Saturday, June 29, 2013

Jason Gould - Morning Prayer

Closing Ceremonies of SL10B

This is from a press release by Gemma Cleanslate in the SL10B press group.

"Two weeks ago, the flags were raised to signify that the SL10B Community Celebration was open.
Flags Aloft! Photograph by Pygar Bu
Now, two weeks later, the event is coming to an end and the flags will be lowered at 12 noon on Saturday 29th June.

Once again, the idea is that as many people as possible can watch the flags lowered, marking the end of the Celebration. The flags are stationed around the sims (you can see their locations marked with red X‘s on the map below).

Position of Flags for the Closing Ceremony
You don't have to land right on top of a flag (that would be rather painful!). The idea is to land close – you'll be able to find a spot where you can see the flags lifting!

Following the flag ceremony, there will be fireworks (organised by Marianne McCann) at the gorgeous Cake Stage (which will be viewable from many points).

The Cake Stage, photograph by David Abbot
And to round off events, from 1pm – 9pm SLT, there will be a party on the fabulous Turtle Stage on SL10B Impressive and SL10B Spellbound. Details of the DJs who'll be performing will be published soon.

So come and join us for the Closing of Second Life’s 10th Birthday Community Celebrations – and then stay to enjoy the party!"
On the Turtle Stage, photograph by Argus Collingwood

Culling My Friends List

Perhaps I was inspired by my recent experience of being removed from a friends list, but I have now done the same thing with my own.

When going through my friends list before starting the culling, I noticed that I had been removed from others friends lists already, most notable was my removal by the now abdicated queen of Swedish SecondLife which quite possibly was due to an altercation concerning whether I - as a "Friendly helper" in her group - should do as she ordered me or follow my own discretion. I am well aware that my kind manners sometimes misleads people into thinking that I am submissive, but frankly I do not take orders well so I left that group, thus relieving myself of any duties or obligations in the group she had created.

I have not culled my friends list for a very long time, except about a year and a half ago when I removed one person by accident and another by design. The thing that happened then was that I intended to remove a certain person but for some reason beyond me - possibly someone logging in or out of SecondLife - ended up removing the queen of a neighboring Scandinavian country in SecondLife by mistake.

When I immediately called her in Instants Message to explain my mistake the queen was naturally enraged by my action. She did not at all  believe my protestations and assurances that her removal was a mistake. I have learned that it is futile to discuss such matters further while someone is still furious so I left it at that, although I had first called her up to add her as a friend again.

So learning from previous mistakes and after due consideration I started on removing people from my list. The criterias for removing that I had made up in my mind were the following:
  • I do not know who the person was
  • I cannot remember ever communicating with the person.
  • I have not had any communications with the person during the last three (3) years.
  • The person has blocked me from seeing when they are in-world (2 persons).
  • The person is a bastard that I will not wish to communicate with in the future(3 person).
Reasons to keep someone on the list inspite of the above criterias being met:
  • The person is one I have a strong sentimental attachment to although he never logs in anymore (1 person)
Following the criterias I - carefully making sure I got the correct person - started removing people. I have now successfully concluded this project and have cut my friends list down from 278 to 149 persons. I find it to be a great relief and much less stressful to see only people I care about on my list.

If you still see me on your list, Congratulations! You're still in the running to be Southern Charms next Royal Consort.

And if you don't see me on your list anymore, Congratulations, you are rid of me! I hope you have a happy and fulfilling SecondLife.

If you wish to appeal the decision please send your written appeal in triplicate to
Supreme Court of the United States
1 First Street, NE
Washington, DC 20543

Friday, June 28, 2013


Proposition 8 plaintiffs Sandy Stier & Kris Perry
Proposition 8 plaintiffs Jeffrey Zarilllo & Paul Katami
Following the amazing news from the Supreme Court of the United States yesterday all four plaintiffs in the groundbreaking California Proposition 8 case got married today. I wish to congratulate the two couples from the bottom of my heart.

Thank you for taking up the struggle against a bigoted law and for the fundamental human right to choose whom we love and wish to marry  You made it happen girls and guys, enjoy the moment and may you live happily together ever after.

Congratulations Kris & Sandy and Paul & Jeffrey!

I would also like to congratulate the surprising ad hoc legal collaboration of political opponents created by jurists David Boies and Ted Olson, who with their legal teams joined forces to overturn a legislation that they saw as as deeply immoral and bigoted.

Congratulations to a job well done David and Ted, and the many men and women of your legal teams, for your diligent and outstanding work to bring this case to justice and to rectify a wrongdoing.

Repost: Remember Stonewall

This is essentially a repost of a post I did two years ago and last year, with  a minor update.


Let us always be proud and thankful to the trannies who finally had had enough of the harassment and fought back 44 years ago on June 28, 1969, at the Stonewall Inn. We owe you, guys and girls!

Read more on Wikipedia Stonewall riots.

Before Stonewall
  • a person with homosexual inclinations was considered to be mentally ill, 
  • a person taking part in homosexual sexual activity was considered to be a criminal, 
  • a person suspected of being homosexual could be abused or harassed without risk of penalty - except in the most extreme cases, 
  • a homosexual parent was considered unfit to take care of his/her own children, 
  • Civil unions or same-sex marriages were unthinkable. 
  • etc., etc. 
All of us should always remember the gratitude we owe the trannies.

This important historical event and the birth of the movement for gay liberation and gay rights will be commemorated at the Second Pride Festival this evening with a special party. Please come back for information about this later today, meanwhile check out this post for some info about it Bock in SecondLife; Advance Notice - Second Pride Remembers Stonewall (url).

We should also remember that many of our brothers and sisters worldwide still live with the very real risk of
  • being murdered, incarcerated or hospitalized, abused & harassed
  • losing custody of their children 
  • losing their employment 
simply for being homosexual.

Update On Commenting

I have previously told you that anonymous commenting would no longer be allowed on this blog, see Bock In SecondLife: On Anonymous Commenting.

The reason for that decision was mainly my refusal to use the word verification process on my own blog as it at the time gave me huge problems on other blogs that had activated that option, see Bock In SecondLife: On Word Verification.

As I have since noticed that Blogger has stopped using the blurry pictures of street numbers and also seem to have made other helpful changes in their word verification process, I reconsidered my decision and changed the commenting options so that anonymous commenting was again allowed but now with word verification activated.

My friend and co.blogger Christo Spyker reminded me the other day that I had neglected to inform you about the policy changes I had implemented.

You may hereby consider yourself informed that Bock in SecondLife now
  1. allows anonymous comments again, and that
  2. word verification is activated.

Builder Bock

As I told someone who asked me if I was really enjoying the ongoing project, Aisha Ceawlin I think it was. I am having the time of my life and thoroughly enjoying myself!

The work with Butch is going splendidly, he is fulfilling all the high expectations I had on the extremely brilliant and creative man. It's such a lot of fun choosing what I want to have and where to place it! Dealing with the vendors is also fun, they are usually great people.

You will all be invited to the housewarming party in a not to distant future, I am hoping you all will accept and come, even if you do not wish to participate in a 60-avatar group orgy. But don't worry please because that orgy will not happen as long as I own this place.