Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Australia Day

Australia Day is the official national day of Australia. Celebrated annually on 26 January, the day commemorates the arrival of the First Fleet at Sydney Cove in 1788.

Happy Australia Day, Mates!

Monday, January 24, 2011

The Quarreling Bench

At Southern Charm there is a special place where Ars and I would go whenever we had a quarrel and wanted to make up again.

Huh, you thought we were always lovey dovey? No way, José!

Both Ars and I always had strong opinions, strong wills and a talent for verbalizing our thoughts, feelings and opinions, so of course there where clashes. Not many and rather far apart and fairly irregularly we would clash and tempers would rage for awhile.

The quarrels usually never lasted very long and we always tried to make up before one or the other of us had to log off, but that wasn't always possible. Sometimes Ars would get so mad at me that he felt it was better to just log off before something irreparable was said. This happened about three or four times during our time together. At other times we would just go to opposite corners of our sim or just leave the sim and not talk in IM.

I always hated when Ars logged off during a quarrel the most and was terribly infuriated by that.

There I was all pumped up and having a lot on my mind to tell him when - Poof - he cut off all communications by logging off. Usually I would get an email an hour or two later where he told me he was sorry and loved me and that he would be back as soon as he had settled down. The longest Ars ever stayed away and didn't email me was eight hours. That was the time I logged off also and created my first alt, Wild Zepp. To settle down I spent my time waiting to hear from Ars giving Wild a total makeover.

Whenever we had quarreled and wanted to make up, the first one to cave in would go to the bench and sit and wait for the other to come. The wait was usually not very long. Sitting on the bench we would talk things through. We listened carefully to what the other said and did our very best to understand the others point of view, it could take hours but we sat through it - always.

There was never any doubt for either of us, that we still loved - and were loved - by the other

How to get 40 groups on Phoenix

Thanks to Gaia who sent out the note card in "Fride´s Club and Lounge Group". The note card was created by Miro (miro.collas).

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Re: "My Ars"

I remember exactly when, where and with whom I was talking when I first started referring to my lover Ars as "my Ars".

It was just a few months after Ars and I had made a home together at Southern Charm. I was at "SSG", the Sarcosound Group´s parcel at the "Ninth Wave Island" sim. Ars had just logged off to get some sleep and I was left talking with Sarco Halderman. We were alone at SSG.

I think Sarco had just realized I was not just a temporary fling but was going to stick around for the long haul. It was also around this time I had started noticing an increased tension between the two of them.

They had been friends for a long time when I came along, they had also started the Sarcosound group together. That company at one time provided fifteen or more DJ´s working in all timezones in SecondLife.

Ars really loved Sarco til the very end, although the love was sometimes mixed with a big measure of resentment and anger. No one - except possibly Guyke when he was at his worst behaviour - could ever infuriate my Ars as much as Sarco could, but the love between them was always there.

After a little awhile Sarco started talking to me about Ars and his personal life. I am sure he was doing this only out of kindness and because he wanted what was best for Ars, but it made me guarded at once because I have never really liked being told anything personal about someone I love by anyone except that person.

Ars and I had only been together for a few months, but I was certain I still did not know all of his circumstances or secrets and I sure as hell did not want to hear them from anyone except him. So I started saying "My Ars this..." and "...my Ars that..." and "I am sure my Ars will tell me everything I need or want to know about him, as I myself will tell him everything."

Sarco soon sensed my unwillingness and we moved on to other subjects of interest.

In time I learned all Ars´ secrets and he all of mine, we learned them from each other. But the phrase stuck with me. Hell I even used it against Ars, saying things like "My Ars would never do such a thing!" and worse. That usually made him bite my head off, but he never could stay angry with me for long so I did not mind and kept hitting him with it when it suited me, sometimes it even made him laugh because he soon realized in what situations I used it.

He was no dimwit, my Ars.

Musical Interlude

Sarah Brightman -This love

This love
This love is a strange love
A faded kind of day love
This love

This love
I think I'm gonna fall again
And even when you held my hand
It didn't mean a thing
This love

This love
Never has to say love
Doesn't know it is love
This love

This love
Doesn't have to say love
Doesn't need to be love
Doesn't mean a thing
This love

This love, oh-oh-oh ...
This strange love (strange love)
This love, ...

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Stupid Git #4

Picture provided by AllLies
This is Bock McMillan, SecondLife avatar and blogger. If you´re interested you will find his blog here.

This avatar and the man behind him are really totally clueless.

When the avatar was first rezzed in SecondLife his owner considered himself to be a down-to-earth and rational human being, believe it or not. Well, as we all now know all too well by now, this avatar believes he fell in love with another male avatar that he met in the virtual world.

We all know that it cannot be real love because they never met each other in real life, don´t we? Because for a love based in cyberspace to become real the persons must meet in real life. If they don´t meet its just "virtual love" and we all know that´s not at all the same thing. After all the term "virtual" has been defined as "that which is not real" but may display the salient qualities of the real. So it goes without saying if it´s only virtual it is a fantasy, a figment of this losers all too vivid imagination.

To make matters even worse this Bock avatar then claims that the other avatar - or the person behind it - died. Huh, what do we think of that? What does death mean in a virtual world anyhow?

How do we actually know that the other geezer just didn´t dump this whining loser? Sure he claims he was in contact with the other guy til the end and with the guys family and everything, but that most likely was the other guy and his friends acting. He is just so naive!

He probably just got dumped in an extravagant way. The so called lover is probably still around having the time of his life with an alt and with reading this blog from time to time. Hilarious!

And even if it was true that he did die, it´s been 10 months now. Get over it and move on! After all, you never really met him in real life - so how bad can it be?

That´s it folks, enough with the stupid gits. I have to get ready for Elfay´s party soon.

Stupid Git #3

Joseph Ratzinger, a.k.a. Pope Benedict XVI, is of course in a completely different league compared to my other choices. 

From his exalted position as the head of the largest church he has the possibility to use the powers granted to him for good, modernization and reconciliation. Instead he seems to be pulling, pushing and whipping his church back several decades or even centuries.

I accept the argument that his work is to preserve the faith as he sees it, but that cannot mean he has to alienate everyone else while doing so.

Ratzinger has enraged the Muslims by calling Islam "evil and inhumane". He has infuriated the Jews and the Europeans by revoking the excommunication of bishops who deny the Holocaust. He has angered the whole world by not allowing his subordinates to report cases of sexual abuse and pedophilia to the civilian authorities or to discipline priests involved in these crimes. 

With all that on his conscience it means little that he cannot accept homosexuality as something natural or gay marriages.

The fact that he has accepted the use of condoms in all sexual relations - not only the sex industry workers - "as a lesser evil than passing HIV onto a partner" is the only good thing he seems to have done so far.