Wednesday, March 13, 2019

Travelling on the SecondLife Railroad

I may have told you before about my wonderful husband Tomais need to own every vehicle created in SecondLife from 2010 and forward.

Previously this urge was mainly centered on unicycles, bicycles, tricycles, cars, trucks, sailboats, motorboats, barges, blimps, balloons and airplanes of every size, shape, and type known to urbanized man. Well, now my sweet and lovely man has found a new kind of vehicle. Trains.

Yesterday we were traveling on the SecondLife railroad (SLRR) which covers a couple of hundred regions of SecondLife mainland, while Tomais was introducing Lee McMay to his new addiction. Connor Collins, one of Lee's friends from Steamworkz was with us.

We traveled from where Tomais and Lee have their "siding", I believe that's what the parking place for the train is called, all the way to our friend Petr's station at Burn.

I always thought that the mainland was rather ugly, but parts of the landscaping along our route was beautiful.

Tuesday, March 12, 2019

Ars In Memoriam 2019

Joseph Douglas Wilson Jr., in SecondLife known as Ars Northmead.

★ April 21, 1953 (First life)
★ October 25, 2006 (SecondLife)

† March 12, 2010

Ars Forever, Forever Ars!

Monday, March 11, 2019

It's My Twelfth Rezday!

Today is my 12th rezday and I am taking the day off from SecondLife as I have a  terrible headache. I hope you are celebrating it all the same.

This is a picture to show y'all what I looked like on Saturday, December 8th, 2007.  
Evander Milena, Ars Northmead (who was later to become my husband) and I
on the far right. I was a brunette those days because all blond hair was yellow.
The photo was taken at Ars' skybox, the pictures in the background are of him with his head shaved.   

Sunday, March 10, 2019

When the Laird Was Snubbed by Catherine the Great

Yesterday The Much Honored Bock McMillan, laird of Southern Charm, prince of Cascade Falls, Sovereign Ruler of the Commonwealth of Southern Enchantment with the Region of Monfort l'Amaury (self-governing) and Outer Territories, UN-appointed Protector of the Mount Whitney Region in SecondLife and, finally, pretender to the throne of Macedonia in first life, chose to attend a concert and ball at his dear cousins Ophiel's and Nathanael's palace to enjoy a Russian role play.

The laird much appreciated his cousin's having informed the doorman about his full titulature so he was correctly announced when entering the ballroom. He did however not appreciate the Tsarina did not, as would have been seemly, greet him at the door when he arrived.

The foolish woman remained seated on the balcony of the ballroom, displaying her total ignorance to the world.
It does happen from time to time that even those who should know better do not recognize the Lairds exalted status within the royal and noble ranks. The Laird could indeed have had the little tsarina stripped, flogged and thrown prostrate at his feet, but he was in a benevolent mood and as always patient.

Instead, the laird enjoyed the concert that had been arranged and danced the whole night afterward with the charming and witty Mademoiselle Florentine Rau-Offcourse.

Friday, March 8, 2019

Bock Stars As Submissive Straight Man

Well, if you cannot beat them, join them!

Here see me at my mistress Sheree's feet while in a Barbie doll box with a ball-gag in my mouth.

This is a part of a photo project by Sheree Honeyflower.

Tuesday, March 5, 2019

Last Day of Gluttony

In Catholic times, "the Fat Tuesday" was the last day before the forty days of fasting until Easter started.

The purpose of Lent is the preparation of the believer for Easter through prayer, doing penance, repentance of sins, almsgiving, and self-denial. As the name suggests, one would eat ravenously - preferably seven meals a day - to stand firmly prepared for the 40-day fast. The traditions around the calorie-rich feast day remained even after the rules of fasting disappeared with the Protestant Reformation.

Since it was the last chance before the fast to eat milk, eggs, and white wheat flour, perhaps a dessert in the form of a fixed bun was on the menu.

That is why we Swedes to this day, in one of the most secular countries in the World, stuff ourselves with the delicacies in the picture. There are variations of semlor (sehm-lohr is plural, sehm-la is singular) throughout Scandinavia and in Sweden they go by several different names: 'semlor' in the north, 'fastlagsbullar' in the south, and 'hetvägg' if they are eaten with warm milk and sprinkled with cinnamon.

Here's a recipe for fastlagsbullar in English that I found on the (url)

Second Pride: Mardi Gras (Fat Tuesday), Today 2-10 PM SLT

Today's Event Schedule
2-4 PM: DJ i0n
4-6 PM: DJ Regi Yifu with host Lady Mei
6-8 PM: DJ Shepherd with host Larz Kaz
8-10 PM: DJ Lee McKay with host Kaiden

Your taxi to the event:  Second Pride - Mardi Gras 2019 (SLurl)

This event is BYOBBB, i.e. bring your own beer, booze and bead necklaces!