Monday, August 22, 2011


"To die, to sleep;
To sleep: perchance to dream: ay, there's the rub;
For in that sleep of death what dreams may come"
I have always had a strained relationship with sleep. I really love sleeping but 
detedt going to bed to sleep and definitely detest to wake up, or rather being 
woken by someone or by a damn alarm clock.

After only getting about three-four hours of sleep each night during the workweek for a period of about three years I was first put on pills to induce sleep, then to a "sleeping school", where I was thought routines to help me during the workweek.

I follow these routines strictly - I would say almost religiously if I weren't
damned Atheist. It has been really helpful. So nowadays I start signaling to 
my body whats going to happen by observing my own special routine and when I go to bed I fall asleep almost immediately. 

Once asleep I am hardly disturbed by anything happening around me. Men can snore, children can scream or my neighbors can go at it like crazy animals in heat, it makes no difference I just sleep through it like a baby.
The photo I am using in this post is beautiful, but there is also another reason why I use it here. The picture reminds me of how I sleep.

I have a big bed but I always sleep on the right side of it, never the left, it´s always left empty for someone. Just like the pale man in the picture I prefer sleeping on my left side.
If you want to see more of Elisabeth Ohlson Wallins photography please look here I recommend 
you take a look at her exhibitions "Jerusalem" and "Ecce Homo".

New & Improved

Photography by Jeff Ellsworth
Well, I didn't think it was possible but it seems Jeff Ellsworth succeeded in improving on his avatar anyway. He really knocked my socks off

All I can say is hawt, hawt and oh my Gawd so hawt...

...but whats this thing American men have for white underwear and socks? (I wonder if I am exposing my knowledge of American gay porn with that question?) Take a good peek at the marvelous makeover on his blog Jeff Ellsworth - Witnessing A Second Life. Make sure you inhale deeply at least three times before going there.

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Google Chrome Saves My Weekend

As some of you may remember I started having problems with my Mozilla Firefox browser after trying to download version 6.

I tried uninstalling, cleaning up and re-installing Firefox about a hundred and umpteen times. The problems kept recurring sooner or later.

Following my mate Eddi Haskell´s advice I have know migrated to Google Chrome, and let me tell you it is really fast and bloody

Somehow it even miraculously recovered all the bookmarks I thought had been lost, which saves me a lot of time and troubles.

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Bock Is Kidnaped

After a long period of having few dreams - or rather not remembering having them - I started having nightmares regularly, especially when I take a nap during daytime. I am seriously considering to stop taking my midday naps because of these awful nightmares. Or should I say "daymares"?.

Today´s daymare was as follows.

I am sitting in my office with Bock. We are having a telepathic conversation about our day when suddenly a heavily cloaked figure swoops in and carries Bock away. He is immediately blinded and muted by the kidnapper. I cannot see through his eyes - as I usually can - who it is that has separated us, but I hear his telepathic scream although there is no sound.

In my mind we have an agitated discussion over who it can be that is doing this, where they might be taking him and what the motive for this vicious deed could be. Suddenly I hear Bock mind-scream painfully and feel how someone has started cutting into him with a chisel as if he were made of marble.

Even if the chisel doesn't harm him the force of it going through his flesh makes both him and me cry out loudly.

I am awoken by my own scream and am really upset and angry until I - although still in a daze - realize it was a dream.

Friday, August 19, 2011

Damn Firefox 6

I have been using Mozilla Firefox as my favorite web browser for a very long time. Yesterday I was alerted that there was a new version, the Mozilla Firefox 6, so I installed it.

The new version doesn't work for me at all. It just keeps on loading, loading, loading, loading...and yes, still loading... I cannot move out of the spot.

The worst thing is it is not possible to download the version I was using previously (version 5.something.something) but I have to downgrade all the way down to 3.6.

And with all the installs and uninstalls trying to make version 6 work, I lost all my bookmarks. Damn!

A Must Read

There is a wonderful post on the Internet that has received over 36 000 comments - dare I say postmoderated - since it was published two days ago.

Read it and then weep a little and then be very, very happy about wonderful kids, wonderful mothers and fathers and that there is love in the world!

Click the picture to read the rest of the post! Did I say it is wonderful already...?

Thursday, August 18, 2011

On Moderation of Comments

Photo by Nam in Geum
I always like to tell people "I am the most patient man in SecondLife, absolutely everyone tells me so!" Those who know me well and love me - like my Ars, Guyke, Andrey and perhaps Millimina also - laugh in my face when I say this because they of course know damn well it is as far from the truth as you can get.

All the same I still persevere in telling all and sundry this as soon as I can possibly squeeze it into a conversation, in the vain hopes that someone who has known me longer than 15 minutes will one day agree.

The last week I myself  feel I have shown an amazing restraint that would rightfully make me entitled to truthfully keep on stating that I am in fact am the the most patient man. Alas no one seems to have noticed...

The Swedish SecondLife bloggers have been... hmmm... "discussing" the question of whether they - and everyone else - should use pre-moderation or post-moderation/reactive moderation on the comments made on a blog. There are of course valid reasons for each approach. I found an excellent summary here "Everything in Moderation - On Four Types of Moderation".

On my blog I have lately chosen to switch to post-moderation/reactive moderation primarily because I have had no experience with any misuse by commenters and I believe that a free flow of opinions between the commenters is of vital importance.

It is my personal opinion that it must be the choice of each blogger which type of moderation they choose. This choice must of course always take into account the experiences the blogger has had earlier, for instance it is well known that the Swedish blogger PetGirl Bergman with her blog Tinas universum has is the not-to-distant past had problems with defamatory personal attacks on herself and on others by anonymous or signed commenters.

Photo by Natalia Luzuriaga
The Swedish bloggers war was raised another notch when my bosom-buddy Apmel Goosson, the enfant terrible of Swedish SecondLife with the oldest Swedish SecondLife blog "Min avatar heter Apmel" (My Avatars Name is Apmel) the other day stated that he would link differently to blogs that used pre-moderation.

This decision by Apmel caused one blogger to stop blogging altogether and another blogger to express hurt feelings on being negatively discriminated against by not receiving the same exposure as post-moderated blogs.

It is my firm belief that every blogger has the prerogative to choose not only which blogs he wants to link to or not to link to, but also how he wishes to link to them as long as it isn´t done in a derogatory or defamatory way. There is no human rights issue involved in this, nor is it an infringement on anyones freedom of speech or expression.

I have actually kept myself a bit distant from these discussions where I have many opinions, in a way that is totally unlike me in these situations, so thats why I believe I now deserve at least a plaque or  medal telling the world that I am indeed the most patient man in SecondLife.

(The pictures on this post were chosen solely for their beauty and calmness so as to sooth any hurt feelings of my readers.)