Showing posts with label Donald J Trump. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Donald J Trump. Show all posts

Sunday, April 22, 2018

Self Rape?

Rape is defined differently in various countries but I should think all of the legal definitions would contain the following necessary conditions sexual activity/sexual intercourse carried out forcibly or under threat of injury, or against the will of a person, or with a person who is beneath a certain age, or in other ways incapable of valid consent.
I'm not sure if this is a joke or sarcasm, someone told me it could be... (I've always have difficulty with sarcasm as I usually take things too literally. I know, I know, so spank me would'ya!)

To equate masturbation to rape is to give a false or misleading meaning to the nature of both masturbation and of rape. How insane anyone must be to even compare the two actions is beyond me.

I just saw that there is actually a Facebook group for this cause, Christian Mothers Against Masturbation/Self-Rape.

Oh my, I may just give up breathing in the face of all the silliness in the world we live in. And then there are Trump, Putin and al-Assad on top of it all. Well, all I can say is that I have always given consent, enthusiastically I might add, every time I have played with myself.

Saturday, April 21, 2018

On Funerals

Today I am thinking about funerals.
This is because I read about Mrs. Barbara Bush's funeral today and how the current president Donald J Trump had been asked please not to attend which made me think about this quote from Yogi Berra*: "Always go to other people's funerals; otherwise, they won't go to yours." 

I hope there will be droves and droves of people at my funeral and that no one will have to be asked not to attend. There is nothing quite as sad as a funeral with very few people.

*) Lawrence Peter "Yogi" Berra (May 12, 1925 – September 22, 2015) was an American professional baseball catcher for the New York Yankees.

P.S. "Food, serve them good food and drink and they will come!", I thought. So now I am going to set aside a good sized amount in my will for food and alcohol for the funeral lunch. 

Saturday, February 10, 2018

Throwing Stones In Closets

There is a proverb that says, "People who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones." The same applies to people who live in closets and support presidents who support spousal abuse.

P.S. It seems I responded to a fake account. Damn! But I'll leave it up as a rebuttal to the fake-Assange tweet anyway.

Thursday, August 3, 2017

Russian Conspiracy or Collusion?

The highlighted counties show, roughly, the path along which people will have the best views of the
Aug. 21 total solar eclipse. Counties shaded red voted for Trump; those in blue voted for Clinton.
(via The Boston Globe)

Wednesday, June 28, 2017

Perhaps A Step Too Far? (NSFW)

This cute guy is Abel Azcona, a Spanish queer performance artist, who doesn't like Donald J Trump, president of the U.S.A., at all!
Recently Abel decide to show his dislike for the president in what has to be an extremely painful manner, by tattooing the words of the president’s campaign slogan, “Make America Great Again”, in a circle around his anus.

The tattooing of the phrase occurred in the Defibrillator Gallery in Chicago. Azcona told The Huffington Post that he considers the statement to be "a queer, political act".

If you are sure you can handle it, click Read more for a picture from the performance and the result.

Sunday, February 19, 2017

Hair Furor Spouts Alternative Facts About Sweden

I don't usually agree with Carl Bildt about anything at all, but this time his tweet captured the wonderment of all Swedes at what the American president had to say about whats been happening in our country recently.

Isn't it about time president Trump was assigned a few handlers who fact-checked his speeches, otherwise I think we may soon end up with a really big mess. Many things president Trump "believes" are true, simply aren't. 

Friday, February 3, 2017

Linden Lab on Trump's Ban on Immigration

Statement issued by Linden Lab on Trump's Executive Order on Immigration 2017-02-02 00:00:00 UTC

"We at Linden Lab are extremely disappointed in and adamantly opposed to Trump’s recent executive order on immigration. We reject racism, intolerance, and xenophobia.

We are proud to include immigrants among our leadership, colleagues, and customers, as well as our families, friends, and communities. We value diversity, compassion, and understanding, and we are proud that our products enable people to come together and form meaningful connections regardless of differences in their offline lives.

Trump’s order is counter to what we value and antithetical to American ideals. We join the many voices calling on the US government to remove this restriction as quickly as possible and to refrain from imposing additional barriers that threaten opportunities for immigrants, under-represented minorities, and women."

You make me proud guys!

Saturday, December 31, 2016


I will not miss you, 2016, you were a horrendous and worthless year with only a few redeeming qualities. 
I will not delve into all shit you caused, but I will drop a few names. Donald J. Trump, Vladimir "Little Father" Putin, Bashar Al-Assad, Julian Assange and, last but not least, Aleppo.

Among the few redeeming factors were Tomais, Dej, JJ, Pook, Kevin (previously known as Knox) and the Smith Boys, Kahvy and Garrett. I must also add Ebbe Linden and Bento and the welcome extra prims.

Let us all hope - and join forces - to fight for a better 2017!

Friday, November 18, 2016


The Much Honored Bock McMillan, laird of Southern Charm, prince of Cascade Falls etc. etc. will be unreachable this afternoon and evening. The official reason given is an alleged summit meeting among the world leaders concerning ramifications on International security by the election of Mr. Donald J. Trump as president of the United States.

The unofficial - and more truthful reason - is that the laird yesterday received the full DVD-collection of Game of Thrones, season 6, and will spend the Friday evening kicking back and frolicking in frisky murder and mayhem with the characters of that wondrous production.

Saturday, October 22, 2016

"Only I Can Save You!" (Edited)

The presidential election in the United States this year has caused a great deal of unrest and many rifts in the gay community in SecondLife, at least the part of it that I am in. Old friendships are broken and harsh words and derogatory adjectives are thrown about frequently.
Vladimir Lenin (April 22, 1870 –  January 21, 1924)
I have a fundamental belief in mankind, that we all strive for what we see as the best solution for ourselves and - mostly - for society as a whole. Some say I am naive, but I don't give a damn. I also believe in democracy and the political system to attend to our societies and address the issues that arise.
Josef Stalin (December 18, 1878 – March 5, 1953)
In our societies people - and large groups of them - are sometimes afraid, due to economic setbacks, sickness, unemployment, globalization, civil unrest, whatever or just from a feeling of being disenfranchised. No one sees their plight or listens to their complaints. No one tries to assist them in bettering their conditions, everyone else is just thinking of themselves.
Benito Mussolini (July 29, 1883 – April 28, 1945)
When such conditions are present we have more than once in our history seen politicians or parties arise who say they have the absolute remedy or know exactly how to go about creating "change" (unspecified and vague enough). 
Adolf Hitler (April 20, 1889 – April 30, 1945)
Most of the time these politicians will claim to be "outsiders" or "not part of the establishment", even though a simple background check will show that they actually are and have been for a long time.
Mao Zedong (December 26, 1893 – September 9, 1976)
Their often simple solutions start with pointing out who is to blame for the present predicament, it can be a particular race, religious or cultural affiliation, nationality, sexual orientation or economic class. Or better still all of the above jumbled together.
Donald J. Trump (June 14, 1946 -  )
Whenever I encounter a person or a group of people seeking political power who claim to know the the quick-and-fast solution to a given problem and asks me to "Trust me, I am the only one who can save you!", I back away as fast as I can.
Vladimir "Little Father" Putin (October 7, 1952 - )
There have been man politicians and groups throughout history who have made claims on the absolute way to "save" voters. Here are a few examples of "savior politicians", demagogues and despots, in the present and not too distant history (ordered according to date of birth).

So how do we go from the existence of "savior politicians" to how to handle our friendships and relationships in SecondLife?

In my mind, the absolutely worst way to go about it is to distance yourself. I will never allow myself to assume that one of my friends or acquaintances is a misogynist, racist, Islamophobe, anti-Semite, homophobe or indeed anti-anything merely by whom they support in the American election, not until they express such views and opinions. Until that happens they will remain my friends.

Edit October 23, 2016: The edit today consisted only of moving the pictures, not a word was changed except for "globalization" which was previously misspelled.)

Friday, May 27, 2016


Donald J Trump, the reality tv-star and presumptive Republican candidate for the president election in the U.S.A, has made insults and name calling one of his most notable traits.

Today one of his fiercest and most longstanding enemies, Ms Rosie McDonald, got back at him.