, a glitch in the "autohide body"-script and the fact that the ass of the pants seemed to be made for Kim Kardashian, the designer came over at once, took a look and then proceeded to tell me the problem was not with the pants he made but my body.

"You have childbearing hips", he told me, "and no ass. My pants are designed for men." (His emphasis, not mine.)

How rude is that, I ask you?

I most certainly was not rendered speechless by this blatant rudeness, but instead graciously informed my dear friend, that as we were speaking, songs and odes were being written about the wonders of my exquisite body, my slender manly hips, and my voluptuous, perky and peachy derriere. There was nothing at all wrong with my body, it was his "autohide body"-script that was faulty and he had made the ass enormous.

(P.S. Ughhh I don't know what is going on with my left wrist...)

PLEASE NOTE: I have been told that people don't always understand my jokes (or even when I am joking). To be on the safe side, let me tell you that Petr and I were both joking and having fun.