Showing posts with label Second Pride. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Second Pride. Show all posts

Saturday, November 10, 2018

SP Board Meeting 11/10/18, 12 PM SLT

The Chair Rez Vale-Starfall™ has called a board meeting for today at 12PM SLT. 

Proposed agenda:Call to Order
Move to adopt the minutes from the last meeting

Major topics to be discussed:

1- Dates and theme of Holiday Event
    a) Vendors?
    b) Theme ideas
    c) Dates
2- Event ideas for 2019?
    a) Easter?
    b) Valentines Day?
    c) 4th of July?
3- SP Festival
    a) Dates
    b) Theme (15th Anniversary)
    c) Vendor/Sponsor Pricing (Done)
    d) 1 sim or rent a 2nd?
4- Based on decisions
    a) All departments submit budget to Treasurer by     15NOV18
    b) Anyone not submitting a budget gets no money

Tuesday, October 16, 2018

SP Meeting 10/06/18 - Minutes Posted

The minutes from the Second Pride Board meeting on October 6th, 2018, have now been posted on the Second Pride website.

Here's a link directly to the minutes (url).

After the eventful meeting, the Second Pride Board now has the following members.

Rez Vale-Starfall™ (DJReZ Cyberstar)

Mikey Vale (MikeAdam)

Bock McMillan

Events/Marketing Director
Nicky Windstorm (DunceMidwest)

Community Relations/Marketing Director
i0n (AlPrunty)

Security Director
Tootsie Nootan

Building Director
Starter Evenstarr (starter232)

Technology Director
Lee McKay

Sunday, October 14, 2018

SP Board Meeting Today at 12 PM (Noon) SLT

As announced by the Chair Rez Vale-Starfall in the Second Pride Festival Group yesterday, there will be a meeting of the board today at 12 PM (noon) SLT.

"Tentative agenda
1. Call to Order
2. Motion to adopt previous Meeting Minutes
3. Agenda items for discussion (not all inclusive):
a) Halloween Event
b) Holiday Party dates need to be determined.
c) SP Festival dates need to be determined.
d) Additional events that we would like to discuss. (Valentines Day, Easter, Woodstock, etc.)
e) On all official Second Pride communications going out to the public should include the official Second Pride logo.
f) How the Marketing Directors chores have been divided between the Events and CR Directors
g) An update from all the departments on what they are working on, a brief summary of the present financial situation and ask for budgets to be sent to Bock
h) Tootsie would like to add Levi and KIT as Estate Managers
4. Motion to adjourn meeting.

This is an open working meeting. However, the members-at large-are not required to attend."

The meeting will be held at Second Pride HQ (SLurl).

Monday, October 8, 2018

A Message From The Chairman of SP

This message has been posted on the Second Pride website (url) today.
"Dear Second Pride Members,
You may or may not have heard about a very upsetting Board meeting today [October 6, 2018]. As everyone is aware there was a snafu with the original voting process. This, as I have stated already publicly, was my fault. I owned my mistake and the Board took measures to correct that error. Which I supported 100%. It was Bock McMillan that pointed out to me that the IT Director was to be the Election Chairman, according to the Bylaws in place. He was again 100% correct. The system that was originally used was not vetted by the Election Chair, Lee McKay. Therefore, it could not be used in the state it was in. Additionally, the security was just not there. That was a serious concern to all the Board and should have been with the candidates and members-at-large. 
A new voting system was created specifically for Second Pride Elections. It took longer to create then initially anticipated. Anyone who has looked at an SL script knows how complex they can be. We all wanted a secure way for everyone to vote. That way there could be no questions as to the legitimacy of the vote. 
That’s the background. So what happened? 
Today during the Second Pride new Board Member seating the newly elected Marketing Director called into question the integrity of the Election Chair and myself. Also called into question was the legitimacy of the voting process. Mind you he WON, by a large margin.
After some back and forth with others on the Board, the Marketing Director began making derogatory statements and accusations against the Second Pride Board. Pointing out how unfair the election process had been and how it was suspicious how everything happened and how it was handled. Stating that he was not pointing fingers, but calling out the positions of the Board that he had issue with. Well, since there is only one person in any given Board position, it was easy to see how he was actually accusing that positions, inherent occupier. He went on further to degrade the members-at-large, stating “I know that during the second process, the overall feeling was very subdued, people felt angry, disgusted and resigned.” As Chairman, I did not get that sense. During the process, Jimmy was constantly asking for updates on the number of votes being cast. He was told no that was inappropriate. It only incensed him. He stated that in real life you could see how the vote was going and how many people voted. So, I am going out on a limb here, but we in the USA don’t know how many votes were cast until after they are all counted. I am not sure about Jimmy’s country. Perhaps it is different? However, we ran the election process and will continue doing so, according to the rules in the USA.
Jimmy went on to infer that the only reason the original election was deemed null and void, was to get Mr. McKay’s “friend” more votes. Let me assure you of one thing, I am not the smartest guy on the block, but I DO know Lee McKay is not the type of person to do something like that. Nor would he have anyone else do it for him. That is slander and a baseless allegation. Jimmy Augustus-Gracemount needs to apologize to Lee McKay for that. 
As Chairman of the Board, I lost my temper and yelled at Jimmy during the meeting. I apologize for letting my emotions get the better of myself at that moment. Lee and I both motioned to have Jimmy removed from the Board. It was seconded and passed 5-2 in favor of removing him. 
Personally, I like Jimmy. He really is a fine fellow. I am not sure why, after winning the vote, he couldn’t just be happy with that and let it go. The outcome was the same.
I am truly sorry that it had to come down to this. I was ready to resign since it was *MY* fault the original vote was canceled. Bock was correct to point out the problem to me. Lee McKay was ready to resign. For the betterment of Second Pride as an organization, Jimmy had to go. The Marketing Directors position will be absorbed, as the Bylaws are written, by the Events and Community Relations Directors to split the duties as they see fit. 
It is with great hope that the future of Second Pride be as bright as it has been in the past. As we move forward into the future, let’s try not to forget why we are here. It’s not fame and glory. It’s not for recognition. It is to do good work and to reach out to our fellow LGBTQ community and bring it together in a spirit that uplifts us all! That is why I ran for Chairman in the first place. It’s why I will continue to the very best of my ability. 
ReZ Vale-Starfall
Chairman of the Board"

Thursday, October 4, 2018

SP Election Results Announced

Today we received a notice in the Second Pride Festival Group with the long-awaited announcement:

"On September 27th, 2018, the Election Committee hereby certifies the following results for the Election completed on September 26th, 2018.

For the Marketing Director seat
60 votes - Jimmy Augustus-Gracemount (jimmmmmy) - Winner
9 votes - Kaiden Brandt (Kalculate)

For the Building Director seat
44 votes - 
Sтαятєя Ɛνєηѕтαяя (starter232) - Winner
23 votes - Dҽʋιɳ Kɳιɠԋƚ Dɾαƙσɳ (devindevin1111)


ReZ, SP Chairman"


I would like to join the chairperson in congratulating the winning candidates.

I would also like to thank the other candidates and wish them better luck next time. I hope we can convince them to work with Second Pride, even without the Directorship.

Friday, September 28, 2018

SP Election Certified, But Announcement Slightly Delayed

According to a message on the Second Pride website, the results of the voting for the Marketing and Building Director have been certified by the Election Committee and passed on to the Chair for an announcement. 

The Chairperson is out of the country at the moment, and you’ll see this announcement in-world and [...] on the website as soon as he releases it. 

[Second Pride is] still looking to fill the Community Relations Director seat…more on that coming soon as well!

Wednesday, September 26, 2018

SP Elections: Last Chance to Vote!

The Second Pride elections end today at 12 AM (midnight) SLT. If you want a chance to influence the selection of Marketing Director and Building Director you need to get your vote in.

The candidates for Marketing Director are
1. Jimmy Augustus-Gracemount (jimmmmmy) url or
2. Kaiden Brandt (Kalculate) url

The candidates for Building Director are
1. Sтαятєя Ɛνєηѕтαяя (starter232) url or
2. Dҽʋιɳ Kɳιɠԋƚ Dɾαƙσɳ (devindevin1111) url

(The url's lead to each of the candidates statements at the Second Pride website)

How to decide whom to vote for
So how do you choose whom to vote for?

There are multiple techniques used by voters throughout democratic history to decide on whom they vote.

A) Beauty Pageant/Talent Pageant
This technique is mostly used by people who are completely uninterested in politics or ideology. They look at the pictures of the different candidates and decide on that fact alone which candidate they will vote for.

"They have beautiful hair/eyes/body/nails/feet", "They are so sexy", "I don't like their eyes, they look mean" or "I would do them", are the answers you most often get when you ask the voters how they decided.

B) Relationship
This method is usually used by voters more interested in relationships than politics/ideology. They will rather vote for someone they or their friends known and like than someone they don't know, and definitely, rather than someone they or their friends dislike for whatever transgression/reason through the history of mankind.

"I know them, they are an asshole", "They are good people", "My friend says they are batshit crazy and drama-seekers", "Their partner is a friend of my friend and they are so nice" or "variations of "The enemy of my enemy is my friend".

C) Analytical
This method is used by people who don't give a shit about anything else than if the person is qualified for the job. These are the people that will read the candidate statements and decide based mainly on that, and maybe check their references or previous work history.

"I trust they can do the job", "They seem to be qualified enough", "I've seen their work before and they seem trustworthy", "They seem to have the right priorities", "I like how they think".

D) Haphazard/Lottery
This method is good when everything else fails and you still see the choices as equally good or if all the above methods fail.

Flip a coin, and let that decide.

"I don't know any of them", "They both look great", "Both of them see qualified to do the job"

There now you do not have an excuse not to vote. Get the f*** off your ass and teleport to the Polling Place (SLurl) at the second pride sim.


Monday, September 24, 2018

I Want You... vote in the Second Pride board election, if you are a member of the Second Pride Festival Group!

You only have until 12.00 AM (midnight) SLT on September 26, 2018. The sooner you do it, the better it is (for my piece of mind). So go, just do it NOW!

Go here to vote: Polling Place (SLurl).

Pick up a ballot at the entrance and follow the instructions. It's easy-peasy.

Thursday, September 20, 2018

How To Vote In The SP Election

First of all, get your ballot either from the notice in Second Pride Festival Group, or, if you have notices turned-off, go to the group and look for the notice with the box containing the ballot.

Rez the box, and click to get the ballot and the instructions.

These are the instructions to vote:
1 - Edit your ballot notecard and put an X in the box beside ONE candidate in each race.
2 - Save your ballot notecard - DO NOT change the name of the notecard
3-  Do not add your name to the notecard
4 - Remove the "modify" permission on your ballot notecard by right-clicking on it, choosing properties, and removing the check beside "modify".
5 - Step into one of the voting stalls and click on the box to begin voting.
6 - Follow the instructions given by the Voting Station in local chat.
7 - Note that when you drop your ballot in the box, you must hold down CTRL when dragging the ballot to the box.
8 - Be sure to confirm your vote when prompted and look for the message that your vote was received and sent to election officials.
9 - Election staff CAN verify that your vote was received if you are unsure. We CANNOT see who you voted for.

Thank you for voting!

Go here to vote: Polling Place (SLurl).

Don't use Voting Station 1, at least not today Thursday, I had problems dropping my ballot there. The problem has been fixed, see Lee's comment below!

SP Election - Voting Resumes!

According to an announcement today on the Second Pride website (url) the voting for board directors of Second Pride now resumes.
"The Election Committee has done significant testing of our new voting solution, and believes it to be secure and reliable. Therefore, voting in the Second Pride Board Election for the positions of Marketing Director and Building Director will run from September 20th, 2018 through September 26th, 2018, a full seven day period. On September 28th, 2018, the Election Committee will certify the results and the Chair will make the announcement. Installation of the new members will be done on October 6th, 2018.
Your candidates for Marketing Director are Jimmy Augustus-Gracemount (jimmmmmy) and Kaiden Brandt (Kalculate). For the position of Building Director, the candidates are Sтαятєя Ɛνєηѕтαяя (starter232) and Dҽʋιɳ Kɳιɠԋƚ Dɾαƙσɳ (devindevin1111). Click on their names to view their candidate statements.
The Community Relations Director seat is still open with no current candidate. Per the Bylaws, the Board has the ability to name an individual to this seat, so it’s not too late to step up! If you or someone you know is interested in being a major part of Second Pride, please contact one of the Board members TODAY! It’s the perfect time to get involved!"
I am so proud of the board for taking - what must have been a difficult decision - to halt voting when problems with security and reliability were noticed. Hopefully, the new voting procedure ensures a reliable result.

Now go do your darn civic duty as members of the organization. Go vote, you only have seven days and we all know how time flies. Remember, better early than never!!! 

Yaas, I know it should be "late", but I am the writer of this blog so I do a bit as I please. You may complain to the municipality of  Ystad at this address: 

Ystads kommun
Avdelningen för tramsiga klagomål

Box 238 
271 25 Ystad 

Tuesday, September 18, 2018

More Sad News

I hadn't been on Facebook for a couple of days and when I logged in today there were two sad messages waiting, from Asta and Ezzie, both informing me that Carl Paneer - in SecondLife better known as NakedCarl - had passed away on Sunday, September 16, 2018.
"NakedCarl" by Carl Paneer himself
In first life, Carl leaves behind a big family with a daughter, four sons and tons of grandchildren. By his side was also his best friend, the mother of his children.

Carl was a friend of mine and a fellow blogger. We used to join forces during the Second Pride festival each year. He was always more ambitious than I and tried his best to cover every event, I was more laid-back and covered the events I wanted to visit.

We were not close friends, but we had a good friendly relationship. Carl was a sweet soul who - although a bit quiet - always seemed to overflow with kindness and good humor towards everyone who came in contact with him.

I will always remember Carl with great fondness, and I will miss him very much.

Rest in the peace of the Universe, Carl.

Saturday, September 15, 2018

SP Elections Update & More

REƵ VALE-SŦARFALL™ (DJReZ Cyberstar), the Chair of Second Pride, in a Group Notice yesterday in The Second Pride Festival Group and a message on the Second Pride website:
"The new voting solution will be completed soon and voting is expected to start within the next day or so. Watch here and in the Second Pride Festival group for updates and instructions.
The candidate for Community Relations Director has decided not to accept the position. Therefore, we have an open seat and per the Bylaws, that seat is available now for anyone who wishes to be considered for it. This would be a Board appointment unless we have TWO candidates before voting begins."

Thursday, September 6, 2018

New Second Pride Bylaws Adopted

The new Second Pride bylaws were adopted by unanimous vote of the seated board of directors in a meeting held yesterday.

The new bylaws are the same as the proposed version and are linked under Documents in the site menu (url to the PDF). Minutes of the meeting will be posted soon.

I could live happily without the silly and unnecessary term limits that are continued from the old bylaws. Especially considering the dearth of candidates the last couple of years.

The combination of seven directorships into three is understandable considering the dearth of candidates the last couple of years.

However, bylaws can always be amended in the future if the need arises, so I am grateful for the overhaul and clean up.

Wednesday, September 5, 2018

SP Meeting on Proposed New Bylaws

The Second Pride board will have a meeting today Wednesday, September 5, 2018, at 6.30 PM SLT. The meeting is open to the membership as always.

Meeting agenda:
1) Call to order
2) Motion to adopt meeting minutes
3) Board Vote on proposed Bylaws
4) Motion to Adjourn

Teleport to Second Pride HQ (SLurl).

Second Pride Election Update

According to a notice in the Second Pride Festival group, the ongoing election for Build & Marketing Directors has been temporarily suspended due to a technical glitch in the equipment.

Voting will, according to the notice, recommence with a different method as soon as possible.

The Chair and the board extends its apologies to the candidates and the membership.

I applaud Rez and the board for acting promptly when the problems were noticed. After all, we all want a result we can rely on that reflects the will of the membership.

Saturday, September 1, 2018

SP Board Election: Voting September 1 - 8

Get your asses in gear, members of Second Pride. Voting in the board election started today and continues through midnight September 8.
You have two positions to choose your preferred candidate for, Marketing and Build.

If you haven't read up on the candidates running for the position before - you slackers - you can do so before voting by going to the Second Pride website (url). Click the 2018 Election tab and a roll down menu will pop-down.

In the menu, you can find the candidate statements and their responses to the questions that have been posed to them.

To vote, go to the Second Pride sim (url), there will be voting booths set up for your voting-convenience.

Click the candidate you wish to vote for and you get a blue menu. "Address" is just a note card, when you click "Vote" it will register your vote.

Monday, August 27, 2018

REWARD Let's Play "Find the Edit Button!"

As some of you may know, I am a candidate for Treasurer of the 2018/19 board of Second Pride.
What I see when I am logged into the SP website
(Click picture to enlarge)
That means that I am obliged to take part in the ongoing Q&A for candidates on the Second Pride website. No matter how I try, I am not a perfect proofreader and sometimes the silliest mistake slip by.

So when I noticed two mistakes/typos in my responses yesterday I wanted to edit them. For the love of me, I could not find an edit-function and instead corrected with a reply to my replies.  

When I got home from work today, there was a message from the IT Director (Admin of the Second Pride website), the right honorable Mr. Lee McKay Esq., waiting to inform me that I, in fact, can edit my responses. Huh, I still cannot see where I edit?

Anyone who finds the edit-option and first posts where to find it in the comments below will win a reward of L$1,000

Sunday, August 26, 2018

SP Elections 2018 Update & Proposal of New Bylaws

The election for the Board of Second Pride 2018/19 is running according to schedule.

The board members with a year remaining on their tenure are
DJRez Cyberstar, Chair,
MikeAdam Resident, Secretary, and
Lee McKay, IT Director.

Candidates running unopposed (and will be automatically seated) are
Nicky Windstorm, Events Director,
Bock McMillan, Treasurer,
Tootsie Nootan, Security Director, and
Dee Sparta, Community Relations Director

Positions with more than one candidate
Marketing Director
1. Jimmy Gracemount
2. Kaiden Brandt

Building Director
1. Starter Evenstarr and
2. Devin Drakon

The two last positions will be voted on, starting September 1, 2018

Q&A for candidates
All the candidates are answering questions from the membership until August 28, so hurry up and get your questions in at the Second Pride website (url).
"To participate, you will need to have an account on the website if you don’t already have one. Then click on the candidates link under “2018 Election” above and the conversation will be beneath the candidates opening statement."

Discussion of Proposal For New Bylaws
A proposal for new bylaws was introduced at the board meeting yesterday. There is a ten-day discussion period open for members.

Read the proposal (you'll find it under Documents) and take part in the discussion here (url)

Tuesday, August 14, 2018

Elected Office

"Well, that will be a first," I thought to myself as I wrote the short statement. "I am usually anointed by God or appointed by myself to some office or other. This time there will be actual voting involved with real voters who will decide whether they can trust you or not, should be interesting if nothing else."
Bock McMillan's Candidate Statement
for a seat on the SP Board of Directors