Showing posts with label Starry. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Starry. Show all posts

Saturday, April 21, 2012

The Concept of Family in SecondLife

From a sociological and/or anthropological perspective a family is a group of people who are affiliated by marriage, consanguinity, affinity or co-residence. Families are formed as a source of mutual love and support within the group concerned. Sexual relations among family members are regulated by rules concerning incest such as the incest taboo.

In a virtual world we don´t need to focus on consanguineous relationships as sexual relationships cannot end with an independent issue. All relationships are created by choice through affinity and affections and are either romantic or non-romantic.
The Family Chart. Muted colors mean that the avatar is (mostly) no longer around
Yellow circles signify partnerships/marriages, red circles previous partnerships/marriages and yellow arrows mutually elected non-romatic relationships of a family kind (sister/brother or child/mother or father)
In the beginning there was Ars Northmead, a charming, friendly, clever and multitalented avatar.

Ars was - among many other things - a DJ in SecondLife and founded the Sarco Sound Group with his friend and business partner Sarco Halderman. One of the first DJ´s recruited to the group was Andrey (D R E Y) Messmer. Ars and Andrey developed a close non-romantic-friendship, with much love and trust between them.

Shortly before Ars and I met there may - or may not - have been a brief sexual relationship between Ars and Guyke Lundqvist (I am not altogether sure about this and have never really worried about it). Anyway, by the time I appeared on the scene the relationship between the two had evolved into a relationship between a father and son. When I teamed up with Ars I also became Guyke´s evil-stepfather.

Ars and I became a couple, shortly thereafter Andrey and Guyke became a couple also, this was however before we had established the family. When Andrey´s and Guyke´s relationship ended, Andrey became Ars brother. Both Andrey and Guyke went on to form new romantic relationships that were included into the family.

When Guyke became partnered with Haakon Meads, his elected mother Starry Sweetwater and her husband Sir Trifle became in-laws. Similarly I become the uncle of Skip Turbo´s adopted son Liam when Skip and Andrey were partners.

Ars also formed brotherly ties with Dej Mycron and Jeb Nicholls, while Martial Eisenhart and I and Millimina Salamander and I also elected each other as siblings, well in the last case I more or less forced it on the poor girl. Martial formed a partnership with Elorian Scarbridge for a while through which Elorian and I became brother in-laws. Dej has of course also had partners, but I did not much like the last one so I am not mentioning him (I am invoking my literary license on this).

I am happy that I took the time to make the family chart, because looking at it clarify some things that have been a mystery to me earlier.

As I understand it, these kind of chosen family clusters are supposedly more common among the gay population in SecondLife than among the straight population. An explanation to this could of course be that many gays already have experienced the concept of "choosing your family" in their first life due to the shunning and ostracizing that still occurs in all cultures, albeit to a lesser extent nowadays that 15-20 years ago.

I have no sure information on how common it can be among lesbians, either in first life or SecondLife. As we all know lesbians seem to provoke less animosity in the straight culture, possibly because the women are better at staying "under the radar" than gay men. The fact that straight men find women "playing with each other" so fascinating at least while they wait for him - the macho male - to arrive. I am also certain that part of the explanation is due to the unequal status of women in society, "what women do does not matter".

If heterosexuals ever think about homosexuals, there seems to be a strong tendency to focus on the sexual activities rather than on the feelings and attractions. I did not choose to become gay to engage in fellatio or have anal intercourse. I am gay and therefore use the sexual activities and techniques available to me to give and receive pleasure from another man - and hell yes, I damn well love it!.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Au Revoir Grenouille Inn

Photo courtesy of Belze Fraker
Well last night was wild and crazy. Almost all the Swedish glitterati had assembled at Grenouille Inn for a send-off party before the establishment was moved to a yet undisclosed location (or I may just have missed that piece of info).

I was busy talking with two prominent members of the Norwegian SL-community, Mialinn Telling and Starry Sweetwater, most of the evening.

The beautiful couple Apollon Allen and Iendi Laville gave us all a wonderful party, with loads of beer and music from the 80´s.

As has become my (bad) habit at Grenouille I immediately jumped up on the bar to dance, and was followed by Ikaros String and Maffe Carlberg. We were soon joined by some of the other guys, Frosty Muggins, Frostland Beornsen, Jesper Prinz, Bejiita Imako, marcuz Palen and Sunshine and perhaps some more.

My conversation with the two charming Norwegian ladies distracted me greatly. After all I am a man and have very limited mutitasking capabilities. I can really only do one thing at a time. Suddenly I noticed there was an impromptu contest for "Best Male Avatar" going on and hurried to join and we were all losing articles of clothing to attract attention and votes.

Unfortunately I could not manage to get my darn computer to obey me, so I got no pictures on my own.

My modesty prevents me from telling you who won ... to his own surpirise, but Frostland and Frosty got up on the bar after the voting had already started otherwise I am sure one of them would have won, both of them seem to have been woring out a lot lately and they were gorgeous.

On Blanche Argus blog I found a picture which I show you a detail of here. I wonder where my hair went - LOL.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Att återse en vän

Min käre vän Haakon lämnade egentligen SL i höstas, av orsaker som jag inte tänker gå in på. Inte här och nu i varje fall. Haakon har under mer än halva mitt liv i SL varit en välintegrerad del av min närmaste SL-familj. Hans stillsamma norska charm och underfundiga humor gör det mycket lätt att älska honom. Under sin tid i SL var han - som så många av mina familjemedlemmar i SL - en fantastisk byggare!

Saknaden efter honom har varit stor. Att hålla kontakten via Google-talk går ju bra, men är ändå inte riktigt detsamma. I söndags eftermiddags fick jag i alla fall ett plötsligt och oväntat IM från honom när han kom in på ett tillfälligt återbesök i SL. Jag fick fullständigt glädjefnatt!!! Det var underbart att tillbringa nästan två timmar med honom, hans SL-mor Starry och hennes man SirTrifle med avslappnat samspråk.

Visst är det fantastiskt hur snabbt man kan återetablera kontakten med människor man älskar eller tycker mycket om?

De som kallar SL ett spel vet inte vad de talar om! SL handlar om att bygga relationer, dela erfarenheter och upplevelser med varandra och att komma nära varandra. Glöm aldrig att det finns en människa bakom varje avatar, med äkta tankar, känslor och drömmar!

Porträttbilden av Haakon: Haakon Meads