Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Foul Play, Mass Hysteria or Gas, Says Laird

You have all most likely seen the many claims directed at the Much Honored Bock McMillan, laird of Southern Charm, prince of Cascade Falls, Sovereign Ruler of the Commonwealth of Southern Enchantment Region and Outer Territories and finally UN appointed Protector of the Solace Island and Mount Whitney sims in SecondLife, for having impregnated a host of men - and indeed even a few women - through his indiscriminate"poking" habits.

This blogs editor in chief took the opportunity to confront his lairdship about the claims yesterday, while the laird was lounging around at his mansion with a stunning swain (not yet identified).

"It's all a crock of shit!", the laird said while slowly caressing the small of the back of his favorite. "First of all there is no scientific evidence whatsoever which proves that Facebook-poking can lead to pregnancies in humans or avatars", he continued with a soft smile towards his handsome beau, "These people have either been using faulty methods or tampered with the test results. It may even be an outburst of mass hysteria or - come to think of it - flatulence caused by gluten sensitivity or something else they may have eaten." 

"You can inform the scoundrels that I have already put my legal team, under the leadership of the notorious Attorney of the Realm Diana Gilderoy, onto this They should be careful of which claims they make or they may risk being sued for slander or worse. The dear girl will shred them to pieces. Now go away, you tiresome person, I have no more time for this. This beautiful lad needs, wants and deserves my full attention!"

Monday, November 11, 2013

Gallery Assis - Experience Erotica

On Sunday afternoon (local time) I visited Eli Wallace's art gallery "Gallery Assis - Experience Erotica" (SLurl) in SecondLife.

The first thing to take in when you get there is the futuristic and beautiful architecture of the gallery itself.
The second is to make sure you find all the wonderful art photography that is exhibited there. The interior of the building is wonderfully confusing and made me think of the refrain of an old Dr. Hook song:
"And when your body's had enough of me
And I'm laying flat out on the floor
When you think I've loved you all I can
I'm gonna love you a little bit more"

The gallery exhibits many artists without bias towards sexual orientation. Yesterday there were at least three-four gay or lesbian photographers and even more heterosexual and/or unclear ones. I will show you a little of what can be seen there, but not any individual piece, because I want you all to visit and experience the gallery and the art for yourself.
"It's Mutual" by Tomais Ashdene
"Yesteryear" by Lincoln Garnet
"Men and Motors" by Benjamin Glendale

Meanwhile, at The Red Square in Moscow...

Pyotr Pavlensky, a Russian performance artist, today stripped naked and nailed his scrotum to a Red Square cobblestone. The performance is called "Freeze".
The artist sitting naked outside Lenin's Mausoleum in
Moscow, Russia, before police covered him with a blanket.
The Saint Petersburg-based artist said in a statement posted on the Grani.ru website that he was trying to draw attention to Russian society's development into a 'police state'.
Update 11/12/13: The video is taken down by YouTube with a peculiar statement of reasons.

Pyotr now faces up to 15 days of administrative arrest for disorderly conduct.

A Child Is Born

The most loveable badboy of the SecondLife gay community, or the part of it that I know, Ziggy Starsmith yesterday revealed a sensational story on his - yet again - reborn blog "Ziggy On The Edge Of Second Life....".
Ziggy and his son Ace out on a stroll in Second Norway
(Courtesy of Ziggy Starsmith)
Believe it or not, but Ziggy is now a father! Although Ziggy on his blog claims that the wonderful 11lb (5 kg), blond and blue eyed, bundle of joy is adopted, rumors have it that Ziggy actually gave birth to the sweet boy himself. The delivery was supposedly gruesome until the gay-hating doctor finally relented and allowed a cesarean to be performed.

Its a wonderful world when miracles like this occur. Ziggy is said to be contemplating writing a book or a blog entitled "From Wild to Mild. A gay single father's guide to responsible parenting in SecondLife".

I am not a rumormonger so I will spare you from the speculations about who the father may be, suffice it to say that it is a fact that a certain well known blond male avatar lives in the blue mansion ("Villa Kakelbont") you see in the picture above, incidentally just across the road from Ziggy's home...

For more information and cute pictures, please visit "Ziggy On The Edge Of Second Life...."

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Meeting A Unicorn

Today I had my first meeting alone with a unicorn. Well, to be honest, we have met briefly before and I have known and admired him from a safe distance. He took me for a ride and I am hoping it was not the last time.

A few hilarious things happened (that I am not going to tell you about) but the basis has been laid for a long and beautiful ride.

Actions Have Consequences

My brief modelling career for a poster for the BM Ballroom turned out to have some unexpected ramifications. When I was leaving the photo shoot I poked my modelling partner Eeva Rasmuson and the demon photographer Kahvy Sands.

Both of them now claim to be carrying my unborn children. This is what Eeva tells me in an offline message, "Bock you should really be careful when you poke...now see what you did!!!" 

[07:37] Paternity test: Please wait, Paternity test in Progress.....
[07:37] Paternity test: Processing......
[07:38] Paternity test: Congratulations! The father of your unborn DAUGHTERS is: Bock McMillan!
[07:38] ενα: omg
[07:38] Kahvy Sands: Wait... daughterS?
[07:38] ενα: He has been busy poking us 
[07:38] Kahvy Sands: You're having twins!
[07:38] ενα: OMG
[07:38] ενα faints

Perhaps I should consider wearing a condom when I poke in the future, but I was thinking this was just some innocent fun... Who would have thought it would come to this?

Visit to Mirromere

Today I went for a visit with my Ars. I had some things to think about and Mirromere has always been the place I feel closest to him. I had a good think through there and some things were settled in my mind.

Afterwards I took a walk around the beautiful sim and found a place I had never seen there before, high up in the tree tops, and just relaxed and enjoyed the wonderful view of Mirromere glowing in all its autumn colors.