Showing posts with label Eddi. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Eddi. Show all posts

Sunday, January 27, 2013

Miss Wigstock 2013 (LM added)

Prepare yourselves for the event of the season! Today is the day for Glamour, Bling & 'Cha-Ching'.

The 5th Annual Miss Wigstock contest is being held today, 12 PM (noon) SLT, at The Theater on the Hill (SLurl) at Gay Archipelago.

I am going in elegant, award winning at OrmDricka 2010 or 2011. drag attire with a few minor adjustments (but I cannot find the post I did on that victory) and I am looking forward to seeing you all there.

Rumor has it that the SLebrity Mr. Eddi Haskell is going to be one of the judges at the event... so if for nothing else you should come to take a look at that sexy piece of man meat!

...shit, only 8 hours to get ready why am I wasting my time talking with ya´ll?

P.S. Guyke, ma´ buoy, get your ass in gear! I need high-heeled shoes that fit my feet!

P.P.S. I went wild and crazy and have created a completely new look with the help of my new friend BM Oh and Diana and Carol!

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

SecondLife Superstar Turns Six

Today is the sixth rezday in SecondLife of Eddi Haskell, my friend and mentor. This supersexy, superblogger is one of the extremely few persons in SecondLife that can rightfully claim to be a superstar.

Eddi is a man of very many talents, not least among them are a gracious manner and a willingness to help newcomers who are trying to follow in his gigantic footsteps. As you can see from the picture above he - in spite of his advanced age - also has a super-cute backside...


Eddi invites you all to join him in celebrating his sixth rezday today at The Bunker (SLurl).at 5-7 PM SLT. Music will be provided by DJ Ms. Bigred

Eddi suggests casual attire and ask you please not to bring gifts, just come and have a good time.

There will be a post-event celebration tonight at nearby Aqua Lounge beginning at 7 PM SLT with DJ Kaj for those of you who want to party the night away.

Friday, January 4, 2013

Salvaging A Lost Friday

One of the greatest benefits with having two realities is that if you have wasted away a day in your first life you are given a possibility to salvage it in your second.

I slept through this Friday in my first life, but as my first life Friday is about to end I am preparing to snatch something of it in my SecondLife.

I hope to see you all at Mikedacook "Mikey" Dinzeo´s birthday bash.

More information about this event can be found on Eddi Haskell´s Second Life; Special Event Tonight at DaPier: DJ Mikedacook´s Real Life Birthday Party.

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Predict How SL Will Do in 2013

My mentor in blogging Eddi Haskell over at Eddi Haskell´s Second Life (url) has a poll running, for only two more days, concerning what SecondLife inhabitants believe will  be the state of SecondLife´s health at the end of 2013.

The poll can be found in the upper right hand corner of the blog. Go there and tell us what you think!

Monday, November 26, 2012

Eddi Strikes Again

My friend Eddi Haskell is rummaging through his vast inventories on various social forums and has struck gold!

Clip description: Photographer Eddi Haskell and his partner Jago Constantine celebrated their first anniversary on November 20, 2009 at Eddi's Gallery in Second Life. Eddi was showing his photography of the new virtual world of Blue Mars at the time. This video by Cuno Fluno shows some really hot people dancing to the music of Ars Northmead while celebrating Eddi and Jago's anniversary.

I remember going to that party with Ars, we had a great time. The video must have been shot after I left for bed (darn time zones). While I was watching it I suddenly realised that I was hoping to hear Ars speak or laugh, but alas no such luck - not this time.

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Eddi Answers Eddi on Virtual Breakups

My friend and mentor Eddi Haskell recently broke up from a four year long relationship with Jago Constantine. In a mini-series of two blog posts Eddi has found the strength to tackle the problem of lost love and breakups in virtual reality.

Eddi answers
Eddi asks
In the first part Eddi, the broken hearted, yesterday wrote a letter to his own advice column "Ask Eddi" in which he described what had been, what had happened and his feelings and thoughts about it.

In the second part published today, Eddi, the advisor, answers and gives advice that may help some of you.

The posts are a must read for anyone who has ever been in love in SecondLife.

Eddi had me in tears in both posts. Although I believe we each have to find our own time frame I do find the suggestions Eddi gives are helpful.

"Ask Eddi"; Part 1:A letter I am writing to myself asking for some sage advice on how to handle my recent break-up with Jago

Ask Eddi; Part 2: A letter I am writing to myself asking for some sage advice on how to handle my recent break-up with Jago

Friday, October 26, 2012

Linden Lab - Punish Criminals, Not Victims!

From Insyx Piranha:
"You probably have heard my story about being robbed of my Ls and LL not helping me due to me being only a basic account. I am still pissed that LL has yet to help or even acknowledge the crime against me. I have not been reimburse for the monetary values taken from me either. I am sure this has happened to others. Well now you can stand up and use your voice to help me, and others, fight this injustice that LL places upon us."

For the events leading up to this petition please read Petr Hastings-Vanbeeck´s blog Confessions of a Digital Daddy Bear; When bad things happen to GOOD PEOPLE! or Blithe SL Magazine; You´re a Customer, Not the Resident of a Dictatorship

If you wish to sign the petition please go here, Petition - Linden Lab: Punish Criminals, Not Victims


Linden Lab has an obligation towards all residents in  SecondLife to protect us from criminals and criminal activity as far as they are able to do so and to ban accounts that prey on residents from using SecondLife again.

(Tipped via Ziggy, Eddi, Petr and InsyX himself)

Sunday, September 30, 2012

Changing Appearances

Changing the way your avatar looks is a difficult thing for some of us, others do it with great ease and talent.

My own avatar has developed very slowly to the point where I am today. Sure I may do radical changes to fit a theme party or just for the hell of it, but when the party is over or my mood shifts I slip back into my comfort zone and revert back to "my look".

I do make changes, but only small ones that are difficult for others to detect and often go back again to try something else. Over time the changes are significant though.

My mentor in blogging, Eddi Haskell, has recently performed an extreme makeover and the result is truly amazing and stunning as you can see in this post on his blog. Eddi Haskell´s Second Life: Eddi Haskell´s New Look. However I will give you a sneak preview here.
Eddi Haskell´s New Look
Le derriere, douze points!

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Poll on the Effects of Social Media

There is an interesting new poll on my mentor Eddi Haskell´s blog Eddi Haskell´s Second Life.

This time Eddi asks our opinion on how we believe social medias effect us. You will find the poll in the top right hand corner.

You have ten more days to vote!

Monday, August 13, 2012

The Results of the SL-Viewer Poll Are In

My buddy Eddi Haskell has now posted the results of the poll concerning your preferred viewer to access SecondLife.

Read the results here.

Once again it seems I am in the minority, because I absolutely love my Viewer 3 from Linden Lab.

Monday, August 6, 2012

Please Take the Viewer-Poll

My friend and mentor Eddi Haskell has a poll running on his blog Eddi Haskell´s Second Life (url) on a eternally debated issue among residents of SecondLife; Which viewer we prefer. to use.

Please take the poll, you have six more days to leave your answer!

You will find the poll in the upper right hand corner.

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Avatar Hunk of the Year

Nah, I am not going to start copying Eddi Haskell´s wonderful series of "Avatar Hunk of the Day", but I had to find a suitable title for this post.

Photo by Ziggy Starsmith
I stole, borrowed or quoted this wonderful picture of and by my buddy Ziggy Starsmith from his blog "Ziggy On The Edge Of Second Life". Every time I look at it I get in a good mood.

It reminds me a of a scene in the film "Cat Ballou" (1965) where Lee Marvin plays a gunman who is hired by Cat Ballou, played by Jane Fonda, when she is seeking revenge for her murdered father. Lee Marvin won an Oscar 1966 for Best Actor in a Leading Role.for his interpretation.

Saturday, June 23, 2012

SP2012 - Day 2

Lets start at the end of my second day with a few hunky men, it always makes me feel better. 

Above and below you see the three hunkiest men of the day at Second Pride, it´s DJ Cupric "The Coop" Router and his host Jagger Naughton with a companion doing their SWAMP THANG. Whatever that was it was leisurely and sexy.

I took it very easy Day 2 and gave it an early night because I knew I had to be up by 12 AM (midnight) SLT for Elfay Pinkdot´s Coffee & Pajamas Jazz Show and an hour after that my mate DJ Sarco Halderman´s set.. 

DJ Wesley Spengler grooving and blogger Jeff Ellsworth checking him out.
 The rest of the day I spent checking out the Ruthenium sim, where parts of the celebration rakes place.

I found the exhibition of quilts there, beautifully displayed and in a calm setting. Strangely enough there were quilts from 2003-2009 and none at all for 2010 and later.
The buildteam for Second Pride, under the lead of my friend Levi Ewing,  have done a really great job, with beautiful sets imaging the streets of
Buenos Aires (SLurl)
London (SLurl)
San Francisco (SLurl) and 
Sydney (SLurl) 

On Ruthenium there are a couple of beautiful streets from a few block in Buenos Aires. (see below)
The Gay History Museum is an amazing build showing an exhibition of the LGBT-movement from the early days until the present days. The globes are a masterpiece, both from outside and within.
Bock,  the eternal tourist

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

A Cane Received, Five Thrown

When I checked my e-mail today, I noticed a message from SecondLife that my bosom buddy Apmel Goosson had dropped a note card on me bewilderingly entitled "A cane".

To still my curiosity about what this was about I immediately logged into SecondLife to check what this was about. The note card didn't say much, only that Apmel had thrown a cane at me and that I should check a certain post on his blog, My Avatar´s Name Is Apmel; "Q&A plus cane throwing".

There I found these instructions on cane throwing.

"Throwing a cane means: someone (a blog owner) asks you five questions and you have to ask five questions to another blogger. It is a pyramid scheme but nevertheless some fun. So I will post the rules and then select some other bloggers. The rules:

  1. Set a link to the blogger who has given you the cane..
  2. Answer the questions.
  3. Then throw the cane on five other bloggers.
  4. Tell these persons that they have received a cane.
  5. Ask five new questions."

Sounds simple enough, huh, so why not take part? OK, here goes. The first rule is already covered above, so on to the second, the questions Apmel asks me and my responses to them.

1. A blog usually is a factual report (albeit subjective) about real life. A blog about an avatar is a
factual report about a fictional life. Your thoughts about that?

I may be missing the point here, but I actually don´t see a conflict. On my blog I recount what I experience in both my realities and both are factual to me. My personality, thoughts, feelings actions and reactions are the same in both worlds. Only the superficial things are different, not the important ones, not the things that really matter to me.

2. Do you think of yourself as an immersionalist or an augmentalist Second Lifer?
"The difference in mindset between the two groups reflects the titles they're given: Immersionalists primarily see SL as an entire virtual reality, and enjoy doing the broad range of activities there that they also enjoy in RL (including shopping, sports, relationships and sex, artistic creation, tourism, vacationing and more); while Augmentalists primarily see SL as a next-generation platform for communication, and are there primarily to enhance a particular interest they already have in RL (such as marketing, architecture, filmmaking, music, artistic distribution and more)."
From the blog "In the Grid" by Jason Pettus, 2006
I am most definitely an Immersionalist. I am in SecondLife to meet R-E-A-L people and interact and engage with them.

3. Do you have more than one avatar? If so why and are they of different gender and/or species?

Yes I have ten alts  - Wild Zepp, Callum Beamish, Hedda Millar, Matt Gaboian, Ian Pomfret, Seamus Lycheborne, Angus Maldor, Duncan Aycliffe, Dan Zise and Minerva Xenno (in order of their creation). All of them are human and two of them are women, Hedda and Minerva .

I created my first alt Wild after a big row with Ars on the same day as he was going to do an important set. I did not want to miss that set but as I did not want to cave in at once Wild came to my rescue - sort of. I could catch Ars set and then make up with him the next day and not while I was still furious with him. I also told Ars that I had been there, he said he already knew because I had dressed Wild in a kilt.

Then I joined a silly in-world game called Tiny Empires (url), in that game you needed to gather subjects, so I used Wild as one and then created Callum and Hedda. The rest of them were created when Bara Jonson took part in a contest where every avatar could only vote once a day, I cheated and voted for him 11 times a day.

The alts are now entirely used for Tiny Empires and are mostly only online when I am taking my naps to gather gold.

4. Do you think you will still be in SL a year from now? If not why?

Hell yeah, I will be here til they shut down the last server at Linden Lab, standing side-by-side with Philip Linden and the rest of the aficionados.

5. What is the ratio of the time you spend on blogging contra being active in world? How has it changed over the last year?

It depends on my mood, whats on my mind and whats happening in my first or second life, but roughly I would say I am in-world about two times longer than I blog, so 66-33.

I will now throw my canes at - and I agree with Apmel this is the most difficult part - but here goes. My selection was limited to blogs that deal with SecondLife and are mostly in English-

Now I must hurry to throw the canes at them, but I will post this before doing that!

My questions are:

1. How long have you been in SecondLife and why did you join?

2. It is sometimes said that there is a problem with "the threshold" in SecondLife, meaning that it is difficult for new users to learn. What are your thoughts on this?

3. What do you wish for most in the future development of SecondLife?

4. What is the most important thing you have learned about yourself in SecondLife?

5. Why do you blog?

All the pictures of the canes were found at Wayfair - Shop Harvy (url).

Monday, May 14, 2012

At the Opening of Outreach Island

Bock at the opening of Outreach Island
(photograpy by Eddi Haskell)
On Sunday I made a visit to the opening of Outreach Island in SecondLife.

This is a great project by Justin and Jared Palianta against the epidemic of "teen bullycides" (suicides due to tormenting by peers).

My camera was not working and my attention level was split due to - among other things - the fierce onset of a particularly bad case of the common cold (it killed the American Indians you know, so it may kill me too...) but my mentor Eddi Haskell has the story and the pictures on his blog today, Eddi Haskell´s Second Life; Second Life's LGBT Community Takes a Stand Against Teen Bullycides With The Opening of Outeach Island. Photographic Coverage of Today's Celebration of Life Event.

Eddi has all the vital info, but if you should need more please visit Second Life Outreach For Life.

P.S. I have seen that a few of you have sent me note cards in-world, I will pick them up tomorrow - promise!

Sunday, May 6, 2012

SecondGAY Magazine, Spring 2012

SecondGAY Magazine Spring 2012 (Click to enlarge)
The new "SecondGAY Magazine" (url) is out now, just follow the link to read it.

Excellent work by the editors on staff Avacar Bluestar, Eddi Haskell-Constantine and Spike Clemenceau with lots of good tips, interesting articles and great interviews!

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Bara Interviewed

This seems to be the evening when all my favorite men with connection to SecondLife seem to be up to something, all except Apmel, Ziggy and Eddi... but the day is not over yet!

First my favorite Philip Linden (maybe), then my favorite Butch Diavolo and just now I got an e-mail from the Bara Jonson´s Fan Group in SecondLife with the following message.
Bara as portrayed on Virtual Music Magazine
"Yesterday I was inteviewed for the Virtual Music Magazine here in SL and its already been published. 
Also I have to show this amazing blog from my sons favorite uncle.. Bock McMillan...(emboldened and underlined by this blogger)
See you on Friday 12.30 for this weeks only show!"

Thursday, March 8, 2012

It Ain't Cheap To Look Good

Bock as a noob dancing at Badboy Plaza
My buddy Eddi Haskell has a new poll running on his blog Eddi Haskell´s Second Life, asking How Much Do You Spend To Look Good in SecondLife?

Take the poll, please, I am so looking forward to see the final results.

I will not share with you how much I spend, but if you look at the picture above I am sure you can guess it took some hard work, many cosmetic surgeries (with shape and skin changes), AO´s to get rid of the "duckwalk" and a more than a few Lindens on a decent wardrobe and accessories to make that hideous noob look as halfway good as I do today.

The picture above shows me in my third or fourth month in SecondLife. I had just managed to buy the Pride Flag after about 25 hours of "camping". Soon afterwards I plugged in my credit card to SecondLife and the ugly duckling turned into the swan you see today, or close.

This is the only snapshot from my early days that I have found in my Inventory yet, I know there should be some more but I haven't taken the time to go through my 2,000+ snapshots and textures yet. Unfortunately I also remember how I at one point started deleting things from my early days (I will never do that again), but I am hoping there may still be some I overlooked

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Zigadena Hits First Life Media

Zigadena Gabardini photographed by Emarald Harvey
As you may remember a comment of mine was used in an article on CTV, see my previous post Bock Is Quoted in First Life Media. Well my dear friends Zigadena Gabardini and Emarald Harvey have now outdone me completely.

The wonderful Zigadena was contacted by the Swedish magazine "Camino" for an interview on shopping and design in SecondLife and she got an entire spread in the magazine, both the paper and online issue (pages 12-13).

Zigadena and her husband Emarald are both wonderfully imaginative, talented and creative designers in SecondLife with both a shop inworld and on Marketplace (you can always find the SLurl to their Main Store inworld and the url to their products on Marketplace on their blog ZE designs SL

My buddy Bara Jonson was in a television documentary, my other buddy Eddi Haskell has done radio and television shows, Ziga and Em in a magazine interview with picture, I will have to make a film directed by Martin Scorsese to match up to them...

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Rhino Writers

"Now forming, Rhino Writers is a gay bloggers group in Second Life, believing there is power in numbers. Formed by Avacar Bluestar & Eddi Haskell, we want to raise up the art form of blogging to a new level.
Description of Rhino Symbol:
Purple Rhinoceros
The purple rhino made its first appearance in December 1974. It was created by two Boston gay rights activists: one source names Bernie Toal and Tom Morganti, another says it was Bernie Toal and Daniel Thaxton. The entire campaign was intended to bring gay issues further into public view. The rhino started being displayed in subways in Boston, but since the creators didn’t qualify for a public service advertising rate, the campaign soon became too expensive for the activists to handle. The ads disappeared, and the rhino never caught on anywhere else.
As Toal put it, “The rhino is a much maligned and misunderstood animal and, in actuality, a gentle creature.” But when a rhinoceros is angered, it fights ferociously. At the time, this seemed a fitting symbol for the gay rights movement. Lavender was used because it was a widely recognized gay pride color and the heart was added to represent love and the “common humanity of all people.” The purple rhinoceros was never copyrighted and is public domain.
Must have posted more than 3 articles in the past six months. And be at least 90% gay :)

IM any member for your group invite, subject to Rhino Checkpoint’s approval (Official membership chairperson TBA).

Our first item on agenda is to create clicker boards (one each) for each of our members’ blogs for placement in the Rhino Writer’s booth at Second Pride 2012. Dimension detail to follow shortly in group notice.

Avacar & Eddi"

Well, I fit the requirements so of course I joined when I was invited. There is a shortcut on my blog to the page that is being set up at GWNews.