Showing posts with label Vesper. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Vesper. Show all posts

Sunday, June 29, 2014

A Unilateral Action

Today I have been in SecondLife 2,667 days or, expressed in another way, 7 years 2 months and 18 days.

I would like to think that I have friendly relations with most of the people I have encountered during those many years, some are still close, others I meet sporadically but for various reasons our paths have mostly parted, some have more or less or altogether left SecondLife and some I don't have contact with even if they are still around. But those that we are friends with or have amicable relations with are never the problem, are they?

The relationships that drain my energy, and that I have been thinking much about the last two weeks, are the failed ones. Those relationships that have to some degree turned into open or concealed enmity. I find that it weighs down on me and makes me weary to keep track of the perceived wrongdoings and insults. It has also to some degree turned into an unwanted bitterness on my part that I do not at all care for.

So today I am going to clean the slate by unilaterally forgiving those I feel have wronged me - or someone I love - intentionally or through carelessness, so that I thereby in time can forget the perceived insults and abuses. I am also asking those whom I know feel that I have wronged them for forgiveness. I am going to unblock all those that have previously been blocked from Instant Messaging me in-world or from entering my home sim or on social media sites.

I know that this action will most likely be labeled as "drama" by some, but I don't care one iota because I am doing it for my own sake not anyone else's. My forgiveness is in no manner dependent on the their willingness to forgive me.

As I do not believe a sweeping apology is enough I am going to name each and every one of those I believe deserve my forgiveness and whose forgiveness I need for my words and actions in the past. I will not go into my reasons for feeling hurt by those named, except in one particular case.

I forgive you, Ars Northmead, for dying and leaving me alone and heartbroken for such a long time. I also ask your forgiveness for resenting you for something you could not help. You know I love you, babe, and I know you loved me. Forgiving you was and is always easy.

I forgive you, Andrey Messmer (a. k. a. D R E Y Messmer), and ask for your forgiveness.

I forgive you, Martial Eisenhart, and ask for your forgiveness.

I forgive you, Butch Horton, and ask for your forgiveness.

I forgive you, Vanadis Falconer, and ask for your forgiveness.

I forgive you, Sjöfn Stoneshield, and ask for your forgiveness.

I forgive you, Kynlif Leikfang, and ask for your forgiveness.

I forgive you, Loo Berensohn, and ask for your forgiveness.

I forgive you, PetGirl Bergman (a.k.a. Tina Dahl), and ask for your forgiveness.

I forgive you, Alessia Kranfel (a.k.a. Vesper Kling and Mera Kranfel) and ask for your forgiveness.

Lastly I forgive myself.

The deed is done and now the rest of my life can start afresh. It is a big relief! 

Friday, September 3, 2010

InWorldz not in the top ten

Well, it should not amaze anyone, but as you can see "InWorldz" didn´t even make the top ten. My guess is they come in around 234th or lower...

Meanwhile Second Life has moved up to 8th place since February 2010 and has also increased it´s average per minute playing time since then. For the cold figures for February 2010 look at this post on "Mer eller mindre KRANFEL".

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Nakna avatarer i SL - Bonus

The world famous art and peace project gives a temporary special performance on another blog. 

Please visit "Mer eller mindre KRANFEL" to see a revealing picture of my friend Vesper Kling here.

Vesper has formerly appeared in the project on this blog also, but at the time claimed to be "too shy to bare all"! It seems that  his detour to "InWorldz" has given him better confidence in himself.

And all I can say to that is Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay!"

Thanks for that postcard Vesper, loved it!

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Linden bashing

I get very easily pissed if I read something that upsets me before I have finished my breakfast and have gotten my full pot of coffee.

Now I just read - yet another - Linden bashing posts on the blog "Mer eller mindre KRANFEL". I do not understand why Alessia/Vesper cannot promote the "lovely" InWorldz without constantly bashing the Linden Lab and Second Life.

All I can say is the following:
1. Second Life is not compulsory.
2. Linden Lab - through it´s wonderful employees - has always come through for me whenever I needed it.
3. Second Life has improved greatly - and keeps on improving - since I first arrived.
4. Second Life is well worth every penny I spend, if I did not think so I would move on and never look back.

It is true though, we really are building a paradise in Second Life and all of us who love it here benefit from that.

So please stop spitting in my soup!
No, this post is not aggressive.
No, I am not being defensive to protect the time and money I have invested in Second Life.
No, I am not insecure, never have been and never will be.
No, I am not on any edge whatsoever.
Yes, we are still friends.

Now go find some better arguments!
P.S. Thanks Alessia/Vesper for all the international traffic to my blog from your post in the "Inworldz forum". Welcome strangers, I am usually a nice guy, whether you believe it ot not...

Monday, June 28, 2010

Kranfel har öppnat upp igen

Som ni har märkt har "Mer eller mindre KRANFEL" under en månads tid haft begränsad tillgänglighet. Det var bara de som valde att lämna uppgift om sin e-postadress som släpptes in. Vissa vågade eller ville inte göra detta och kunde därför inte läsa Vesper Klings eller Alessia Kranfels inlägg under den perioden.

Idag har Vesper/Alessia valt att öppna upp bloggen för allmänheten igen. Såsom av en händelse publicerade människan redan igår denna bild av en er alla närstående svensk bloggare (name withheld). Om ni tror att detta händelseförlopp är en tillfällighet så är ni väldigt naiva!

Onämnd avatar under en konsert på Yarn Factory Gallery

Gud bevare och skydde oss alla, Vesper är lös igen!

(Tillägg i hemlig skrift som bara ska kunna läsas av dig, Vesper: Kram, love you anyway my friend!)

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Nakna avatarer i SL 50

Nå äntligen, får jag väl lov att utbrista samtidigt som jag storskrattar och ligger dubbelvikt på golvet!

Vesper Kling, annars känd såsom en särdeles rapp bloggare och dubbelnatur i SL, har efter mycket tjat till slut lyckats prestera en bild för detta freds- och konstprojekt. De av oss som är experter på tunnhängning kan ju konstatera att den hänger osedvanligt lågt, av vilket vi drar vissa säkra slutsatser. (Nej, det är inte alltid så att man måste säga "B" bara för att man har sagt "A".)

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Halvnakna avatarer i RL

Vesper vägrar fortfarande skicka en bild på sin avatar, så jag snodde den här bilden från hans blogg Mer eller mindre KRANFEL istället!

"Fantomen är hård mot de hårda!" (Gammalt djungelordspråk)

Friday, May 14, 2010

Nakenskandal på Haven!

I går firades de tre underbara Hax-systrarna Lensi,  Svessa och Wizanna (svenska SLs svar på systrarna Gabor) vederbörligen på sin rezdag av såväl dronningen, allsköns glitterati som annat löst folk! ALLA VAR FAKTISKT DÄR!

Havens ägaren och DJ Walentine Gasov spelade musik som ömsom kittlade kräkreflexen, ömsom tårkanalerna.

Tyvärr förstördes festkvällen av två manliga avatarer som sannolikt hade fått lite för mycket i den öppna baren. De båda klädde - av annu okänd anledning - plötsligt av sig mitt på dansgolvet, som var fullt av dansande avatarer som småpratande lyssnade på Walles musik.

Den ene skall blygsamt ha täckt sin mindre imponerande mandom med ett höftskynke medan den andre visade "the full monty", av skrämmande proportioner.

"Jag dansade i närheten av honom och blev jätterädd när den knuffade omkull mig flera gånger", säger en tydligt skakad Vesper Kling.

Walentine Gasov berättar, "Dronningen hade som tur var lämnat festen när skandalen inträffade annars hade vi säkert stått inför ett tronskifte nu."

"Hänt i SL"s bloggare Blanche Argus hindrades att se och uppröras av nakenheten genom att hennes tre s k livvakter skyddande ställde sig runt henne.

Enligt uppgift fick dock en av födelsedagssystrarna ledas från festen i tårar medan hon hulkande upprepade för sig själv "Vafför gör di på detta viset, nakna pixlar är väl inget att titta på?"

...och som vanligt glömde jag ta bilder, dem får ni leta efter någon annanstans!