Saturday, July 21, 2018

LL Lowers Land Prices For Some and Reduces Fees

Linden Lab has announced it will, effective immediately, lower land prices for those who do not already have lower rates, either because they have grandfathered rates or they "bought down" their rates last year.
Land Prices will be reduced by 15% and fees by 41%.

TERMS & CONDITIONS: Private Estate price reductions do not apply to Skilled Gaming Regions. While new Openspace Regions are no longer available for purchase, existing Openspace Region landowners will receive the newly-reduced monthly pricing. In addition, these changes will not impact any grandfathered or “bought down” land prices since those are still below the newly-reduced rates. Lastly, Education/Nonprofit (EDU/NP) discounted full islands have also been re-priced to maintain their 50% discount off the regularly priced full islands. The new price of $124.50 will go into effect at the start of that island's next invoiced billing term.

Tuesday, July 17, 2018

SP Annual Meeting 2018 - Minutes

The minutes from the Second Pride Annual Meeting, that was held on July 14th, 2018, have been published on the Second Pride website. You will find the minutes here.

For those of you who are too lazy to read them, let me give you a short summary.

1. Feedback from the festival has been overwhelmingly positive. There were no problems with griefing. Thanks were expressed to all involved for their contributions.

2. The Trevor Project will receive a donation of L$ 560,800 - approximately $2,243.00 USD. (Bloody awesome, my remark).

3. A proposal for a (much needed, my remark) complete overhaul of the bylaws was made. The Communications/IT Director was given the task to do a draft re-write and present it to the board.

4. Upcoming election 
a) these three members of the board have one year remaining,
- the Chairperson,
- the Secretary and
- the Communications/IT Director,
b) the following five positions are open for candidates
- Community Relations Director,
- Events Director,
- Build Director,
- Marketing Director and
- Security Director

5. Election Dates
a) Candidate Registration on the Second Pride website August 1st, 2018 through August 14th, 2018,
b) Question and Answers with Candidates on the Second Pride website August 15th, 2018 through August 28th, 2018,
c) Voting September 1st, 2018 through September 8th, 2018 and
d) Board Member Installation Meeting September 15th, 2018.

Monday, July 16, 2018

For Dej

These were my words at the memorial gathering for Dej on Sunday.
Dej and I trying out the sits in a new couch
"It’s a sad occasion, but I am happy for those of you who could make it here today and hope that those who couldn’t will remember my brother Dejerrity Mycron in their own way.

Dej is gone, but the people we lose stay with us in the things we do and how we remember them.

I first remember meeting Dej when he – together with Jeb Nicholls - was hosting for my late husband Ars Northmead at some weekly event they had going for a year, or maybe even two years.

Quite frankly, my first impression wasn’t favorable. I thought Dej was a crude and overbearing bastard. He, on the other hand, thought I was a damned fool. Well, that only goes to show how very wrong first impressions can be sometimes.

I got to know Dej better when Ars passed away in 2010. To my own amazement, I discovered that underneath that rough exterior he was a kind, loving, smart and very gentle soul.

Dej was fiercely loyal and very protective towards me. In that time, he also made his home here at Southern Charm. His protectiveness made me feel safe in a time when I had lost my footing. In the years to come our friendship grew and we became closer. I discovered what a truly good man he was.

Although, as I am sure you all know, he had an awful temper and high defenses, we never really exchanged an unfriendly word. In time he let me come past his walls of protection and I got to know the entirely lovable man behind the rough exterior.

Dej was a man with many and diverse interests.

Did you know he was a secret Trekkie and had a childlike fascination with everything science fiction? He even built a wonderful and complex command station for the USS Enterprise over many years. It would fold out in various ways and had all kinds of instrumentation that I don’t know a thing about, not being a Trekkie myself.

Dej often boasted of having the largest collection of gay porn videography in the history of mankind, among them the complete
“Centurians of Rome” , a classic from 1981.

On the other hand, he also had an extremely large collection of show tunes and often knew all the lyrics by heart. He would often sing them to me – and others who cared to listen in – with his beautiful tenor. But he never liked when I tried to sing along, I cannot understand why.

I was utterly shocked when I was reached by the news of Dej’s death and the circumstances surrounding it: he had died alone at the age of only 54 and that he hadn’t been discovered for up to a week after his passing. Add to that the facts that the cause and time of his death are still unknown. It saddened me deeply that I had lost a brother in that way.

Hopefully we will learn more about what caused his death and when he died after the investigations are completed. Dej’s brother in first life has promised to keep me apprised of the results. I can only hope he keeps his promise.

Dej is gone, and we remain to guard his memory and keep him in our hearts and minds. I will always remember him as my protective brother, with a weakness for singing show tunes to me to make me happy when I was sad, or even just to make me laugh.

I will always love you, Dej, and I will always remember you for the warm, caring and loving man that you were.

Rest in peace, my sweet brother."

Sunday, July 15, 2018

Reminder: Memorial Gathering for Dej Today

The memorial gathering for Dej is today at 3 PM SLT. Here is your landmark to the gathering, Rosewood Manor (Dej's Place) SLurl.

Suggested clothing: Boardshorts/shorts and sandals/bare feet. (That was Dej's prefered clothing when he was entertaining at home.)

If you should not be able to attend today you can come there from now until August 31st, 2018. 

After that there will be a new memorial for Dej set up together with his brother Ars Northmead at another place on the sim.

Through the kindness of Ty Tenk and Truck Meredith, there will also be a memorial site for both of them at Mirromere sim at The Calas Galadhon Park sims.

Thursday, July 12, 2018

Second Most Sexiest Man Alive?

So I have been watching the Congressional hearing of FBI agent Peter Strzok.

I must honestly say, that after watching his clashes with representatives Trey Gowdy and chairman Bob Goodlatte, his bated and controlled anger made me hot and bothered and moist in my underwear. 'Tis a pity the man is straight.

Agent Strzok must be a pride and joy to 70% of the American people, and I don't give a damn about whatever foolishness he texted (taken out of context) that was totally irrelevant to his fulfilment of his duties.

(The sexiest man alive is of course Tomais Ashdene, the lairds consort.

Monday, July 9, 2018

Memorial for Dej

I have been in low spirits ever since I got the sad news about my sweet brother Dej, especially as the circumstances surrounding his demise were unclear (the cause and the time of death).

I kept imagining him lying in his apartment and dying all by himself without being able to call attention to his situation. I hope his passing was swift and that he was unconscious through it, but kept imagining other horrendous scenarios.

Anyhow, a few days ago I pulled myself together and gathered up the courage to make a telephone call to one of Dej's brothers in first life in the hope of getting further information. I found his telephone number on the Internet.

The brother, Andy, was very kind (he had heard about me from Dej) and sounded strikingly similar to Dej. Andy verified all the information we have received so far about Dej's passing and the circumstances as far as they are known now. He also informed me that there was an ongoing enquiry and that the family has not been given any further information so far. The authorities were awaiting results from the many tests that had been performed. He believed that the results would not be forthcoming for several weeks yet. He promised to inform me when he was informed and we exchanged email-addresses.

I have come to the conclusion that the memorial for Mike/Dej cannot wait for the results. There will therefore be a memorial gathering at Dej's Place on Sunday July 15th, 2018, at 3 PM SLT.

Suggested clothing: Boardshorts/shorts and sandals/barefeet. That was Dej's prefered clothing when he was entertaining at home.

If you should not be able to come at that time you can go there from now until August 31st, 2018. I have prepared a memorial spot in the woods behind Dej's house. Here is your landmark, Rosewood Manor (Dej's Place) SLurl.


Mind Carlberg has a new art project named XX/XY and invites everyone to participate.
"Named like that because they look like the letters, these two chromosomes determine our gender. A famous french writer, Simone de Beauvoir, once said: “You’re not born a woman, you become a woman.” What if we mixed up all the dolls and firetrucks in the world? What if we played together with these two magic letters ?

- Ladies, find YOUR OWN WAY to look/to feel ultra-masculine.
- Gentlemen, find YOUR OWN WAY to look/to feel ultra-feminine.

The pic can be funny, of course, but this is not only about wearing makeup or a mustache. It can be more subtle, more surprising, more intimate, it can be absurd, it can be shocking, it can be conceptual… find YOUR OWN WAY.

& JOIN PICS'TRAP (SL Group, my remark)
THE BURIED MAN Love Land (SLurl)"
Mind posts the contributions he likes best to his Flickr photostream: Mind Carlberg - Flickr

The picture in this post is one of my contributions to the project, you can see the other two on my Flickr photostream (NSFW).