Showing posts with label vacation. Show all posts
Showing posts with label vacation. Show all posts

Sunday, January 6, 2019

Isolation of World Broken

Welcome back. people! I know you must have felt terribly isolated from me when my Internet crashed, but rest assured you are safe now and back in touch with me again.
The Southern Enchantment antiterrorist force is on the job and is rounding up the usual suspects of Mexicans, Arabs, and Muslims as we speak.

Prince Wild Zepp McMillan, the torturer extraordinaire, has been called home from his vacation at a gay resort in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico, to oversee the interrogations, which are expected to be strenuous. In a brief interview, Prince Wild stated, "We shall get to the bottom of this conspiracy to deprive the World's access to his lairdship a.s.a.p."

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Round Up

Fijne verjaardag! Ik denk nog steeds over u en zorg voor u, zelfs als ik nooit in staat zal zijn om weer met u spreken.

Don't blame me for the lousy translation, blame Google translate.

P.S. Ooooppps, this is a week early, but anyway....

And in other news...

  • Today I start my five (5) day long Easter vacation. No early mornings until Tuesday next week. Yeehaaaaaw!
  • My hearing impaired mother managed to break her hearing aid yesterday. Which means the poor miserable woman will be completely incommunicado by telephone and will not be able to listen to radio or watch television (if the programs don't have subtitles). The good news is that she will hopefully get her hearing aid back on Tuesday.

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

I'm So Lazy

This is only the second day of my first life summer vacation and I have already dropped down to the level of maximum laziness. Only three work related contacts on Monday and two today.
I have nothing on my agenda for this week except covering Second Pride and my appointment with a CT scan on Thursday morning.

Friday, June 14, 2013

"Gone Fishing"

Today at 4 pm I started my glorious three week vacations, but this year I have a hectic program lined up in both my lives.

First Life
  1. Monday June 17, 2013, 10.30 AM local time - Eye-examination and possible laser surgery
  2. Wednesday June/19, 2013, 1.30 PM local time - Doctors appointment for check up on my blood sugar and to get a referral to a dietitian.
  3. "Rehabilitation program" to change my first life back to what it was and become a healthier, fitter, slimmer and more "old myself". Eat better! Sleep better! Exercize more! Socialize more! In short get back a first life worth calling "a life"!
  4. Take care off and see more of my first life parents and hopefully friends also
  5. Have sex...maybe, hopefully, perhaps...
  6. ...and relax and have a lot of fun...
  1. Second Pride Festival celebrations 
  2. SL10B - the celebration of  SecondLife's tenth birthday
  3. Take care of my SecondLife family and friends
  4. ...and relax and have a lot of fun...

Monday, June 18, 2012


Today I start my vacation, a couple of glorious summer weeks with loads of rest and recreation.

I am not going away - not much - because I have some "self-management" and housekeeping to take care of in first life. I moved to this apartment not too long before Ars passed away so everything came to a complete stand still then and haven´t moved much since. A couple of home improvement projects also need to be resumed and finished, one at a time.

Of course there will also be the 2012 Second Pride Festival in SecondLife to cover, for my own and my readers pleasure. The festival this year is between Friday June 22 - Friday July 6, two weeks of fun and involvement.

So with sleep ins, a leisurely pace in my projects and as few night out on the town I hope to have a satisfying summer vacation at home.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Sweden - Closed Due to Summer

When I was at Elfay´s show this weekend I was chatting a bit with my friend Diana as usual. Somehow we got to the subject of vacations and I understood that she was puzzled by the fact that I - being a lawyer - could take a five week vacation.

The easiest way to explain this is to point to the fact that Sweden for a large part of it´s modern history (1936-1976, 1982-1991 and 1994-2006) has been ruled by the Social Democratic Party of Sweden.

One of the main pillars of the party´s ideology has been "the welfare of the people" in all aspects of life. They are thus rightfully considered the main designers of what once was "The Welfare State" where the citizens were always under the benevolent protection of the state, from the cradle to the grave.

This welfare state began crumbling in the 1990´s and is since then slowly being dismantled, piece by piece, to expose the surprised Swedes to the market forces.

However one of the benefits created that has not yet been removed is the Holidays Act. According to this law all employees are entitled to a holiday whether employed by the hour or the CEO of a company. (No employed person is excluded, even the Swedish Prime Minister takes a vacation.) Everyone who is employed is entitled to a minimum of five weeks vacation, four of these weeks they are entitled to receive continuously during the period June-August.

During a period of about six weeks (July - mid August) Sweden comes close to a complete standstill. Only the most essential services are maintained and the workforce of any given company is reduced to half - or less - it´s usual size, some companies even choose to shut down completely for a month.

I think one of the main reasons we Swedes accept these conditions is that we ourselves wouldn't want to lose our summer vacation.

Summer is important to us Swedes, just saying!