Tuesday, March 5, 2019

Second Pride: Mardi Gras (Fat Tuesday), Today 2-10 PM SLT

Today's Event Schedule
2-4 PM: DJ i0n
4-6 PM: DJ Regi Yifu with host Lady Mei
6-8 PM: DJ Shepherd with host Larz Kaz
8-10 PM: DJ Lee McKay with host Kaiden

Your taxi to the event:  Second Pride - Mardi Gras 2019 (SLurl)

This event is BYOBBB, i.e. bring your own beer, booze and bead necklaces!

Saturday, March 2, 2019

Today: Mardi Gras Carnival, 4 PM - 10 PM SLT

Second Pride is celebrating carnival on our virtual recreation of the Big Easy!  

Come join us with your most festive clothing! It's BYOB ("bring your own beads") if you have them! 
Today's Event Schedule

  •         4pm - 6pm:  DJ Nicco and Host Jai
  •         6pm - 8pm:  DJ Cole Delpiaz and Host John
  •         8pm - 10pm:  F-Squared 

Your Taxi:  Second Pride - Mardi Gras 2019 (SLurl)

There will be another celebration on Fat Tuesday (Mardi Gras). More on that later!

Tuesday, February 26, 2019

The New Memorial For My Boys

When my, very much older (Oh he is so going to kill me for that!), brother Dejerrity surprisingly passed away last summer the need for a joint memorial arose for my late husband Ars, his and my brother Dej and (as we found when we cleared up Dej's parcel) Sterling, a k a Bobby, Dej's first husband and true love in SecondLife.

The old memorial which had stood for 8,5 years was starting to feel overwhelming and somewhat creepy, now that I was saner and calmer again. The question was where to place the new downsized memorial. As it happened The Laird's Gardner found true love and left his cabin, so a parcel was freed up, and after some discussion with my husband Tomais, we decided to move the memorial there.

The place is exactly where my and Ars "Quarreling Bench" used to stand (see my blogpost from 2011, The Quarreling Bench (url))
The new memorial site is on the east shore of the Southern Charm region and we have tried to make it a secluded place for the boys and those who visit with them. There is a bench for the visitors to sit on. The hanging lights on both sides of the memorial belong to Ars, who had left them hanging in the air when he passed away.

Tomais helped me and actually did most of the work under my benign leadership, which means that I approved of his excellent ideas from time to time.

I think my boys Ars and Dej would have approved. (I never knew Sterling as he had already passed away when I rezzed into SecondLife.)

Thursday, February 21, 2019

SP Board Meeting 02/16/2019 - Minutes Posted

To assist my dear sexy friend Cay (cayson.triellis) and my adorable husband Tomais, the minutes from the board meeting they attended and found bewildering, confusing or downright objectionable are now posted at the Second Pride website (url) under "Documents". This (url) is the direct link to the aforementioned document for the lazy buggers.

The minutes contain a lot of great news, here I will only mention a few select ones.

  • Second Pride is applying to become an LGBT+ Gateway to SecondLife. If approved by Linden Lab the organization would save USD249 per month in tier and can reduce its costs - thereby being able to donate more to charitable LGBT+ causes in first life.
  • Changes in the mission statement of the Bylaws accepted by the board, to be voted on by the Membership.
  • Members are - as has been mentioned in a previous post - invited to contribute with their ideas on an updated logo for Second Pride, a theme for the Festival in June, and additional services they would like from Second Pride.
  • The 15th annual Second Pride Festival will take place between June 14th and 23rd, 2019.
  • New and improved donation kiosks are now available.
Read all about it and more at greater length in the minutes!

P.S. The Build Director also promised Cay to consider reintroducing floats parade in the festival.

Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Second Pride Needs Your Talent & Insight

Second Pride is currently accepting submissions from the Membership (that’s you, or at least should be) in three areas. 

The areas are.
  1. New logo
  2. Theme for the festival in June
  3. Suggestions for other services that Second Pride can provide
Please take time to read the information at the Second Pride website (url) and even if you don’t think your idea is good enough, Second Pride wants to hear from you!

You will also find information on where to send your submissions there.

Saturday, February 16, 2019

Second Pride, Board Meeting, Today 2 PM-3.30 PM, SLT

This is an open meeting and all members are welcome.

The tentative agenda of today's meeting can be found on the Second Pride website here (url).

Among other things, there will be a presentation of the ongoing discussions with Linden Lab about becoming an LGBT Gateway for SecondLife, a proposal for a new logo and much more.

Welcome, all!

Thursday, February 14, 2019

Are Centaurs Extinct? (Updated Landmark to New Store)

The answer to the question in the title is, of course, a resounding "Hell no!".

Despite what you may have been taught, centaurs are not creatures of fable or mythology. Neither did the race die out entirely when their mares left them to wander off and die lonely deaths on the plains of Central Asia.
The story of how the species was saved and survived to this day through heroic efforts by the first laird and his wife is a living legend within clan McMillan.

The first laird Callum and his spouse the goddess-witch Minerva came across the last three living centaurs during their travels in Asia Minor. They were in a pitiful state after a long life of ribaldry, whoring and worse.

With the skilled ministrations of Minerva, the centaurs were brought back to health and were offered a safe haven in the laird's clan, who at the time lived in the Scottish Highlands. 

Over time there was intermarriage between the species and the McMillan clan became the renowned shapeshifters they are today. (Clan McMillan and their distant relations the Ashdene family are among the last remaining shapeshifters still among us.) To this day they choose at will in which manner they wish to present themselves.

Centaur body (Bento) and skin from Jinx. https://marketplace.secondlife.com/stores/52351 (right now only sold at We ♥ Roleplay (SLurl)) UPDATE: Landmark to the New Jinx Store (SLurl)
The armor is my Valentine's Day gift from my husband Tomais.