Friday, February 11, 2011

Ars + Bock = ❤

Our first kiss in public

This day a year ago, on February 12th 2010, my partner in SecondLife since more than two years made me a very happy man when he proposed to me.I of course immediately accepted the proposal.

At this time my Ars and I had been together for more than two years. We had often joked about SL-marriages, the big wedding ceremonies after only knowing one another just a few weeks followed by bitter divorces a month or so afterwards, only to be followed again by a new "true love", a new marriage and a new divorce etc. etc.

In spite of all our joking I had been contemplating "popping the question" to Ars for awhile, but hadn't yet mustered the courage to do so. Not for fear he didn't love me, but just because we had joked too much about it I guess... and what the hell, it was all going great for us even without the formalities...

This was one of our happiest days in SecondLife, little did we know at the time that Ars (or rather the real man Doug) would pass away a month later.

The picture I am using in this post is actually a snapshot of a picture that I had unfortunately deleted after mounting it on a prim. It shows another happy day, when we first went public with our love to our friends. It was taken at SSG ("the Sarcosound grounds") by Evander Milena, in November 2007.

If it had not been for Evanders so-called wife (who later turned out to in fact be his alt) Elena I am not sure I would have ever have dared to finally start talking with Ars. For that I will always be thankful to "the infamous three E´s", as we later called them. Evander, Elena and Emile were a group of alt´s that for a long time had me and my friends totally fooled.

I was imagining this post would be easy to write, because it was a happy occasion. As it turned out it stirred up many thought and emotions that made it more difficult. Nevertheless this will be a happy day, I have made up my mind.

Note-to-self: Never delete any pictures evermore, if you feel the need to remove them from your inventory box them up instead!

Bye, Bye Hosni

WootWoot, I take a short nap after work and the world spins another notch.

When I wake up I am reached by the wonderful news that the last Pharaoh of Egypt, Hosni Mubarak, has finally abdicated.

It´s  a wonderful day!

Planning the Weekend

When you are planning your weekend in SecondLife make sure to drop in at this event. Saturday February 12th, 01:00 PM SLT, at Grenouille Inn.

I have tried to get in at Mannen Darkstones events at Grenouille Inn before, but there was some security thing that blocked my sound. Instead I have been listening to him sing on his websites ( and I am so wishing that the same problem will not interrupt me tomorrow.

Mannen has a beautiful voice with a warm quality which touches your soul and makes you warm inside.

I was for a while contemplating telling you about the first time I remember seeing Mannen, but decided not to. Instead I will give you some leads and you can make up your own picture. The leads are

1. wedding party (cannot remember who got married to whom)
2. Selma dancing (Selma is Mannens SecondLife partner)
3. an avatar drops in on the dance floor
4. naked man
5. huge, humongous, enormous
6. erection
7. laughter
8. giggles
9. Selma and Mannen teleport away

Unfortunately I am not expecting Mannen to be naked tomorrow...

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

For Millimina

Well Milli, my darling sister, after your adventures today I hope you breathe in and then breathe out to this music. Love you, always!

...and it sure would be much better if they didn't say "This is a UKF Exclusive" all the time, rotten bastards... They should either decide you cannot embed it or leave it alone. Well I like the music anyway so...

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Happy Rezday, Kandinsky!

Have a great day and get loads of presents.

Yeah I changed the picture, because I liked this one better.

Fatherly Advice

My son Guyke is going to Finland - again - to meet up with his man Janttu.

I don´t trust the boy to pack correctly for the trip and am not sure he really understands everything he should know about Finns and their barbaric customs.

So here are a few hints on some essentials.

What to pack
1. Loads of clean underwear. You don´t know when you get a chance to wash and I don´t want to hear you were in an accident wearing filthy underwear.

2. Lots of clean flannel shirts. I think thats what they wear mostly, as they all live isolated out in the deep forests close to a lake somewhere in the wilderness. (There are tens of thousands of lakes in Finland.)

3. Socks. You need to keep your feet warm at all times.

4. A fur coat. Baby, it´s still very cold there I don´t want you to catch pneumonia.

5. Condoms. For those "really cold nights and days" this is added protection. You can share with Janttu - and by that I mean give hi m his own, don´t try to use the same one. 

6. Elbow grease. I don´t want to hear that you have been walking around in the wilderness with chafed elbows and dry skin. Apply some on your lips too, it keeps them shiny and gives you a winning smile.

Remember to always moisturize, thats what keeps us McMillan men always looking good.

You have heard about saunas I am sure, but the Finnish saunas are not like the ones you have encountered in the seedy Belgian gay clubs. People behave properly there, no hanky panky!

This is what you need when going into a Finnish sauna. A bunch of twigs to beat off the guys molesting you or trying to fondle you. Just smack them and if they complain about it you just go ahead and tell them "My daddy told me so!".

You also need a small bucket of very cold water, which you can use to cool down the really bad boys.

Towels are optional and are mostly used to sit on so you don´t burn your buns. Never ever wear a bathing suit in the sauna, thats an absolute and definite no-no and may get you thrown out head first.

And this is how you sit in a real Finnish sauna, no staring around or exposing yourself flamboyantly or any such behavior. Look serious and morose, talk very little and - for the love of me - keep your hands to yourself!

Have a great time Guyke, and see you again soon!

Janttu, I will smack your sweet ass if my son has lost a single hair on his body or if you send him home to me barefooted and pregnant.

OrmDricka Does a Phoenix

The friendliest club owners in SecondLife, Mrs. Vampi Twine-DeSantis and her hubby Mr. sirhc DeSantis with their club OrmDricka, have just announced they have survived yet another threat and have arisen from the flames to do another party tonight at 12 PM SLT.

The theme will be angels, so I imagine the look of this black angel is something to strive for.... Music will be supplied by the sexiest non-nekoORIGINAL NEKO cat around, DJ sirhc.