Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Day Off

I found this ad on "copyranter" (see blogroll)
I am alive and well but need to get an early night and a day off from blogging.

To give you all something to think about privately or talk amongst yourselves about I give you the ad above. Feel free to share your thoughts and conversations in the comments.

Please come back tomorrow!

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Belated Second Blogoversary

I am terrible with dates!  Actually I am so bad with dates that I am one of the few people I know that has to remind himself of his own birthday. There were really only four dates I used to be able to  remember without help, those are Christmas eve, New Years day and my parents birthdays.

Nowadays I can add March 12th to that list, which is the day Ars passed away, and the day of my own rezday in SecondLife (because it occurs on the day before) and Ars real life birthday.

Today I discovered that I had missed the second anniversary of this blog, which was first started on August 25th, 2009.

Please join me in singing belated congratulations:
Happy blogoversary to you
Happy blogoversary to you
Happy blogoversary dear "Bock in SecondLife"
Happy blogoversary to you

To help remind myself in the future I have also added a gadget which counts down the days for the next blogoversary. Let´s see if it helps me remember!

Monday, September 5, 2011

The Votes Are In

The winning set, #3
After some complains in the past about my eyes, I - finally - gave in and in the post "Bock´s Eyes" offered my friend Kandinsky Beaumont a choice between four different sets of possible eyes for me. I promised her that I would wear the eyes she selected until at least November 1st, 2011.

I also gave my readers a chance to voice their opinions in a poll. 

Well the votes are now in. Kandi favored Set #3 and eight voters (42 %) of the nineteen voters in the poll agreed with her, so those are the eyes I will be wearing until the date mentioned. 

Six voters (31 %) preferred the eyes I have been wearing for the past two years, Set #1.

Three voters (15 %) told me I would look stunning in any of them (Love you, guys!) and one voter each (5 %) preferred Set #2 and Set #4. To my great relief no one voted for the option that I would always look ugly.

I didn't vote in the poll, but I have been wearing Set #3 for a week now and am actually getting to like them a lot.

The Gays Are to Blame

To my own shame I must admit that I found this on the other side of the Atlantic even if it is from a Swedish television program. Joe Jervis and his Joe.My.God. rule once again!

This is from a very popular sing-along program that is aired on one of the Swedish (Public) Television channels and was sent during Stockholm Pride this year.

I particularly love the line, "We need to have enough morals for double-standards!"

If subtitles do not appear, click on the "CC" button at the bottom of the player.

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Sometimes I Miss Him More

After a long struggle I think I can now safely say that I have finally come to accept the fact that my Ars is no longer with me. And that he will never come back to me.

Please don´t get me wrong, I still think of him several times a day, but happy thoughts when I see things he made to make my SecondLife easier or more beautiful. Like when he ripped the stairs out of our house and installed a system of teleportation instead because I have always had a hard time with stairs, still have. "Actions not words!", huh?

On those occasions that I flew off the handle about something or other that had occurred or that I was interested in doing - not at all few occasions I can assure you - he was the best at talking me down and talk things through before acting. Delaying me, was what I called it but didn't really mean that because in hindsight I could see the necessity. How some people could choose to give me the nickname "the most patient man in all of SL" is way over my head.

And I still miss him badly, but sometimes I just miss him more. Like these last few days; I have so missed having him to share my thoughts with and my reactions to what is going on around me. Ars and I were almost constantly in communication with each other, with the possible exception during his sets when we only talked if he wanted it. Otherwise we talked all the time and everywhere, even when we were not in the same place.

Ars calmed me, he made me think rationally and not just do and go or try anything on a whim. He respected me enough to hear me out and I did the same for him in those few, very occasions that he needed it. So sometimes I do miss him desperately, even though I have succeeded in gathering sweet people around me who try hard to fulfill his role for me. I will forever be in their gratitude, but it´s still not the same.

Saturday, September 3, 2011


Today was a very slow day. Even if I woke up early and read the newspaper and a few blogs I then went back to bed and slept to-and-fro almost all day.

I have been thinking about the developments over the last few days. My reactions to what happened in the group chat that led me to write my post about "Hatred" and other peoples reactions to that post and of course my own reactions to these reactions.

There are mainly four persons that stand out as honestly trying to give me an understanding of why they are upset with either "the main character" a.k.a."the culprit" or "the witch" in all this or with me and my post. Two of them in private conversations in-world, one  the day before yesterday and one today. Another one has given me a clue in a comment on my blog today and one in a post on her own blog (this is the first and only time I have actually seen any close to specific complaints about the main character in all this.

The rest who have voiced opinions have done so in a manner that is totally useless to try to interpret if I want to understand what they are reacting towards in my post. They just vent unspecific anger at me.

I haven´t come to any conclusions yet, I am sorry to say. This is a very tangled web and I am not even hopeful of untangling it altogether, just to my own satisfaction.

Cold Star