Showing posts with label Jynxx. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Jynxx. Show all posts

Saturday, February 22, 2014

Climax - A 12 Hour Celebration

"Reach your climax as we celebrate out athletes and victories within the LGBT community from 12pm to 10pm SLT on February 22nd. We'll have plenty of music and dancing as we honor LGBT athletes who have overcome all odds and wowed us with their athletic talents.
DJ Jynxx 10am – 12pm
DJ Regi Yifu 12pm – 2pm
DJ LLedge 2pm – 4pm
DJ Gingersnap 4pm – 6pm
DJ Hotboy 6pm – 8pm
DJ Abi Bracken 8pm – 10pm
We look forward to seeing you at the Second Pride sim for this exciting event."

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Finally Moving Ahead

The Second Pride meeting on Sunday was a joy to witness for a devoted member. Instead of the bickering and infighting that has characterized the previous meetings, the few members that had assembled, saw a board working constructively to deal with the issues at hand and even raise their eyes to look into the future.
Left to right: Jagger Naughton, Sutry Long, Marge Beaumont, Karl Kalchek,
Andy Long, Jak Calcutt, Hottie B LockJaw and Merrick Genesis
The second most huggable man in SecondLife Jak Calcutt (Build Director) was granted access to the Second Pride avatar for the remainder of this year. The step was taken to avoid unnecessary delays in building as the avatar holds all the landscaping material, textures and buildings etc. that are owned by the organisation. The board and the membership present were convinced that enough safeguards are in place.

Jaggy’s Co-chair for IT Director is Baz Ceawlin, Andy’s Co-chair for Secretary/Co-chair is Story Long, Sutry’s Co-chair for Security Director is Jordan Anderson, Marge’s Co-chair for SP Treasurer is Jynxx Beebe. Karl, Jak, Hottie B (the board member formerly known as Hotboy) and Merrick are still looking for suitable candidates.

(Source my imperfect memory and Meeting Minutes of SP Board Meeting December 8, 2013)