Showing posts with label cock. Show all posts
Showing posts with label cock. Show all posts

Thursday, August 10, 2017

Oh What An Amazing Tattoo!

South African reality star Brandon Myers, of the British show "Ex On the Beach", is garnishing a bit of attention on his Instagram and Twitter accounts for his showing his amazing thigh tattoo, even if the tattoo isn't quite finished yet.

I am sure you will all agree it is truly awesome.

And let me tell you straight away, that those of you who ask "What tattoo?" are, without a doubt, real sluts of the absolutely sluttiest kind!

Brandon's favorite emoji is the aubergine šŸ†, would you care to guess why?

Sunday, May 21, 2017

Be Careful...

If you are married to the most requested dick-tinting expert in SecondLife please remember to be careful when you visit the Steamworkz Sunday Tea Dance.

This is what happens to you...(i.e. me. You're welcome!) if you don't take off your Aeros-HUD and he is tinting someone else's cock.

Photo by J.J.Goodman.

Saturday, January 21, 2017

Introducing Bock 3.1

Following the suggestions of my dear friends Anonymous and Kandinsky I have decided on a hair without bangs - for the first time in about 8 years. I have also made a few changes to my eye opening and the eyebrows.

With a lot of help from my husband Tomais and my brother JJ I have also updated to the latest versions of the Niramyth Aesthetic body and the Aeros Magnus cock.

I am rather pleased with the results of all the abovementioned improvements to my appearance, especially the fact that I don't look so stern and forbidding anymore.
"Bock 3.1" by JJ Goodman

Friday, September 16, 2016

NakedCarl Turns Middle-Aged

My dear friend and blogging buddy Carl Paneer, best known as Naked Carl, turns six years old in SecondLife today. (Which as you certainly know means he will henceforth be considered as a ripe middle-aged gentleman.)

Carl is celebrating this special event with a party this evening at 10PM SLT at a secret venue (SLurl to the party venue will be provided on Carl's blog at 09.30PM SLT. Click this link)

Clothing is - as one could guess - optional and DJ Ez will supply the musical entertainment.

Unfortunately I will not be able to take part in the celebration as it starts at an ungodly hour for a late-sleeper like myself.

I wish you a very happy rezday, my dear buddy, and hope you have a wonderful party!

P.S. I have sent you a gift from Marketplace, it is called Darius and is of course mesh. It is something every naked man and male avatar needs.

The thing is sometimes hard and at other times soft, sometimes wet and at other times dry, it comes in all colors and shapes, lengths, girths and sizes and you can even change all of it yourself, well in SecondLife you can. I hope you enjoy it!

As we cannot have the most famous nude man of SecondLife running around with a mismatched cock, the gift also includes thirty (30) minutes of quality tinting by the Master of Cock-Tinting in SecondLife, my husband Tomais Ashdene.

Saturday, March 29, 2014

Male Bonding In SecondLife

When my genius and well adjusted husband Tomais was asked by his housemate what he, Dej and I were up to yesterday evening, he responded: "Male Bonding at its best in SecondLife, we are tinting our dicks."

At that point we could hear Tomais's housemate, a woman, breaking down in frantic laughter for some unknown reason. Women are strange, aren't they?

Tomais and I had bought Dej a new Aeros Magnus and a pair of new Ispachi feet for his upcoming first life birthday and Tomais was helping Dej tint the new items while I said some encouraging words from time-to-time.

First things first, we of course had to start with tinting the cock.

I must say, I do think the boys did an excellent job!