Sunday, June 4, 2017

Deep Sorrow, Frustration & Anger

The horrible news from London yesterday fills me with deep sorrow, frustration and anger.
My thoughts go to the families of the innocent victims and their families. This was yet an outrageous attack on a western democratic state to create havoc and incite hatred.

Do not for a moment let yourself be lured into believing that this has anything whatsoever to do with religious beliefs or cultural norms. It has as little to do with Islam and Muslims as the Crusades once had to do with fighting for Christianity or Christians.

No, these horrendous and vile acts of terror are all orchestrated to intimidate and disrupt the people of the western democracies as a part of a struggle for power, influence and money. The puppeteers behind this unprovoked violence are more likely to be found in Moscow, Peking and Pyongyang than in Baghdad, Beirut or Tehran.

Thursday, June 1, 2017

LL Launches Preview of Sansar This Summer (Update)

Linden Lab has announced that it is going to let skilled content creators to be among the first to preview and work in Sansar. The preview version is - after some delay - to be launched during the summer of 2017.
Sansar is supposedly an improved and much more advanced version of SecondLife and is said to be based on a completely new and powerful platform.

For more information please visit:

Those of us that aren't skilled content creators can meanwhile enjoy the official preview video from YouTube.

This is a comment from Lee McKay on Google+. I think it is very informative and would like to share it with you.
A couple things to note about Sansar:
1) There is no connected world like with Second Life. It's all separate "experiences". You can only log into one "experience" at a time. So for example, you want to go to a club or community, you log into that specific thing. If you want to go somewhere else, you log out and back into the other place, or at least back to a menu. Don't look for "world map" or teleporting from place to place. It's not there.
2) Experiences can be instanced. So you might go to your favorite club, but be in a different "instance" of that club than your friends, and therefore you won't even see them there. You wouldn't even see the DJ or staff if they aren't in the same instance as you. Certainly this gets around the user limits, but spoils much of the reason for being there in the first place.
3) Sansar is "usable" on a computer and monitor, but is aimed at VR gear and headsets. Most of us SL'ers will probably never have the stuff to use it properly.
Even by Linden's own admission, it isn't mean to be Second Life 2.0. It's something else entirely, aimed more at the younger generation of gamers. It operates more like the things they are used to.
Update 2
Lee McKay+Bock McMillan And not meant to be negative in any way. I'm sure Sansar will be a fun experience for those that it will appeal to. I'm just not sure that will be us old time SL'ers. :)
Bock McMillan Not to worry, +Lee McKay it didn't come off as negative at all, just constructive information

Sunday, May 28, 2017

"It Gets Better" in SecondLife

Petr yesterday announced that he is continuing his SecondLife project "It Gets Better" for the Second Pride festival, read more on his blog Confessions of a Digital Daddy BearAs Pride Season approaches I want to share this again….

Please contact Petr a.s.a.p. and join in his project.

Saturday, May 27, 2017

A Silver Daddy Is Born

Mark this day in your calendars, readers, because today hell froze over!

Today my much, much, much, older brother Dejerrity Mycron took a giant leap and moved from 2006 to 2017 in a matter of a few hours with a big smile on his face.

SecondLife has finally and at long last achieved a Meshified Dej. He has acquired a Signature Gianni Mesh body and a Catwa Daniel Bento mesh head.
Now doesn't he look simply adorable, even if we just started? Give him a little more time and he will find his new look and the young men in SL will be drooling in his trail. (On the wall over the fireplace you see a portrait of my sweet brother as he has looked since 2006 until today.)

Call for Second Pride DJ's, Hosts & Vocalists!

From a group notice in the Second Pride Festival Group today.

"Greetings DJ's, Hosts, and Vocalists!
Thank you for your interest in performing at the Second Pride Festival! We look forward to a week long of amazing events, and are pleased that you will be a part of it!

The Festival dates are Friday, June 23, 2017 through Sunday, July 2, 2017
DJ's: Please include your Host's Display and Legacy names if you have one, or let me know if you need one for your event. Also, please include multiple dates and times of availability in case your first choice is not available to schedule you,.
Hosts: Please make sure to let me know if you are available to work with multiple DJ's during the Festival if needed.
Vocalists: Please include a promo image to be used for in world ads. If you have a Host, please include their name, and pass a copy of this blank notecard for them to fill out.
Please fill in the information and get this notecard back to me, Viktor Sandman (ViktorSandman Resident) as soon as possible. Also, please rename this document with your performer name in place of the word 'Blank'. We will contact you for scheduling on a first come, first served basis. Thank you for your participation and support of the Second Pride Festival!

Display Name:
DJ Name:
Legacy Name:
Email address:
Stream URL:
Image to use for promoting you on our in-world ads:
Type of Music:
Availability (Days & Hours):

Have a great day and I'm looking forward to your performance!
Viktor Sandman, Second Pride Secretary & Entertainment Director"

Sunday, May 21, 2017

Be Careful...

If you are married to the most requested dick-tinting expert in SecondLife please remember to be careful when you visit the Steamworkz Sunday Tea Dance.

This is what happens to you...(i.e. me. You're welcome!) if you don't take off your Aeros-HUD and he is tinting someone else's cock.

Photo by J.J.Goodman.

Saturday, May 20, 2017

My Bro JJ, The Demigod

This little video reminds me of my sweet brother JJ's responses lately, when you praise him for his looks, acts, works or talents. He simply says, "You're welcome!" with the most conceited tone he can muster.

He picked up the habit somewhere during the last two weeks and is repeating it whenever he can. The only way you know for certain he is not that conceited is that he breaks down in giggles every time he does it...