Showing posts with label Bastien. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Bastien. Show all posts

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Second Pride's "Fashion Pride"

The information below is from a notecard in the Second Pride Festival Group.
This event is a Second Pride Fashion Fundraiser for AIDS Committee of Toronto (ACT)and will take place March 10th - March 17th 2014


Dear designer,

As you know, HIV and AIDS still impacts the lives of millions throughout the world today. Its impact in urban areas is often understated publicly, but the effect it has on those it touches is profound, transforming lives, destroying health, and devastating families.

Second Pride, the organization that creates Second Life's largest pride celebration, is holding a fundraiser for AIDS Committee of Toronto to raise funds to increase awareness of the disease, assist those living with HIV, and service the community, while researching its impact on various segments of society.

Fashion Pride is an exciting shopping event that will take place from March 10th through March 17th 2014. It will include fabulous shopping, fashion shows, entertainment events, and a final art auction to raise funds for both the Second Pride main festival in June and ACT.

We are asking for donations which will purchase your stall space for the duration of the event. 100% of the store cost will be donated to help Second Pride, an entirely non-profit organization, hold the pride festival in June. This important festival helps the LGBT come together for fun, information and camaraderie. In addition, it provides a Pride event to those who may not be able to attend one in RL due to real life oppression and animosity. Second Pride webpage (url)

This can be paid at the time of your confirmation directly to the account of the event, Second Pride.

We will have three available store sizes you can choose:
-Large (100 prims): L$1,500
-Medium (50 prims) L$1,000
-Small (20 prims): L$500

We are asking that 100% proceeds of at least ONE EXCLUSIVE ITEM be donated to ACT (for exclusive item we mean a new and never released item). Funds for this item will go directly to an avatar run by the charity.

Second Pride is supportive of diversity and as such we have not selected a theme for this event. We want to see your creativity in your exclusive item.

All sales from the remaining items in your store are yours to keep, of course, we do appreciate any further donations you wish to make to ACT or to the upcoming Second Pride event.

For your exclusive charity item, we will happily provide you with the vendor.

Second Pride is the treasury avatar for the Second Pride event in June. All shop reservation transactions will go through this account and all transaction history will be publicized on the Fashion Pride blog (url).

All transaction history, participating creator names, raised amounts, schedules, and anything else related to the event, will be located on this blog.

100% of exclusive item donations will be donated to ACT avatar, ACT Merryman, and all of the transactions will be released to the public.

Marcus Lefevre has generously donated the use of one sim for the Fashion Pride event. We are grateful for his generosity.

Feel free to IM: Bastien Berboral [ENG/SPA], Merrick Genesis [ENG], Mrs Sutry Long (Sutry Resident) [ENG/SPA], or Skylei Caproni (ENG]."

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

The Rhino Writers Broadcasting Party

SL Live Radio broadcast party at the Rhino Writers pavilion at SL10B can only be characterized as a thundering success.

DJ's Johny Alderton and Heloq Tomsen kept all of us in an excellent mood with their music and chat. The crowd was lively and and in excellent spirits so we all had a good time. Among other things I learned that Heloq is from Italy and that his name is pronounced "Ghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh-elo-kkkk".
Butch, myself & Guyke
From a strictly personal point of view there were a few added benefits and some drawbacks, which I will list for you here (What is it with me and lists these days, this must be the tenth in just a few days..?)


  1. I got to meet Dodo, my most dedicated reader (which was proven by the fact that he was the only one who had read my post on saggy pants)
  2. Vampi Twine-DeSantis-McMillan-McMillan (honorary) was there, I had not met her in a long time.
  3. Bastien Berboral kindly shared a few  landmarks to shops I had never heard of after showing me pics of their awesome clothing lines.


  1. My son told me that, "Face lights are so 80's!" (I am so not going to share my new landmarks with him.)
  2. My friend Butch told me that my beautiful skin is "OLD!". If I had newer skin I would not need face lights, was his reasoning.

Well I guess that's what you have family and friends for, to tell you the awful truth when you need to hear it. The only problems are that I feel ugly without the face light - as the old-timer that I am - and I love my skin. Oh well, maybe I do need to update my appearances, but it will be a struggle....