Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Top Ten Things I Hate About Myself

10. My overuse of exclamation marks!
9. My habit of singing psalms when I shower 
8. My obsession for tidiness 
7. My need for principles 
6. My Stalinist view on history 
5. My compulsion of over-analyzing E-V-E-R-Y-T-H-I-N-G
4. My missionary tendencies
3. My soapbox-mentality 
2. My big mouth and small ears
and most of all
1. My mushiness and sentimentality

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

At Mirromere

The beautiful Calas Galadhon Park sims are closed for a month due to remodeling, but as a member of the land-group I still have access. It was extremely lucky for me because I needed to be at Mirromere today. Although I have a part of the memorial for Ars erected on the home sim, the memorial spot at Mirromere is still the place I go to when I feel the need to be closer to him. Ty Tenk and Truck Meredith have promised to keep me informed of any major changes that may be necessary.

After spending some time there I was calm again and realized that, no matter what, I would always trust in what my Ars and I had and what he had told me.

My Men Make Me Proud

Well, I must say that 2013 has already gotten off to the most amazing start.
"Bobby kisses Cortez during a play-fight at the Korengal Outpost, Afghanistan" (2008)
Photo by Tim Hetherington
First of all I was reached by the news, in an offline message when I got up in the middle of the night, that Guyke and Dej had made up again. When I logged in-world immediately after reading this Dej confirmed the news. I love both of the guys so much and it makes me so happy and proud that they settled this dispute.

I like my friends to be passionate but reasonable and rational. They both proved that they measure up to that! Quarrels can and will occur among such hotheaded people with strong feelings. I must simply learn to trust in their wisdom and not worry too much about it. Usually they will work things out nicely without my meddling, once they get a chance to think about it when they are calmer.

The other thing that has happened already this year is that Ziggy has decided to make an honest avatar of Guyke, after first robbing him of his precious virginity (which had been surgically restored in a costly procedure at some obscure Mexican sim). During the night Ziggy proposed to Guyke, who of course knowing I would never forgive him if he did anything else, accepted the proposal! Woot! Woot!

2013 is going to be an exceptionally wonderful year, take my word for it and remember you read it here first!

Monday, December 31, 2012

My Hopes for 2013

At the end of a year it is customary to express ones´s hopes and predictions for what may await us in the coming year. I will - a bit reluctantly - follow this tradition, so here goes. Excuse the naivety!

The universe is. It was here long before us and will remain long after we are gone and forgotten, in one form or the other. This year I am not going to be so presumptuous to make a prediction about it, I will instead merely express a hope.

1. I hope that the universe as we know it will still be.

On the global level it is easier but also more difficult, because there is so much that is simply "wrong" with the state of things, we all know it but we do not know what to do about it or cannot agree among ourselves what is the best way to go about correcting the wrongs. However, here are some personal hopes and wishes that are at the top of my mind and that I choose to air here.

2. I hope that Syria will be liberated from it´s butchering dictator as soon as possible and that he will not be replaced by another dictator.
3. I hope that the Arabian spring continues.
4. I hope that President Putin of the Russian Federation and the rest of the Russian political establishment realizes that world politics is not a game.
5. I hope that The Peoples Republic of China realizes that it has a great responsibility for world peace and acts accordingly.
6. I hope the United States of America leaves its road to isolationism and takes its responsibility as the leader of the Western democracies seriously and passionately.
7. I hope that the North Korean dictatorship implodes.
8. I hope that the people of the world gain further understanding that we share a single ecosystem and that what each of us does affects others just as what they do affects us.

My wonderful virtual world, which is as real to me as my equally wonderful first world.

9. I hope the technical improvements we have seen will continue, little-by-little it does get better all the time.
10. I hope SecondLife will grow faster, better and stronger in every possible way.
11. I hope that Linden Lab will realize that it needs to improve its customer relations and work with the community as a whole instead of catering to the whims and wishes of a loudmouthed and technologically hostile minority.
12. I hope that Linden Lab will get better in collaborating with the residents on future developments and at communicating its intentions for the future to the residents.

This year I will refrain from making predictions about other blogs. Whether or not a blogger wishes to continue blogging is a strictly personal decision.

When it comes to my own blog, Bock in SecondLife, I believe that my experiences, thoughts and feelings are still relevant, if not for anyone else then for me alone. After all there are so many other blogs that through their bloggers superior knowledge, experiences and contacts are better at financial, informational and technological issues.

13. I hope that the blog Bock in SecondLife will still remain.

In 2013 I and Bock will be 43 and 6 years old respectively. We will have reached the points in our lives where we should become more mature and less flippant, where we should realize that lives are serious matters not to joke around with. Let me assure you that we do realize it, but we still choose to ignore it - completely.

14. I hope that I will remain in SecondLife.
15. I hope that I will have reduced my medication with antidepressants.
16. I hope that I will have sex again, in both lives but most importantly in first life.
17. Most of all I hope that my loved ones in both lives will be safe and still with me through it all.

That concludes my hopes for the coming year.

I would like to thank you all for the support and love you have shown me and the blog in the past and hope you will continue to do so in the future.

I wish you all a wonderful, prosperous and happy new year and hope to see you all in the coming year. If we should not have met yet I hope we do, I am actually a nice guy most of the time - even if I say so myself.

Sunday, December 30, 2012

SecondLife Declared Doomed

On the evening of the day that SecondLife had been declared to be doomed by a Swedish journalist in the country´s largest morning paper (the article in Swedish "In the Company of Dead Avatars") the Much Honored Bock McMillan, laird of Southern Charm and prince of Cascade Falls, decided to go dancing as a neko at Club OrmDricka.
"If my world is dying, I sure the hell haven't noticed it yet. Why would I take the condescending declaration of my worlds impending death from the visiting snobbish Swedish journalist Ms. Hanna Fahl of Dagens Nyheter as the truth? She knows nothing!

On the contrary, now that we are doing away with the outdated technology that has been holding us back for the last couple of years due to an extremely loudmouthed and vocal minority of residents. We have a wonderful future waiting and I am happy, thrilled and excited to remain here and see the amazing things that are to come and to be part of the wonderful and vibrant SecondLife community, my people!"

Technical Malfunctions

Since a couple of weeks I have been experiencing some strange technical problems in SecondLife. Below I will give you a complete list of the various problems, the causes that have been suggested to me and what I have done to try to solve them.

I noticed all the problems at the same time, so as far as I know they arose simultaneously. At that time I was using the Firestorm viewer.

Problem 1:  Repetition of my chat in local
Frequency: Daily
Description: When I speak in local chat all my remarks are repeated once. It looks like this in local chat:

"Bock McMillan: I am speaking in local chat.I am speaking in local chat."


"Bock McMillan: I am speaking in local chat.
A.A: Bla bla bla
B.B: Yodel-yodel-yodel
C.C: Di-da-de-da-dum-dee-dum.
Bock McMillan: I am speaking in local chat."

What I have tried to illustrate above is that sometimes the repetition is instantaneous while at other times there is a delay of between 10-60 seconds. There are no brackets around the repetitions. Mostly I can see it happening myself but at other times I don´t see it.
Suggested causes: a) Translation is activated, b) Pushing Page Up, c) Lag

a) I have checked this at least 25 times and translation is never, and has never been, activated, besides if it were a translation it would - usually - have brackets around the repetition.
b) No, I do not try t annoy myself and everyone else at the venue by pushing the "Page Up" key on my keyboard every time I have spoken in chat. (You will have to take my word for this, I´m afraid.)
c) Yes, it happens in venues where there is lag, but it can also happen where there is no lag at all.

Problem 2: Repetition of my chat in Instant Message
Frequency: Daily
Description: When I speak in IM all my remarks are repeated once. Reportedly sometimes the repetition is instantaneous while at other times there is a delay of between 10-30 seconds. I cannot see it myself but the people I am talking with tell me about it.
Suggested causes: See Problem 1.

Problem 3:  Repetition of payments
Frequency: Daily
Description: When I buy, donate or tip my payment is repeated either immediately or within 60 seconds afterwards. This means I make two purchases and receive two deliveries of everything I buy or that I donate or tip twice the amount I had intended.
Suggested causes: Lag (See Problem 1 c and my additional information about this)

Problem 4: HUD's are turned on or off involuntarily
Frequency: Daily
Description: If I have a HUD turned on it turns itself off and if I have it turned off it turns itself on.
Suggested causes: Lag. (See Problem 1 c and my additional information about this.)

Problem 5: Involuntary movement
Frequency: Weekly
Description: When I am standing around or dancing at a venue my avatar starts moving around until it ends up in a corner from where it cannot be moved.
Suggested causes: Lag. (See Problem 1 c and my additional information about this.)

Measures I have already taken to try to solve the issues, to no avail so far.
1. I have cleared my caches 984,367 times (Well, no less than 100 times if that is more believable)
2. I have restarted  my modem no less than 25 times, on occasions leaving it off more than an hour.
3. I have re-installed the SecondLife viewer more than 20 times, making certain that I did a fresh install every time.
4. Switched to Linden Lab´s viewer 3 and then back again to Firestorm and then back again to Linden viewer 3, making sure every time that I did a fresh install.
5. I have talked with a sweet Linden on the labs Live-Chat support. She made the same suggestions that I have listed above (1-2), checked my avatar for corruption and told me it was low but she was going to run a cleaning procedure anyway, which she did. 
6. I have taken off all my attachments and HUDs and reset the HUDs.
7. I have run several virus and malware scans on my computer, both online and offline.

Today, after yet another fresh install, I took the drastic measure to delete everything in my Inventory that was younger than sixty days. Luckily I have not been purchasing much lately, but unluckily all your holiday greetings had to go I am afraid. Results of this drastic measure are still pending. This measure did not help at all!

(The information in this post was later turned into the support ticket #01587329 I sent to Linden Lab)

Saturday, December 29, 2012

One Down...

Today I had a long conversation with my stepson Guyke. We discussed several things that were good to get out of the way.

As I told Guyke, "It is at least good for me to know, that I have two wonderful men who love me, care for me and look out for me even if the two of you should never see eye to eye on anything else again."

However, I still believe and hope that this tiff can be laid behind us soon, when I have spoken to the other party involved.