Monday, October 31, 2016

Happy Halloween!

Trick or Treatin'
"Trick or Treatin'" by Tomais Ashdene

We don't traditionally celebrate Halloween in Sweden. It's only existed here since sometime during the 1990's, mostly as a result of some clever marketing targeted at small children and teenagers. The only places I know of that celebrate it are daycare centers.

I am still on the fence whether the tradition will stay with us or not, but as there is money involved in the sales of costumes, makeup and - last but not least - pumpkins, it may follow and grow with the kids now being indoctrinated with it. So we shall see... However, I am hoping not, because there is so much about this holiday that - in Sweden - just screams alien invasion and commercial greed.

To those of you who love the tradition, who have grown up with it and to whom it is a part of your cultural heritage I wish you all a very

H A P P Y    H A L L O W E E N !

Sunday, October 30, 2016

Dragoone's Hitmix@Second Pride Voodoo

Spooky Scary Skeletons? Or just Ghouls and Ghosts Haunting the Pride Grounds? It's time for the annual Second Pride VOODOO Festival and we're a part of it all!!! DJ Helene will spin her famous Dragoon's Hitmix and RickJ will be her host as always.

Come in your best costume and PARTY at Pride!!!


║ ♫ Who? DJ Helene & Host Rickj
║ ♪♪ When? Monday 31th 12-2 pm
║ ♫♪ Where: Second Pride Voodoo Party Area
║ ♫♪♫ What: Dragoone Hit Mix


All welcome - Halloween Costume Party Second Pride Main Stage (SLurl)

Saturday, October 29, 2016

La Ballerina Spaventosa

I attended one of Second Pride's traditional Halloween Voodoo-events yesterday. DJ Tina from Denmark was spinning with Jimmy Gracemount as her host.

There was a pleasant crowd in attendance with my dear old friend Levi Ewing and his friend Kit working as security. We even had one of the Lindens drop by for a while.

While I was there, there was also this really scary (but delicious and pretty and graceful) ballerina there also.
 I'm happy that Tomais convinced me to get that ballerina AO, it was amazing.

Friday, October 28, 2016

Bock Being Subtle & Demure

Yesterday I found this wonderfully subtle and demure outfit at boyberry. Don't I look stunning and understated?

Wednesday, October 26, 2016

3-Day Halloween & Birthday Party, 29-31 October

Halloween is always a busy party-season in SecondLife, not any less so this year than other years.

My friend Teej Morpork asked me to help him with adverting his 3-day party event, so here goes. I hope it helps, buddy!

October 29, 9-11AM SLT
Spongebob Theme - held underwater (SLurl) close to the tavern. Bring your aqualung/scuba equipment!

Best in Bikini Bottom Contest
October 30, 2-4PM SLT
Western Theme - held at Ye Olde Taverne ande Game Roome (SLurl). Line dancing available!

Best in Western Attire Contest

October 31, 6-8PM SLT
Halloween/Birthday Theme - held at The Cemetery. Walking Dead (SLurl))

Best in Halloween Contest

All parties will have:
  • Old-fashioned Sploder (Please play responsibly)
  • Free Money Giver (Apple Cider Gang group only. Feel free to join the group without cost
I will have to find out whose birthday it is and add it here a.s.a.p.

Early Notice: Superheroes - The Party

"Deadpool" by Tomais Ashdene

We are celebrating Dejerrity Mycron's 10th rezday, Tomais Ashdene's 8th rezday and it's the inauguration of the new barn at Southern Charm

Saturday November 5, 2016, at 1-3PM SLT

The Barn at Southern Charm sim in SecondLife

What to wear
Any kind of superhero or - heroine outfit


Don't worry about them, just share the happiness. If you must there will be birthday-jars set up.

Music, dance and pleasant conversation
DJ Kahvy will be playing the tunes with a sexy host to be decided (if Garrett cannot make it)

All our friends are welcome!

Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Things Friends Do (Update)

I just had an exchange on Facebook that left me a bit confused afterwards.

There is also this corroborating thing, that I have always had a problem with sarcasm and irony. (Some say it is because I lack a sense of humor and always take things too seriously and at face value.)

Anyhow, during the exchange the name of the only person I have blocked in SecondLife and on Facebook was dropped into the conversation by the person whom I think of as a friend.

I am not yet certain of why and for what reason really, but right now I have a nagging feeling it was done deliberately and only to hurt me. But I don't understand why this particular person would want to do that. I was also too surprised to confront him at the time.

I'll have to think more about this, it may be just me being silly and hypersensitive. There, now I can get back to trying to sleep.

Update the next morning (local time)
After sleeping on it - which I should have done before posting, I know - I've reached the conclusion that I (due to totally unrelated events) was being oversensitive and read things into it that may not have been there as far as the other party was concerned. I would delete the post if I had not promised myself never to do that.