Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Welcome Ebbe Linden!

Hamlet Au and Daniel Voyager just revealed that our wait is over and that Linden Lab has a new CEO.

The new CEO is Ebbe Altberg, presumably to be called Ebbe Linden.

Read more about this exciting news at Daniel Voyager's Blog: Ebbe Altberg new CEO of Linden Lab or New World Notes:  Linden Lab Hires Yahoo! Exec Ebbe Altberg as CEO - Announcement Emphasizes Blocksworld as Much as SL.

Bock in SecondLife would like to welcome Ebbe to our world!

Second Pride's "Fashion Pride"

The information below is from a notecard in the Second Pride Festival Group.
This event is a Second Pride Fashion Fundraiser for AIDS Committee of Toronto (ACT)and will take place March 10th - March 17th 2014


Dear designer,

As you know, HIV and AIDS still impacts the lives of millions throughout the world today. Its impact in urban areas is often understated publicly, but the effect it has on those it touches is profound, transforming lives, destroying health, and devastating families.

Second Pride, the organization that creates Second Life's largest pride celebration, is holding a fundraiser for AIDS Committee of Toronto to raise funds to increase awareness of the disease, assist those living with HIV, and service the community, while researching its impact on various segments of society.

Fashion Pride is an exciting shopping event that will take place from March 10th through March 17th 2014. It will include fabulous shopping, fashion shows, entertainment events, and a final art auction to raise funds for both the Second Pride main festival in June and ACT.

We are asking for donations which will purchase your stall space for the duration of the event. 100% of the store cost will be donated to help Second Pride, an entirely non-profit organization, hold the pride festival in June. This important festival helps the LGBT come together for fun, information and camaraderie. In addition, it provides a Pride event to those who may not be able to attend one in RL due to real life oppression and animosity. Second Pride webpage (url)

This can be paid at the time of your confirmation directly to the account of the event, Second Pride.

We will have three available store sizes you can choose:
-Large (100 prims): L$1,500
-Medium (50 prims) L$1,000
-Small (20 prims): L$500

We are asking that 100% proceeds of at least ONE EXCLUSIVE ITEM be donated to ACT (for exclusive item we mean a new and never released item). Funds for this item will go directly to an avatar run by the charity.

Second Pride is supportive of diversity and as such we have not selected a theme for this event. We want to see your creativity in your exclusive item.

All sales from the remaining items in your store are yours to keep, of course, we do appreciate any further donations you wish to make to ACT or to the upcoming Second Pride event.

For your exclusive charity item, we will happily provide you with the vendor.

Second Pride is the treasury avatar for the Second Pride event in June. All shop reservation transactions will go through this account and all transaction history will be publicized on the Fashion Pride blog (url).

All transaction history, participating creator names, raised amounts, schedules, and anything else related to the event, will be located on this blog.

100% of exclusive item donations will be donated to ACT avatar, ACT Merryman, and all of the transactions will be released to the public.

Marcus Lefevre has generously donated the use of one sim for the Fashion Pride event. We are grateful for his generosity.

Feel free to IM: Bastien Berboral [ENG/SPA], Merrick Genesis [ENG], Mrs Sutry Long (Sutry Resident) [ENG/SPA], or Skylei Caproni (ENG]."

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

We Are Family

The boy has been badgering my talented husband for a family picture for a while now, so yesterday we took the time to take one.
"We Are Family" Photography by Tomais Ashdene
It turned out rather well I think... on second thought and buggering modesty... I absolutely love and adore this awesome picture by my wonderful hubby Tomais!

Here are a couple of "behind the scenes" pictures I took at the occasion.
The weird balls are "Lumipros", lightning attachments that allow the photographer to set the correct light on the models.

As you can see Ziggy Starsmith was also present at Villa Kakelbont. Ziggy is despite the reputation he is successfully building for being the sexy badboy of SecondLife is one of the most wonderful persons around SecondLife and a very good friend.

BM's Ballroom - Now in the Destination Guide

Yesterday my friend Kahvy Sands, general manager, dance master, DJ, jack of all trades and factotum to Her Royal Majesty Big Momma Oh, Queen of the Netherlands in SecondLife, sent me a link to the SecondLife destination guide.

Big Momma's Ballroom has now made it to the destination guide! I am certain that the beautiful picture of BM Oh and myself dancing at the ballroom helped a little. The only drawback is that now it will be even harder to get into the sim, when there is a party.

Congratulations to the wonderful Big Momma's  Ballroom (url to the post in the Destination Guide)!

Sunday, February 2, 2014

Who Are You? - Reader Survey 2014

I have been blogging for a couple of years now and have shared my rants, tirades, thoughts and feelings about everything or nothing with you all.

Many of you have been coming here to read my blog for several years, others are just passing by, I know that much already from Google Analytics.

That tool also informs me - collectively, not individually - what countries you are from and what language you prefer to read, but there is so much more I want to know about you, my dear readers, and things about you that Google Analytics doesn't tell me.

Today I have posted three surveys on the top right hand side of your screen, I would be grateful if you answered them. I may follow up with new questions at a later date.

The surveys will close at February 9, 2014, at 3AM SLT.

Saturday, February 1, 2014

Infinity Space@Southern Charm Today (Updated)

The Infinity Space from NicoleX on Vimeo.

This was a video shot at the opening party for Ultraviolet Alter's concert in Betty Tureaud's installation "Infinity Space" which is rezzed at 2,000 meters over my home-sim Southern Charm.

Tonight they have an encore concert before the installation is removed, I am sorry to say I don't remember what time the concert starts, but last time it was 2PM SLT.

SLurl to the installation

UPDATE 2/2/2014: Well, it seems there was no party although I am certain that I was told there would be one, as that was the reason I was given for extending their use of my sim. However the installation is still up there, so visit it while you are able to, because I am going to ask for it's removal today.