Sunday, January 13, 2019

Glory Be!

The word spread fast around Southern Charm this morning, for nothing travels faster than good news.

"Glory be, for the Laird has arisen from his (almost) deathbed and is well on his way to full recovery"

No one fully understands - and I don't mean to be a drama queen about this - but when I get sick, I really feel awfully sick. It doesn't help one bit that I'm a hypochondriac either... Sometimes I can laugh at myself, but that is only afterward not while it lasts.

Oh poor me, but thank the Babylonians, it's over for this time. 

Monday, January 7, 2019


My flesh avatar has been taken over by Orthomyxoviridae (i.e. influenza viruses). I am sick as a dog, with fever, head- & boneaches and tiredness. 

I hope to see you all soon if I survive...

Sunday, January 6, 2019

Isolation of World Broken

Welcome back. people! I know you must have felt terribly isolated from me when my Internet crashed, but rest assured you are safe now and back in touch with me again.
The Southern Enchantment antiterrorist force is on the job and is rounding up the usual suspects of Mexicans, Arabs, and Muslims as we speak.

Prince Wild Zepp McMillan, the torturer extraordinaire, has been called home from his vacation at a gay resort in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico, to oversee the interrogations, which are expected to be strenuous. In a brief interview, Prince Wild stated, "We shall get to the bottom of this conspiracy to deprive the World's access to his lairdship a.s.a.p."

Apmel, My Bodhisattva!

Apmel Goosson, my house god for many years, in a post on his blog today (url) came out with the shocking revelation that he is not God.
This appalling disclosure at first completely shattered all my illusions and the world as I know it became a dark and scary place. That is until I figured out what had happened!

My Apmel has, of course, attained the blessed state of Nirvana and is freed from the eternal cycle of reincarnation to move on to the afterlife, but on the threshold, he looked back at the suffering humanity and in his compassion decided to stay with us to help us in achieving enlightenment. 

Apmel has become my Bodhisattva, he is the one who will help me free myself from eternal desire and suffering.

Tuesday, January 1, 2019

Five Years With Tomais

Today My Tomais and I celebrate our fifth anniversary as a couple. It's really strange to think about it because it doesn't really feel that long, more like a year or maybe two.
My Tomais at Regi's & Ty's 7th Bashaversary, photo by JJ Goodman
Credit for us still being a couple goes to Tomais' legendary patience and his well-controlled temper, not to mention his sweet and loving character and his need of a sometimes blunt companion who is ready to contact anyone to ask for rez-rights.

Still love you to bits, darling, would you please consider continuing with me another year?

Monday, December 31, 2018

Happy New Year, 2019!

Bock in SecondLife wishes all it's readers a happy end of the year and a wonderful and happy new year.

May all your wishes come true and may 2019 be the best year ever.

Happy New Year!

Thursday, December 27, 2018

"Twirl, Baby Twirl", Petr Said

Some of you may remember the post I made of my Christmas pressie from Petr, "Showing Off Petr's Christmas Gift" (url). In the comments, Petr made this request: "Twirl baby twirl. Show us the back side (Evil Grin)"

Not a terribly specific entreaty now is it, except for wishing me to show my backside. Did he want a conventional picture, something artistic or, well, something just from behind? So I am sharing three versions here.

Version 1: "Bock's backside from a distance"
The arrow points to me standing on Tomais' platform.

Version 2: "Le Bock au coucher du soleil"
This one shows me in an artisique pose against the setting sun. The displacement is supposed to make you aware of our peripheral existence in the void of the vast and vacuous universe.

Finally, version 3, "Boringly Conventional"
This one shows "the crack and the strap", just like I believe Petr may have wanted it.