Friday, January 27, 2012

I Shall Return

"Lunch Atop a Skyscraper", Charles C. Ebbets (1932)
I had this picture in the first life tab on my profile in SecondLife almost from the start. I cannot remember if I still do, but I think so.

The picture of the Mohawk construction workers taking a lunch break out on a beam has fascinated me since the first time I saw it. It´s not only the fact that they are sitting there completely relaxed high above the New York skyline, but I also try to imagine the balancing acts they do when sitting themselves down or when they get up to go back to work.

All is well with me, I have just been enveloped in my first life the last days and too tired afterwards to blog or go inworld.

Normal services should - hopefully - be resumed during the weekend.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Friends or Players?

"Three Brothers" (Evander, Ars and Bock) by Evander M.
This picture was taken on December 8, 2007, shortly before Ars and I became an item. Evander M., the photographer, was one of the "Three E´s" that I have mentioned a few times before. At that time he was a good friend of mine and my landlord.

Even if I hadn't seen the date in the properties of the snapshot I would have guessed it was late in 2007, because we are all in hair from Naughty Designs - the only place you could get decent hair from if you had any taste and didn't want to walk around in ugly hair from Badazz.

Evander and his wife ElenaS. M. had a campaign going to expose Ars to my lovely personality as often and as much as possible because they both knew that was infatuated by Ars. I had told Elena and Elena had told Evander - or so we thought at the time. This day Evander had taken me to Ars home in Moa for a visit.

According to the stories Elena and Evander were spreading among all of us in the Sarco Sound group they were a young Dutch couple who had recently been blessed with a wonderful baby boy. Elena was mostly online as she was home with the baby the first months after his birth, while Evander only came in on evenings and night. Suddenly they brought in "their good friend Emile" and started introducing him to us all. Emile was allegedly gay or bi-curious or whatever.

When this happened I heard mention of the word "alt" for the very first time. I think it was Guyke or Ars who explained to me what that meant, even if I really did not understand the concept. It was said that Emile was an alt of Elena created to get even closer to some of us. Somebody called the bluff and it became a funny thing. I am not sure if any of the others at that time believed that Evander and Elena were the same person, but I certainly had no idea until a few months later.

Early in 2008, after Ars and I had moved in together at Southern Charm, "the three E´s" suddenly decided to kill off Elena in her "first life". The young mother was allegedly killed by being run over by a drunk driver when she was out on the town. I was completely devastated over the bad fortune that had befallen my dear friends and the young family. This lasted for a couple of weeks, when we started being reached by rumors that all three of them were the same Dutch man who was playing a game with us.

Somehow some of the tech-savvy of our little group got this confirmed and the uproar over the deceit was total. I was especially upset by the cruelty of letting us believe that Elena had been killed and the commiseration we had shown for Evander during the long weeks that followed that news.

Even if I should have learned a lesson from this, even now I rarely suspect or believe that anyone is using alts to manipulate and play games with me. I just don't want to believe that about my fellow man.

Party for Three Beauties

This was the party for which everyone in the  "Who is Who in Swedish SecondLife" turned out.for, and even a few of the up and coming SLebrities and some International guests. The only one missing was the third rezday girl, Gittrika Mint who had ISP-problems.

Apollon Allen and sirhc "Junior" Weatherwax did a great job to entertain us. Good music and great company are the two core ingredients of a party in SecondLife and you can even add a drink or two in first life to make it even better!

Lots of old friends, some sexy new studs I must confess but I kept my hands to myself - this time... When I left just after 11 pm the party was still going on strong. I should imagine some of them kept it up the rest of the night.

3 x Happy Rezday

Today I would like to congratulate three beautiful Swedish women who share the same rezday. The three are (in alphabetical order) Blanche Argus, Gittrika Mint and Second Renoir.

I am happy to inform you that since yesterday all three are friends of mine - again. Forgiving each other is a thing friends do, isn´t it?

Happy rezday girls, I am looking forward to see you all at the party today!

Monday, January 23, 2012

Job Applications

This picture is called "Fred with tires" and was photographed in 1984 by Herb Ritts. I  saw it - again - on Christo Spyker´s blog "Christo´s Second Live" recently. I am using it here because it is beautiful, it has nothing to do with the rest of the post.

Today I have been reading job applications all day in my first life. I have gone almost brain dead out of boredom. I never, ever, want to see the words "samarbetsförmåga" *, "stresstålig" ** and "utmaning" *** ever again.

Please give me your most solemn promises never to use any of those three words in an application for a job, especially if you think I may be reading it. If I could I would run all applications with those words in the bloody paper shredder at once. Instead I have decided to show those applicants who have avoided using those boring words my utmost favor

Oh, to try to tie in the post with the picture, if you should decide to send a picture with your application make it an interesting one. (And you do not have to show skin to make it interesting... but sometimes it is helpful...)

*) interpersonal or collaboration skills,
**) stress resistant 
***) challenge

Sunday, January 22, 2012

I See the Light

(Click to enlarge)
Today was the first time since Ars passed away that I rezzed something new on Southern Charm, with the exception of his memorial.

For a long time I have been thinking that a lighthouse would look great on the sim, so today I went ahead with it and teleported over to one of my favorite shops in SecondLife, Tuff Old Boats (SLurl), to see what they might have in store for me. As usual I was not disappointed, Rya Nitely and Jarnz Dench always have what I am looking for. Besides being excellent builders they are really nice guys too, I met them once, and are good friends of my stepson Guyke.

Ars was more of a Barnesworth Anubis aficionado, but I always preferred the works of Rya and Jarnz. Luckily we both liked what the other loved.

So here is my new off-sim lighthouse and I totally love it! (However, I am already considering talking to the guys about the sits out there in the lighthouse, they are just a little too heteronormative for my taste.

My Busy Saturday

In hindsight it was a great Saturday evening and Sunday morning, even with all my crashes and the strange weekend shit happening. So what was it I did, lets see if I can recall it all...?

First I went to look at some new hair to party in. My brother in-law D R E Y (a.k.a BIL) had dropped a landmark on me last we spoke. It was a beautiful shop with some great hair, I will look up the name when I get back in SecondLife and add it here. B-something that rhymes with barley if I remember correctly...Aah got it! Burley (SLurl) was the name! (No picture yet!)

With my new hair down I went back home to pack a gift for Eddi Haskell for his fifth rezday. What does one give to a man who has been around forever and probably has everything he ever wanted to have? 

Well I think I finally found a good gift when I decided to give him one of the beautiful jars made by Second Renoir, the Swedish first and second life artist. I love those jars, and have almost all of them myself.

While I was gift wrapping the jar I talked a little with my in-house (or on-sim) brother in-law Dejerrity. It is always good to check in with him. he makes me feel warm, safe and happy.

Happy with having the gift decided and packed I dropped in at Mid´s Super Fride Party with DJ Gwenni. The set looked really true to the original, but after a while it got to be a bit too overwhelming and it was quite difficult to make out the other avatars among everything that was going on there.
Super Fride
While i was listening to the great selection of music played for us by the amazing DJ Gwenni, who was a new acquaintance for me, I got a surprise call from my darling brother Martial.Eisenhart, who had been missing for awhile. It was so good talking with him again! As always we talked about everything between heaven and earth and all at the same time. His mind works nearly as mine, but he is a sweeter, kinder and much less judgmental version of myself. 

When Martial had dozed off I got the call that Eddi´s party at Tadd's Cabaret had started, so I quickly changed into something stylish to fit in with the crowd at one of Eddi´s parties. (Black suit with a black t-shirt showing off my chest hair.) The place was full when I got there and filled up even more while I was there. 

Somewhere in between this I got the chance to stand up for my dear friend Zigadena Gabardini, who was - for no rational reason at all - being clobbered at by the extraterrestrial hag from InWorldz in the comments on another blog.

I found a safe spot close to the hunky host Scott and started flirting wildly with him, although I don´t think he noticed much. The only man that ever understood when I was flirting was my Ars. He told me once, that I should drop all the subtleties because people are so busy with everything else going on. To which I answered, "Do you  suggest I tell them in local chat that we should leave and go fuck?". He laughed when I promptly sent him an IM saying exactly that. But what the hell, all my flirting is only for fun still, I have no intentions whatsoever of following up on them, perhaps the guys sense that somehow.

While I was busy with that, lo and behold, I suddenly saw my name called in local chat. It was my buddy, the studly Ziggy Starsmith that had arrived to the party. He looked grey, sultry and sexy as all the others at the party, except for the hunky Scott. 

I tried all my tricks to get the world to rez, pulling down draw distance and changing the group tag, but nothing worked. And then SecondLife kicked me out.

When I tried to log back in I almost made it three times but was kicked out again with the message "The system has logged you out because you are trying to log in from another location"? Interesting message and it was the first time ever I got it - after five years in SecondLife. I don´t understand what it means though.

Finally I gave up going back to the party and went back home instead, which worked fine. Soon after I got back on I got an IM from Ziggy asking if he could come over for a visit and take a look at Southern Charm. I was absolutely delighted to invite him over.

Ziggy came over and looked excellent this time. I gave him the grand tour of the sim - both the house and the grounds - and we had a good time talking about ourselves and our lives (both of them). After about an hour Ziggy´s new man, Holter, logged in when he got home from work in first life and was called over. At that point my darn computer and SecondLife started screwing with me again and kicked me out and started giving me the same strange messages when I attempted to log in again.

When I at last succeeded to get inworld again it was 7 am in my first life and I was starting to fall asleep over my key board so I had to make my excuses soon afterwards to go to bed and catch some sleep..