Saturday, June 15, 2013

Trailer for Pride - #1 Shelter (2007)

Written and directed by Jonah Markowitz. Starring Trevor Wright (Zach) and Brad Rowe (Shaun).

Read more about this movie here Wikipedia: Shelter (2007 film)

This is my favorite gay themed movie at the moment. Enjoy!

Friday, June 14, 2013

"Gone Fishing"

Today at 4 pm I started my glorious three week vacations, but this year I have a hectic program lined up in both my lives.

First Life
  1. Monday June 17, 2013, 10.30 AM local time - Eye-examination and possible laser surgery
  2. Wednesday June/19, 2013, 1.30 PM local time - Doctors appointment for check up on my blood sugar and to get a referral to a dietitian.
  3. "Rehabilitation program" to change my first life back to what it was and become a healthier, fitter, slimmer and more "old myself". Eat better! Sleep better! Exercize more! Socialize more! In short get back a first life worth calling "a life"!
  4. Take care off and see more of my first life parents and hopefully friends also
  5. Have sex...maybe, hopefully, perhaps...
  6. ...and relax and have a lot of fun...
  1. Second Pride Festival celebrations 
  2. SL10B - the celebration of  SecondLife's tenth birthday
  3. Take care of my SecondLife family and friends
  4. ...and relax and have a lot of fun...

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Let's Celebrate! (UPDATED with landmarks)

Second Pride 2013 starts tomorrow.

The Second Pride Festival will be celebrated in SecondLife from Friday June 14th through Sunday June 23rd, 2013.

You can find the events schedule here, Second Pride 2013 Festival Schedule.

Happy Pride everyone!

Remember EVERYONE IS WELCOME to join in the celebrations

We will accept your sexual preferences as long as you accept ours and do not behave boorishly 

Update 6/14/2013 
Landmarks to the festival (Thank you, Jeff!)
1. Second Pride Headquarter 
2. Second Pride East
3. Second Pride West

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Official Apology

Bock in SecondLife wishes to extend it's sincere apologies to Guyke Lundquist, stepson of The Much Honored Bock McMillan, laird of Southern Charm etc., etc., for the horrible accusations posted on this blog earlier today.

Guykechen is an absolutely trustworthy person and an upstanding male avatar (when he is not laying down with his feet in the air) who would never betray the trust his stepfather places in him!

Love you forever, my son!!

Hypothetical Questions

Today I received two wonderful and extremely kind offline messages from a surprising source, a man I have never spoken to and who doesn't know me. I saw him at a party recently but did not speak to him at that time, although I may have planned to do so in the future.... who knows.

I was happy for the kind messages, but they made me think and now I would like to ask you the following hypothetical questions.

First a bit of background. Let's say that you have a stepson. Let's also say you have been in his life since before he was a year old and long after his father passed away. Let's further say that you still socialize with him after he has grown up and that you trust him and confide in him. Let's - for arguments sake - say that your stepson is terribly charming, handsome and usually shows signs of real brain activity that could be interpreted as intelligence. Let's then say that you invited him to accompany you to a party. Let's go on to say that at the party you saw a really beautiful and sexy avatar and you told him about your interest.

  1. What would you say about a stepson, to whom you have confided, who then goes and tells the o-n-l-y person he shouldn't say anything to?
  2. What would you do if your stepson who has betrayed your possible interest to someone who is n-o-t supposed to be informed about this by anyone other than yourself?
  3. What words would you use to chastise your stepson?
  4. How would you punish your stepson for his actions?
  5. Where would you buy your instruments of punishment in SecondLife?
  6. After punishing the stepson would you consider selling him off to slavery for a period of no less than ten (10) years too drastic or not drastic enough?
Thank you in advance for all your suggestions!

P.S. Ohhh, I should perhaps tell you that I still love him but something really has to be done!

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Early Notice

My eyesight is getting worse almost by the day. Since childhood I have only really had one functional eye. Although my left eye looks normal and moves around as it should, I have never been able to use it for anything other than peripheral vision (I can see things coming at me from the left). No visual aids can correct it.

My right eye is hyperopic (farsighted) with astigmatism and I have used glasses or lenses since I was three. Until about two years ago I could see very well with correctional aids, but I started having problems reading smaller text, like text-messages, on my cellphone. As this problem accelerated I went to my optician and told him I thought I needed a new prescription, but after the examination I was told that my eyesight hadn't changed much from the previous examination. Anyhow I ended up with a new pair of reading glasses after that visit.

Then I started noticing that things got blurry and doubled. If I was looking at something I saw sort of a shadow image slightly off which blurred the whole image. A visit to the eye-doctor, I was diagnosed with having cataracts but the silly woman told me it was too early to operate even if I tried to convince her of my unfortunate situation. 

Two months ago a nearsighted colleague at work had laser surgery done on his eyes, he came back to work a few days later with perfect vision. He suggested I should make an appointment with that place and get a check-up there to see if they could help. Two weeks after this my 83 y.o. mother had both her eyes operated on (at the same time), her sight is now nearly perfect also. 

I must be able to read and write easily, as those and my devious brain are the tools of my trade. There is also the possibility .that my drivers licence could be recalled as I may no longer fulfill the requirements set. It doesn't help me at all to get an operation later in life, I need it now to be able to work properly.

So a few weeks ago I went to the clinic where I after a full and extensive examination was told that they could help me if my left eye had not been in such a poor condition. As the situation was they refused to perform any operation on my right eye. They however referred me to a specialist on eye surgery for a second opinion. A short while afterwards I had an appointment for an examination with a possible operation on Monday June 17th.

So on the first morning of my upcoming vacation I am hoping to get operated on. If the surgeon seems to hesitate I am going to bargain, argue, plead, beg and possibly even threaten him to make him perform the operation.   As the main - but minute - risk with the operation is the possibility of infection I am also going to tell him I can come to the clinic as often as he wishes for them to keep that risk at bay.

Although both my colleague and my mother noticed immediate improvements, I am not sure what to expect for myself, so I wanted to inform you not to worry if there are no posts for a couple of days.

Monday, June 10, 2013

Good News for the It Gets Better Project in SecondLife

My friend Petr Vanbeeck has posted some good news on his blog today about the "It Gets Better" project in SecondLife.

As some of you may remember I reported about it as one of the high-points of Second Pride last year in my post: It Gets Better in SecondLife.

Read all about the great news on Petr's blog Confessions of a Digital Daddy Bear: It Gets Better Project. In the post Petr also seems to say that he is accepting new additions (see Doc Spad's new addition in the illustration to this post), so those of you who are creative enough and have something good to say should start thinking.