Friday, January 10, 2014

Eddi & Ryce's SL: Hot Couple of the Day

My friend and my mentor in blogging Eddi Haskell took a few pictures of Tomais and myself recently. We did shoots in formal, casual and even a lot buttnaked. 
My handsome husband Tomais. Photography by Eddi Haskell
Late yesterday Eddi posted two of the pictures on his blog Eddi & Ryce's Second Life; Hot Couple of the Day: Bock McMillan and Tomais Ashdene (url). I will most likely post a few more soon with links to even more in Eddi's photostreams, meanwhile I hope you enjoy the picture of Tomais above and the ones that Eddi has posted.

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Say Thank You to Chris Kluwe

Our straight ally Chris Kluwe has yet again taken a stand against homophobia in sports, say thank you to him by signing this at Athlete Ally. Go here to sign (url)!
"Whether as a staunch proponent of marriage equality, a vocal Ambassador for Athlete Ally, or a whistleblower at the workplace, Chris Kluwe's advocacy is rooted in his belief that we should always treat people the way we want to be treated. We are so grateful to Chris for doing everything he can to advance social change and for articulating his vision of fair play.

Dear Chris,
Thank you for standing by your principles and standing with the LGBT community, even under pressure. Every day you live up to the words of your recent Deadspin article "Never be afraid to do what's right. If no one ever says anything, nothing ever changes." Because of you, we are on the fast track to making sports a better, more inclusive place. We're grateful to have you on our side.

-The Athlete Ally Team and your supporters everywhere"

Second Pride: Notice of Emergency Meeting

Late yesterday this notice concerning an emergency meeting was posted on the Second Pride website. It would seem like yet another member of the board has dropped out or resigned.

It is a pity seeing as how the board seemed to have started working well together and were focusing on the future at the latest board meeting.

I know where I will be on Saturday January 11, 2014, at 2PM SLT and I hope to see you there too!

"Der Hammer" Comes Out

International professional football (soccer) player Thomas Hitzlsperger, 31, has come out publicly as gay in an interview with the German newspaper Die Zeit.

“I am declaring my homosexuality because I want the question of homosexuality in the world of professional sport to be out in the open.”, the German midfielder declared in the interview while also admitting that the decision to come out publicly had been “a long and difficult process”.

Hitzlsperger, has played 52 times on the German national team and has worked in Germany, England and Italy with Aston Villa, Everton, Wolfsburg and Lazio among others before retiring from football six months ago. He gained the nickname Der Hammer (The Hammer) due to his powerful left-foot shot from long-range.

Hitzlsperger said he had decided to come out because he wanted to promote the discussion of homosexuality in professional sport. “I've never been ashamed of the way I am,” he added, although it had not always been easy to cope with some of the homophobic comments dished out.

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Married Life

Being married agrees with me, except when my husband expects me to get up early in the mornings to fry his chicken wings for breakfast.
"Morning with the husband". Photography by Tomais Ashdene
I get to massage my husbands aching muscles when he has been out shoveling snow in first life.
We have fun with family and friends using every possible vehicle known to man.
Kayaking with Guyke
Hanging with Ziggy & Guyke at Ziggy's new home
Flying with Wayne (and Holter)
Sledding with Dej
Then we have those wonderful times when we are alone together, sometimes trying to make babies.

For more of my husband Tomais Ashdene's photography please visit these websites:
Tumblr (NSFW): PhotoMonkey SL

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Sailing with Holter & Wayne

Tomais and I have been discussing a sailing trip with Holter and Wayne for a while, but with three time zones and sixteen hours difference between those furthest apart it took some planning.

On Sunday evening (Monday morning for Wayne) we finally managed to coordinate our busy schedules and took off out on the Blake Sea. It was a wonderful trip and we had a lot of fun and it got even better once we got on Skype together.
The best way to manage a sim crossing is to keep a steady eye on something beautiful nearby, I usually choose this view.
Wayne here gives us an example of what can happen if you don't lock onto Tomais buttocks, but Wayne seemed unusually accident prone that day...