Wednesday, June 6, 2012

International Kiss-A-Swede Day Is Today!

Today is Sweden´s National Day and the Swedish Flag Day, but more importantly it is also the second annual

International Kiss-A-Swede Day in SecondLife.

The amazing and breathtaking DJ FelineFemme will be there to supply us with great music. 

I am hoping to be joined by other Swedes, both women and men, to serve the yearning International community. However the Much Honored Bock McMillan, laird of Southern Charm and prince of Cascade falls, has this day also been given the powers to appoint Honorary Swedes (Valid for one day only and only while remaining on the sim of Southern Charm in SecondLife)

You and all your friends are cordially invited to join the kissfest at Southern Charm (SLurl).


Now, all please rise for what should rightfully be made the Swedish National Anthem if the world was a just and righteous place.

I Feel Best In Open Landscapes
music and lyrics by Ulf Lundell (lyrics translated to English by Bock McMillan)

I feel best in open landscapes, close to the sea I want to live
A few months trough out the year, so I can get peace within
I feel best in open landscapes, where winds are blowing full
Where the larks fly free up to the sky, and singing wonderful
There I make my own aquavit, and flavor it with St. John´s Wort
And drink it with pleasure, with herring and homemade bread
I feel best in open landscapes, close to sea I want to live.

I feel best in peace and freedom, for both body and soul
No one comes too close to me, and shutting in and steal
I feel best when day is breaking, where fields are filled with light
When cocks crow far away, when it´s far to the closest house
But still so close, that one quiet silent night
When you're sitting under the stars, you can still hear the laughter
I feel best in peace and freedom, for both body and soul

I feel best when the sea is swelling, and gulls are crying high
When the beach is filled with seashells, with the oceans sound inside
When the clear and the simple, can exist the way it wants
Where yes is yes, and no is no, and doubt is lying low
Then I tie a ring of leafs, and lay it on the closest rock
Where runes were cut for our sake, once so long ago
I feel best when the sea is swelling, and the gulls are crying high

I feel best in open landscapes, close to the sea I want to live

Monday, June 4, 2012

My Boys

Well, after all the confusion and misunderstandings we had I finally got to see and talk with my boys again. With "we" I am, in this case, mostly referring to myself of course.

As I understand it, my young ones these days like to play a game called "First Life", which means they lounge on their sofas - one in Belgium and the other in Finland - and look at and talk with each other on some newfangled thing called Skype.

Now they were finally with me again in SecondLife and we talked in voice and had a good time together. In this case I mean my stepson Guyke and myself when I say "we". My son in-law Janttu had a very bad cold with fever and could hardly get a word in sideways except those occasions when Guyke and I stopped talking for 5 seconds to catch our breaths - and then only typing in local chat.

That actually reminded me that I had never heard Janttu speak. I told him that if I did not hear him speak in voice next time we met I would start suspecting he was a devious woman who had succeeded in turning my stepson straight. (What would Ars have said, I wonder? )

To this Guyke responded that it had taken him "ages" to get Janttu to speak with him in voice. Knowing Guyke that would mean little more than 20 minutes. I never could teach the boy the virtue of patience, well I may not be the best teacher but at least I try - sometimes.

Anyway it was wonderful to have them close again and knowing they were doing well. I love them to bits and look forward to seeing them in-worlds a bit more often in the future. Otherwise I will start considering some kind of addiction therapy to get them off this "First Life"-thing.

Reminder for Kiss-A-Swede 2012

The second annual Kiss-A-Swede Day in SecondLife is on Wednesday June 6, 2012, 11 AM-1 PM SLT.

Today is the day before the day before the day. It´s high-time to start with the last minute treatments to get your lips in excellent condition for the kissfest. You will probably perform best if you go for lips that are smooth, soft but still firm and with a beautiful healthy color!

Sunday, June 3, 2012

The Danger With Mesh-Clothing

I have some friends and family (read fashionistas Butch Diavolo and my brother in-law Drey Porchers, nee Messmer) who keep telling me how wonderful mesh-clothing is. Well call me old-fashioned, but I still cannot get over the fact that I resent clothing that needs my body to adapt to it instead of the other way around.

While I was in-world this afternoon, waiting for my prodigal stepson Guyke Lundquist to turn up in-world (as he had promised to do in an email sent to me at 4:23 AM this morning), I started to prepare the parcel where my Kiss-A-Swede event is taking place on Wednesday and chatted in instant message with friends who actually were in-world.

I also talked with Drey, whom I hadn't seen in-world recently. When the time was past 6 PM CET and afternoon turned to evening I gave up on Guyke coming in-world today and told Drey I was logging off for a nap. Before I left, Drey came over for a hug. That is when I discovered another drawback with mesh-clothing, see pictures below.

This is what my darling BIL saw on his screen.

And here is what I saw on my screen.

Luckily for my BIL I am Swedish and have no problems with nudity, even full frontal with no dick attached, so he got his hug anyway but don´t come preaching to me about how "awesome" mesh-clothing is until they get this problem fixed. Who in the world wants to turn up naked anywhere?

Oh, I should think Guyke forgot all about our nightly e-mail correspondence because he was not fully awake and probably had forgotten all about it when he woke up this morning. I love him to bits anyway!

P.S. I just checked my e-mail and there was a reply from Guyke to the e-mail I sent him before taking my nap. He tells me he had not forgotten and asked me to reread his e-mail from tonight, because he had actually told me he was coming in this evening.

So I thought, "Haha now I have him nailed to the wall", but as it turns out I must still have been half-asleep when I read the e-mail this morning. *blushes* Sorry Guykechen!

At The Tribute

I have always enjoyed visiting Wesley Spengler´s sets in SecondLife. Wes and his regular host Kharissa Indigo have a way of keeping the talk in local chat going and the crowd happy. They are a great team together.

The crowd at The Tribute last night consisted of a whole lot of hot men (a good mix of old timers and later arrivals), with Khar as the only representative of the so called "fairer sex".

I hauled Ziggy Starsmith over to keep me company. We had a good time dancing and chatting before my typos got the better of me at 4 AM in my morning. My typos have always been a sure indication to me that it is time to withdraw and crawl to bed..


A hand-drawn cover illustration of "Tintin" by the Belgian comic book artist Hergé has been sold at auction in Paris for a record price of $1.5 million.

My first thought is "Well, I if the buyer wanted it that much I guess it was worth it, but if I had that kind of money I hope I would use it in a more worthwhile way."

Then I remember the hundreds of dollars I pay for my sim and living expenses in SecondLife each month, which could make a huge difference somewhere else in the world, and I stop feeling so smug.

It´s a matter of relative wealth, I am almost certain this buyer gives generously to worthwhile causes as well. 

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Invitation to Kiss-A-Swede Day 2012

June 6 is Sweden´s National Day and the Swedish Flag Day, but more importantly it is also the International Kiss-A-Swede Day in SecondLife.

This is the second consecutive celebration of that event in SecondLife.

The wonderful DJ FelineFemme will be there to supply us with great music.I am hoping to be joined at that day by a few other Swedes, men and women, who will make themselves available for your kissing pleasure, if not I will take care of you all.

You and all your friends are invited to the kissfest at Southern Charm (SLurl).