Showing posts with label sirhc. Show all posts
Showing posts with label sirhc. Show all posts

Sunday, June 5, 2011

The International Kiss-A-Swede Day in SecondLife

Well the long awaited day is finally here, today is Sweden´s National Day and I have also declared it to be the first annual International Kiss-A-Swede Day in SecondLife.

My beautiful sister Millimina and I have been moisturizing, lubricating and exercising our lips the last few days to give you the kiss you would expect.

The two of us -  and perhaps a few more Swedish avatars (untrained) - will be waiting for the world to come to us for a kiss between 12 (noon) - 2PM.

Oh, I just remembered, there may also be very sexy short Gothic styled hausfrau/security officer/club owner if she is able to secure permission from her hubby "the Big Cat" to take part...

Welcome all!

Take me to the kiss-fest! (SLurl)

To see how a real kiss is done, you can always WATCH THIS! But any and all improvisations are welcome...

Friday, March 25, 2011

How Can We Cure You Today?

There is nothing that riles me or ruffles my feathers more than intolerance or narrow-mindedness. My buddy sirhc DeSantis knows this very well, which is probably why he yesterday directed my attention to an article on the BBC News website "Sexual preference chemical found in mice".

According to the article Chinese scientists have found that male mice bred without serotonin lose their preference for females.
"The research team first bred male mice whose brains were not receptive to serotonin. A series of experiments demonstrated that these mice had lost the preference for females shown by unmodified males. When presented with a choice of partners, they showed no overall preference for either males or females. When just a male was introduced into the cage, the modified males were far more likely to mount the male and emit a "mating call" normally given off when encountering females than unmodified males were."
I am totally sickened by the waste of human and financial resources, time, energy and effort that is directed at trying to discover what "makes" mice, and - by extension - humans, gay! The fact that this is done shows a lack of acceptance of the fact that being gay is a normal variation of the human condition. In my mind this can be only be interpreted that in the mindset of the researchers being gay is not accepted as a  normal condition. They therefore need to research what causes that abnormality in hopes to find a cure.

"Normal" usually refers to a lack of significant deviation from the average. The phrase "not normal" is often applied in a negative sense (asserting that someone or some situation is improper, sick, etc.) Abnormality varies greatly in how pleasant or unpleasant this is for other people.

Let me make a random list of the nine first aberrations among the 7 billion humans on the planet Earth that need the scientific communities attention.

1. Hair color - The norm is black or white/gray (with age). We need to find a cure for the genetic mutation causing blonds and redheads to be born.(Hair dyes are not a cure, just a cover up.)

2. Eye color - The norm is black or brown. We have to find a cure for the what causes some people to be born with blue or green eyes. (Colored lenses are not a cure, just a cover up.)

3. Skin color - The norm is black, brown or olive. Let´s us find a cure for the paler skins. (Tanning is not a cure, just a cover up.)

4. Left-handedness - The norm is right-handedness. How can we accept the poor buggers being left in that state without trying to find a cure for it?

5. Intelligence - The norm is an IQ somewhere between 90-120. We must find a way to help those who are less and more intelligent. 

6. Penis size - The norm is between 13-18 centimeters (5,1 - 7,1 inches). It is totally unacceptable that some poor men have shorter or longer, we really must find a cure for this condition.

7. Bosom size - Ugh the norm here is not in my knowledge-base but I am sure there is one. We really have to find a cure for the poor flat-chested or overly developed women. (Plastic surgery and braziers with stuffing are not cures, just cover ups.

8. Sexuality - The norm is heterosexuality and perhaps some bi-curiousness should be accepted, but bisexuality, homosexuality, trans-sexuality and trans-gendered really need the attention of the researchers.

9. BMI (body mass index) - The norm is 18,5-25. We need to find a cure immediately for the fat slobs and the skeletons running around. (Starvation and physiological or psychological reasons for over- or under-eating are of course unhealthy.) We must help the poor buggers and find a cure.

In a world with real problems or diseases needing explanation and/or cures I suggest the scientific community focus of finding cures, explanations and remedies for cancer, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson's disease, heart disease etc. etc. The list is endless.

I´m gay and happy being a gay man. I do not need a cure or any explanation to why or how I became gay anymore than I need to know why my hair is blond, my eyes are green and why my penis size is ... hmm TMI ...

I really don´t believe it is a worthwhile endeavor for anyone to find explanations or cures for any of the conditions I listed. We need to accept the variations, they make the world and our fellow humans a beautiful!

Monday, March 21, 2011

Fourth Rezday Party Pictures - UPDATED!!!

Sorry for the delay with this post but I have a real life too ya know...

The pictures are mostly the gracious gifts of my dear friends Diana (surname withheld) and Joetonight Starship, one was stolen from my darling sister Millimina Salamanders blog and a few are my own.

All did not get captured on film by either Joe or Diana and they had - alas - both left us before the hunkalicious men from Club Erotes joined us. At a fast glance I can also see we missed taking pictures of Stirred, and many, many more but we were over 35 avatars a good while so...If anyone has more pictures and don´t mind sharing them with me, please send them to me!

Update 11 PM SLT (7 AM CET the next morning): I have now added a few pictures stolen from Apmel Goossons blog, that include Adrina, Sarco, Svessa, Vanadis, Chade, Volker and ush...

Update 10:30 AM (6:30 PM CET); I have added a picture of Apmel´s buttock cleavage on his insistence and for your comparison.

My deepest thanks again to everyone who came and to everyone who could not come due to real life or other reasons, but most of all to my wonderful family who convinced me this was a good idea and arranged it all with the wonderful surprise performances by DJ Andrey (my BIL and the other rezday boy), Strum Diesel, Bara Jonson, legendary DJ Sarco and last but in no way least Apmel Goosson for showing cleavage.
DJ Sarco - stolen from Apmel Goosson
ush in front of the shirtless gay men, Adrina dancing with Bock, Chade with Volker, Frost with Svessa - stolen from Apmel Goosson
Vanadis in her "Bock" t-shirt, Kandi, Frost and Svessa - stolen from Apmel Goosson
Photo stolen from Millimina Salamander
Andrey (my BIL), Frosts back and Millimina (my sister) - Diana
Ciroc and Andrey - Joetonight Starship
Andrey - Joetonight Starship
Joe himself with Apmel and Millimina - Joetonight Starship
Apmel - Joetonight Starship
Blanche - Joetonight Starship
Bock, in the background you see Diana and her hubby Hunter dancing - Diana
Bock study, in the background Valter and May - Joetonight Starship
Bock again - Diana

Bara attacked by a crazy stalker
Bock - Joetonight Starship
Ciroc showing his perky ass - Joetonight Starship, and below - for my readers comparison of cute buttocks -
is Apmel showing his cleavage for us also.
Dejerrity - Diana
Dejerrity and Bock partying - Joetonight Starship
Frost and Millimina - Joetonight Starship
The Cuteness and Coolness, Guyke and Janttu - Diana
C & C - Joetonight
Joeh - Joetonight Starship
Kandi - Joetonight Starship
Lunata - Joetonight Starship
Mialinn - Joetonight Starship
Millimina - Diana
Millimina - Joetonight Starship
Minoa - Joetonight Starship
Party people, party! - Diana
Strum - Diana
Wizanna - Diana
Vampi & sirhc, Joe, Apmel and Frost in background - Joetonight Starship

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

OrmDricka Does a Phoenix

The friendliest club owners in SecondLife, Mrs. Vampi Twine-DeSantis and her hubby Mr. sirhc DeSantis with their club OrmDricka, have just announced they have survived yet another threat and have arisen from the flames to do another party tonight at 12 PM SLT.

The theme will be angels, so I imagine the look of this black angel is something to strive for.... Music will be supplied by the sexiest non-nekoORIGINAL NEKO cat around, DJ sirhc.

Friday, November 26, 2010

To All Lovers in SecondLife

To find love is great, wherever you find it cherish it always!

This song I dedicate to those who have had the joy of finding it in SecondLife
Iendi & Apollon, Vampi & sirhc, Eddi & Jago, Guyke & Janttu, Svessa &  Frost, Erestor & Gwennyfair, Bara & Nickel, Ziga & Emarald, Jeb & Shayne, Tymus & Truck, Bora & Lucky, Niven & Ferdy, Chade & Ronan and many. many more (the names keep on coming to me but I stop here and hope no one feels left out).

I think of Ars and thank SecondLife for my time with him.

Please feel free to complete my list with your and your loves name in the comments!

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Dungeons & Dragons at OrmDricka

Well tonight I was in a spectacular mood, I had had my talk with my brother Martial and all was well in the world again, so when I say that OrmDricka was going to have a Dungeons & Dragons theme I went out shopping. 

Amazingly enough - for me - I knew exactly what I wanted. I had seen it before on my meanderings through the best stores in Second Life. And there it was waiting for me at "Fallen Gods". I hesitated between an Orc and a Flowery Fairie, but as I was so happy and feeling great I went for the fairie - in green to boot, following my sons advice it was best to "stick out of the crowd". 

When I first got there everyone was wondering why i came as "The Incredible Hulk" but once I rezzed there was no more of that foolishness, until a new guest arrived and asked the same question... ;P

DJ Frost had the first part of the event and he played us some great tunes. The OD-crew was as always headed by Vampi and with sirhc and Svessa at the poles. As always they kept the guests in a good and humourous mood.

I even got the chance to bathe and dance in the champagne for ionce, it´s usually already taken when I get to the parties at OrmDricka. I felt the small bubbles tinkeling on my soft skin and into all my crevices mmmmmmmm...

DJ Lucien played for us at the second part of the event, as always we were thrilled by the rtunes he was spinning for us

At the end of my stay there we were joined by some nice people from Second Norway. Mialinn Telling as always looked hot. Loo Berensohn had found a funny outfit that looked like a cockroach. That gave their naughty companion Arcadia an idea, and she started to call me "Bockroach" haha...but by then it was time for me to leave anyhow.

Saturday, September 11, 2010

New blog to be followed closely

My buddy sirhc DeSantis has a new blog "Dirty Nails ....does food".

It´s a "must read" for all of us who want to know what he will be feeding his missus, Vampi Twine-DeSantis, each day!

Thursday, August 5, 2010


I går var jag på "Grottfolksparty" på OrmDricka. Bra musik av PJ Whybroe (nåja, det mesta) och trevligt.

Blanche Argus fotograferade som alltid medan jag glömde bort det som vanligt, så bilden är stulen från hennes blogg Blanche´s Arena.

Jag är endast iklädd skinnet av en fläckig katt, för att hedra min vän sirhc DeSantis, fast det är osäkert hur hedrad han kände sig...

Monday, August 2, 2010

Nakna avatarer 102

Moderskap och kvinnor i "välsignat tillstånd" har varit ett motiv inom kulter och konsten ända sedan stenåldern.  Det gläder mig därför mycket att jag idag kan infoga även detta uråldriga motiv i min bildserie.

Ett stort tack till Kicki Springflower för att hon ville dela med sig av dessa vackra och rörande bilder.

Vad vore vi utan de starka kvinnor vi omges av. De präglar, påverkar, styr, leder, fostrar och berör oss alla och kommer alltid att göra det.

Modern är möjligen en av de ursprungligaste kvinnorollerna men den har fortfarande sitt berättigande vid sidan av hustrun, älskarinnan, vännen, arbetskamraten, chefen, politikern, prästen, läkaren, forskaren och konstnären.

Så länge vår samhällsstruktur systematiskt tillåter negativ särbehandling av halva befolkningen när det gäller makt, inflytande och belöning så har vi misslyckats. 

Så länge vi som samhälle fortsätter att acceptera, tillåta och möjliggöra mäns våld mot kvinnor måste alla män bära en del av den kollektiva skulden och skammen för att detta förekommer.

Starka och självständiga kvinnor behövs i varje samhälle som vill utvecklas.

...och om nån nu tror att detta bara handlar om RL så öppna ögon och se kvinnoförtrycket som florerar i alla möjliga och omöjliga former i SL! Läs exempelvis det inlägg som sirhc DeSantis berättar om på sin blogg "dirty nails" i detta inlägg. Jag spydde och grät av skam och ilska efter att ha läst det.