Saturday, January 8, 2011

Celebration for Elfay!

The wonderful, the amazing, the smoldering sexy creature that is Elfay Pinkdot celebrated both her birthday (January 2nd) and her rezday (January 6th) at her "Coffee & Pajamas Show" at "Circe´s Sunset Jazz Club".

The room was filled with old and new friends and the show was great as always (My pics where taken early in the show). Next to "OrmDricka" I think this is one of the very few venues in SecondLife where people actually talk to each other in local chat anymore, I wonder why that is?

The birthday and rezday girl, Elfay!

Some crazy blonde Swede, Duck, Doc or Book something?

Friday, January 7, 2011

Liebe ist alles - Rosenstoltz

This is an old favorite of mine since a visit to Berlin a couple of years ago, we played it repeatedly...

In short it tells us that "Love is everything, everything we need"

Where NOT to Eat in the U.S.

Chick-Fil-A, is a fast food chain in the United States that has over 1500 locations in 39 States.

This company heavily supports anti-gay marriage groups and has deep anti-gay affiliations.

I - who don´t eat the filthy birds anyway - recommend my readers to boycott this company.

Say NO to homophobia!

Bearing in mind the power of Facebook-ism please show your support by joining the "Boycott Chick-Fil-A" group on Facebook

For more information please read Wikipedia, Joe.My.God, Good As You and

New Blog to Follow

These two dudes should be worth following, they are the epiphany of "Cuteness & Coolness"TM.

I am amazed really that they chose such a mundane name as "Guyke and Janttu" for their blog, but perhaps reading this post will make them realize they already have a cooler name handy... (It´s so easy to change name on a blog you wouldn´t believe it!)

No posts yet tho, but I am sure that will come soon!

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Lost & Found

Well I lost a son yesterday, but today I found two awesome dudes of "Cuteness & Coolness"TM at OrmDricka.

Love you Guyke and Janttu, you guys raise me up!

Wednesday, January 5, 2011


It´s time to face the facts. My SecondLife family collapsed when Ars passed away or maybe even before.

By my own choice I still keep an adopted sister, even if I am not really sure that Millimina likes the idea - but she never protested too much so I´ll keep her there for now at least.

My son Guyke was always more Ars son - I got him as a package deal and sort of adopted him. With Ars gone I must accept that the "family tie" is no longer there even if he is a true, loving and caring very good friend. I will love him as family always but I set him free!

With Guyke gone as family, his partner Janttu, who was my son in-law, also leaves my family tree to become a good friend instead.

My brother Martial left SecondLife without a word of goodbye or any explanation long before my Ars got sick. He then came back a few months ago, only to leave again soon after. He left the second time also without any goodbyes or explanations, despite his repeated promises to me he would never, ever, do that again. His future status is unclear.

Andrey, who was the brother of Ars and hence became my brother in-law, told me in a conversation a few weeks ago that he felt estranged from SecondLife and was only going to be in-world when he had his DJ-sets or his partner could be expected to be in-world. For family-ties to exist in a virtual world they have to be by choice on both sides. I will always love him but I set him free also!

With Andrey gone I also lose Liam as a nephew. Well actually I think I really lost him a long time ago, he was never heard from after I sent him the message that Ars had passed away, I guess death was not a part of "his game".

My two other brother in-laws Dejerrity and Jeb, were really friends of Ars and not mine. They have always been sweet and kind to me and I will always love them for the support they gave me when Ars passed away. I set them free too!

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Go Green?

Surfing the web you sometimes come across innovative ideas. All I could think when I read this was what a pity it was that the other company had already taken the best name for it, "Go Green".

Promession is an ecologically-conscious method for disposing of human remains by freeze drying. It was invented and patented in 1999 by the Swedish biologist Susanne Wiigh-Mäsak.

The method is based on three steps:

1. Reducing the body of the deceased to a fine powder, thereby allowing subsequent decomposition to be aerobic. This is achieved by submerging the body in liquid nitrogen, making the remains so brittle that they shatter into a powder as the result of slight vibrations. The powder is then dried, reducing the deceased remains to around 30% of their original body weight.

2. Removing and recycling metals within the powdered remains.

3. Shallow-burying the powder in a biodegradable casket.

Go to The Promessa Organics burial website (click the logo to go there for further info):