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Showing posts sorted by date for query consent. Sort by relevance Show all posts

Sunday, April 22, 2018

Self Rape?

Rape is defined differently in various countries but I should think all of the legal definitions would contain the following necessary conditions sexual activity/sexual intercourse carried out forcibly or under threat of injury, or against the will of a person, or with a person who is beneath a certain age, or in other ways incapable of valid consent.
I'm not sure if this is a joke or sarcasm, someone told me it could be... (I've always have difficulty with sarcasm as I usually take things too literally. I know, I know, so spank me would'ya!)

To equate masturbation to rape is to give a false or misleading meaning to the nature of both masturbation and of rape. How insane anyone must be to even compare the two actions is beyond me.

I just saw that there is actually a Facebook group for this cause, Christian Mothers Against Masturbation/Self-Rape.

Oh my, I may just give up breathing in the face of all the silliness in the world we live in. And then there are Trump, Putin and al-Assad on top of it all. Well, all I can say is that I have always given consent, enthusiastically I might add, every time I have played with myself.

Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Remember Leelah (Updated)

Leelah Alcorn, a 17-year-old transgender teen, was killed by a passing semi trailer on an Ohio interstate at 2:20 a.m. on Sunday, and a previously written suicide note later appeared on the teen’s Tumblr blog ( through scheduled publishing.

These are the two last posts on Leelah's blog.

If you are reading this, it means that I have committed suicide and obviously failed to delete this post from my queue.
Please don’t be sad, it’s for the better. The life I would’ve lived isn’t worth living in… because I’m transgender. I could go into detail explaining why I feel that way, but this note is probably going to be lengthy enough as it is. To put it simply, I feel like a girl trapped in a boy’s body, and I’ve felt that way ever since I was 4. I never knew there was a word for that feeling, nor was it possible for a boy to become a girl, so I never told anyone and I just continued to do traditionally “boyish” things to try to fit in.
When I was 14, I learned what transgender meant and cried of happiness. After 10 years of confusion I finally understood who I was. I immediately told my mom, and she reacted extremely negatively, telling me that it was a phase, that I would never truly be a girl, that God doesn’t make mistakes, that I am wrong. If you are reading this, parents, please don’t tell this to your kids. Even if you are Christian or are against transgender people don’t ever say that to someone, especially your kid. That won’t do anything but make them hate them self. That’s exactly what it did to me.
My mom started taking me to a therapist, but would only take me to christian therapists, (who were all very biased) so I never actually got the therapy I needed to cure me of my depression. I only got more christians telling me that I was selfish and wrong and that I should look to God for help.
When I was 16 I realized that my parents would never come around, and that I would have to wait until I was 18 to start any sort of transitioning treatment, which absolutely broke my heart. The longer you wait, the harder it is to transition. I felt hopeless, that I was just going to look like a man in drag for the rest of my life. On my 16th birthday, when I didn’t receive consent from my parents to start transitioning, I cried myself to sleep.
I formed a sort of a “fuck you” attitude towards my parents and came out as gay at school, thinking that maybe if I eased into coming out as trans it would be less of a shock. Although the reaction from my friends was positive, my parents were pissed. They felt like I was attacking their image, and that I was an embarrassment to them. They wanted me to be their perfect little straight christian boy, and that’s obviously not what I wanted.
So they took me out of public school, took away my laptop and phone, and forbid me of getting on any sort of social media, completely isolating me from my friends. This was probably the part of my life when I was the most depressed, and I’m surprised I didn’t kill myself. I was completely alone for 5 months. No friends, no support, no love. Just my parent’s disappointment and the cruelty of loneliness.
At the end of the school year, my parents finally came around and gave me my phone and let me back on social media. I was excited, I finally had my friends back. They were extremely excited to see me and talk to me, but only at first. Eventually they realized they didn’t actually give a shit about me, and I felt even lonelier than I did before. The only friends I thought I had only liked me because they saw me five times a week.
After a summer of having almost no friends plus the weight of having to think about college, save money for moving out, keep my grades up, go to church each week and feel like shit because everyone there is against everything I live for, I have decided I’ve had enough. I’m never going to transition successfully, even when I move out. I’m never going to be happy with the way I look or sound. I’m never going to have enough friends to satisfy me. I’m never going to have enough love to satisfy me. I’m never going to find a man who loves me. I’m never going to be happy. Either I live the rest of my life as a lonely man who wishes he were a woman or I live my life as a lonelier woman who hates herself. There’s no winning. There’s no way out. I’m sad enough already, I don’t need my life to get any worse. People say “it gets better” but that isn’t true in my case. It gets worse. Each day I get worse.
That’s the gist of it, that’s why I feel like killing myself. Sorry if that’s not a good enough reason for you, it’s good enough for me. As for my will, I want 100% of the things that I legally own to be sold and the money (plus my money in the bank) to be given to trans civil rights movements and support groups, I don’t give a shit which one. The only way I will rest in peace is if one day transgender people aren’t treated the way I was, they’re treated like humans, with valid feelings and human rights. Gender needs to be taught about in schools, the earlier the better. My death needs to mean something. My death needs to be counted in the number of transgender people who commit suicide this year. I want someone to look at that number and say “that’s fucked up” and fix it. Fix society. Please.
(Leelah) Josh Alcorn

And now for my sorry notes to some people I knew…
Amanda: You are going to have such a wonderful life. You are the most talented and pretty little girl I’ve ever met and I love you so much, Amanda. Please don’t be sad. I’m going to miss you so very much. I love you.
Tiffany: We haven’t talked much recently since we’re both so busy but I’m so happy you’re my sister. You are so courageous and determined to achieve what you want, you can accomplish anything. I love you.
Justin: We’ve been jerks to each other a lot recently but I really do love you. You get on my nerves almost all the time but no matter what a part of me will always love you. Sorry for picking on you so much when we were kids.
Rylan: I’m so sorry I’m never there for you. I love you so much.
Abby: Thank you for dealing with my pathetic problems, all I did was make your life harder and I’m sorry.
Mom and Dad: Fuck you. You can’t just control other people like that. That’s messed up.
I don’t really feel the need to apologize to anyone else… odds are you didn’t give a shit about me and if you do, you did something that made me feel like shit and you don’t deserve an apology.
Also, anyone who says something like “I wish I got to know him better” or “I wish I treated him better” gets a punch in the nose. 

Update 12/31/14
Although I do agree that the desperate action of young Leelah to a large extent was due to the actions or inaction's of her certainly worthless parents, I cannot agree with, or condone, the outpouring of hatred and the incitement going on that we should contact the parents and express our disapproval of their parenting skills.

In my opinion the parents themselves are in part victims of indoctrination by their religious leaders and the bigoted Christianist culture in which they supposedly live. In short the parents probably didn't understand better and were wrongly advised by those whom they trusted to guide them in a situation they found difficult to handle.

This tragic event should instead be used as a warning to those who continue to subject children and young people to abuse by non-acceptance and through theories and practices of  so called "conversion therapy" with the aim to change sexual orientation from homosexual to heterosexual, or trying to convince a transgender person to give up their true gender and identify with their sex assigned at birth.

Friday, January 10, 2014


The pictures in this post are the X-rated ones taken during Tomais and my recent photo shoot with the acclaimed SecondLife photographer Eddi Haskell.

If you should have any questions or objections, please contact my legal counsel Ms. Diana Gilderoy, a.k.a. "Battleaxe" "Sabretooth", by dropping a notecard on her profile in SecondLife.
  1. The pictures shown after "Read more>>" below are of an adult and explicit nature.
  2. The blog Bock in SecondLife, it's editor-in-chief Bock McMillan or the photographer Eddi Haskell cannot be held responsible for any harm or damages of any kind whatsoever, including but not limited to, physical, mental, emotional, occupational or financial, that you, your family members, guests, visitors or others (including any animals) at your location (with or without your consent), or the technical or other equipment you use could suffer by clicking "Read more>>" and viewing the material contained thereafter.
  3. Both the subjects in the pictures are avatars in the 3D immersive reality of SecondLife and are both 18 years or older in their first lives.
  4. Blogger©, Second Life© or Linden Lab© are not in any way responsible for any harm or damage you may endure.
  5. No animals were knowingly hurt during the process of taking these pictures.
  6. By clicking on "Read more>>" you testify that you are of the appropriate age in your area to view material of an adult and/or explicit nature.

And as a final comment I would like to say, "Hey, it's pixel sex, get over it!" Enjoy!

Thursday, September 12, 2013

"Fallen Leaves" - A Spectacular Show

The Spirit Light Dance Company performs its latest dance drama "Fallen Leaves" every Sunday in September, at 1PM SLT. I caught the first performance last Sunday and was, like the rest of the audience, completely enraptured by the show. I recommend everyone to see it.

The story itself is rather insipid. It's the traditional tale of youthful romance that clashes with traditional ways but in the end works itself out - in this case with the encouraging interference of fairies - to a happy end, where each boy and girl gets the girl and boy they love, the families consent and everyone is happy. 

But who ever goes to an opera or a dance recital for the depth and meaningfulness of the libretto or the storyline?  We in the audience were instead treated to a spectacular dance show, with beautiful sets and set changes, beautifully performed and wonderful dances in solos, duets and groups, that were all well synchronized. It was all received favorably by the enthusiastic audience who remained spellbound for the whole ninety minutes.

For more information on the schedule, times and for a SLurl to the theater, please visit my post "Fallen Leaves" - A Dance Drama

Saturday, July 20, 2013

The Cat & the Princess

Once upon a time, as all good stories should start even the true ones, there was an English cat living in Canada. He was a tall and lean man with a great capacity for love. On the other side of the Atlantic ocean in a small provincial Swedish town there lived a short and full figured princess with a weakness for tall and lean men and a similar capacity for love but no one to shower it over.
sirhc and Vampi posing for my blog project Naked Avatars in SecondLife
(see the tag Nakna avatarer i SL)
Little did the two know that the love of their lives existed and was waiting to be found. Universe saw this and knew it was wrong. This should not be like this, Universe felt, the two should be together and love and take care of eachother.

Universe thought about it a while and then it came with a brilliant plan and set it in motion. First it lighted a spark in the brain of a creative American computer geek named Philip Rosedale, something about creating a virtual world where he and his geeky friends and people from all over the world could meet and discuss their weird digital stuff and kill each other in war games and build stuff and have wild, steamy and passionate sex with fabulous women and tall, lean, men or cats or whatever they wished. Philip managed to convince enough of his wonderful geeky and creative friends about his vision and they set out to create the virtual world that was to become known and loved as SecondLife.

The idea took off, the world was created and the wonderful, creative and innovative computer geeks from all around the globe converged into SecondLife. They built stuff, they beautified it, they just went wild with all their ideas. And the friends of the geeks started to check in to see what it was all about and they fell in love with it too, so did their friends and the friends of their friends.

Both the English cat and the Swedish princess were sort of computer geek so they of course heard about SecondLife too and joined the fun.

Then one day the princess was out on one of her excursions into the dark side of SecondLife, some war sim or other, and she saw this lean, mean, killing machine of a cat. And she loved what she saw and heard and could not get the cat out of her mind. She started prowling around wherever he went and stalked him from sim to sim until one day she decided to take a leap of faith and just pounce on him. The poor, innocent and lovable cat did not know what had hit him. The princess was like a whirlwind, a tornado of excitement and love that took over his life, his thought and his dreams, just as he had - unknowingly - taken over her's.

The two started spending more and more time together, falling deeper in love as the days and weeks and months went by. They also started sharing their first lives on Skype, with the cam running 24/7, so they could look after each other and talk, talk, talk, talk, talk and watch a little. After a while they got handfasted in some weird wiccan ceremony and their love was sealed. Only Universe knows what kind of kinky heterosexual stuff went on in front of those cameras besides the two watching each other sleep, eat, wash, pee and all the other daily humdrum. Universe watched on and smiled and saw that all was well.

Then one day the princess woke up and couldn't see the cat anywhere in his apartment. He had completely disappeared from it, the camera was still running but the apartment was empty. She was not that worried at first but as the hours passed the worrying mounted, especially since the cat was sick and feverish at the time. When the hours turned to days she definitely knew something was wrong. She called out for help and assistance among her friends and an especially resourceful friend, a practical woman of course, lifted the phone and called the local police force in the Canadian town where the cat was living.
Vampi and sirhc and their alts for the blog project Naked Avatars in SecondLife
Despite the unusual circumstances the Canadian police were amazingly helpful and swiftly located  the cat and - after receiving his consent - informed the resourceful woman about his whereabouts and where he could be reached.

The beautiful cat had been found wandering the streets and not being able to find his way home in his sick and feverish state. He had been taken to hospital for treatment and was recovering when the Canadian police found him and informed him that a crazy princess in Sweden was asking about him.

Universe, that had been watching the whole story unfold, knew that something had to be done. The two could not be kept apart anymore, both needed the other to look after them and to look after the other. In some miraculous way a plane ticket was arranged  with a one way trip to Sweden. The still weak cat packed up his stuff and got on the plane which would deliver him to the waiting princess.

On this day, July 20, three years ago the two fell into each others loving arms at the train station in Helsingborg, Sweden, (See Bock in SecondLife; The kitten has arrived). Since then the two have stayed as inseparable as they were before, but now in both lives. The princess has taken care of the cats health and he has done the same for her. As it turned out the cat is an amazing cook, baker etc., etc., so he put the princess on an organic, nutritional and healthy diet. She is not as full figured anymore but feeling much better she tells me.

Universe is still watching over the two. It sees that they are doing well and it is happy, and so are the rest of their friends. For this is a true story, somewhat freely embellished but nonetheless true.

The princess is the lairds CTO Vampi Twine DeSantis McMillan McMillan (honorary) and the cat is his Sergeant at Arms sirhc DeSantis McMillan. The wonderful resourceful woman is PirateJenny Whybroe.

Happy 3rd Anniversary in Sweden, sirhc!

I hope you two will live happily together ever after. Love you both!

Saturday, January 5, 2013

Support Ticket #01587329 III

Illustration from Sangoma
Things are moving along well with my support case despite the weekend. I got the following email today.

"A comment has been added to your Case..

Case: 01587329 

Avatar: Bock McMillan 
Type: Other Inworld Issues 
Status: Information Requested 

Hi Bock ---

Thanks for the additional info. What I need to try now is seeing if I encounter the same problem when I have access to your account. If you are ok with me performing this test, please reply back that I have your consent.

Once you comply, you will receive an email advising you that the action is taking place so that you don't login when we are testing, then another email letting you know when we are done. When you're logged out and ready to go, respond to this case and we will get started. We do not need your password for this.

Hope to hear from you soon,

Theresa Linden

To reply to this case, either Reply to this email, or visit : 

(To view the Case online, you will need to log into with this Avatar: Bock McMillan)"

I sent the following response as soon as I saw the e-mail (at 4 AM in the morning my time when I woke up to "wash my hands").

"Hi Theresa,

You have my full consent!



P.S. In hindsight I wish I had asked Theresa to be gentle with me, because as a Kinsey type 6 this would be my first time with a woman. It´s been bugging me since I sent the email...

Friday, April 6, 2012

Laying Down The Rules

I utterly detest spam, both in my e-mail and in SecondLife group chats. More than once I have left groups which I thought were just too disturbing due to the occurrence of spamming.

About two years ago I and three others were made moderators in the "Swedish People in SL" group by PetGirl Bergman, who once created that group.

With the title comes the responsibility to enforce the three simple rules in that group.
1. No questions about anyone's first life in the group chat.
2. No advertising of products in the group chat without prior consent from the owner or one of the moderators.
3. No spamming with notices of ongoing events. Anyone in the group is welcome to announce an event, but it is not allowed to announce the same event more than once every 30 minutes.

Not that difficult to understand for any grown up person of normal intelligence one would think, huh? Well yesterday evening three avatars were taking turns announcing the same event every 10-20 minutes to the point were it go extremely tedious and disrupting to the rest of the group.

To make matters worse one of those involved had been warned by me personally for spamming the group just a few evenings ago. On that occasion she blamed chat lag in the group. to which I answered that she had been in SecondLife for more than four and a half years and should be well aware of that chat lag sometimes occurs and how that should be handled. The natural thing to do in that situation is of course to wait until it eventually pops up in the group chat or til you get the message from the system that the message will not go through. What you should never do is to re-post the same message repeatedly if it does not turn up at once.

With the responsibility of being a group moderator come certain privileges. I can hand out warnings for breeches of the group rules and - if the the conditions of warnings are not adhered to - I can also disallow text chat from the culprit for a specified period of time or eject them from the group.

So I reminded the three avatars taking turns about the consequences of not abiding by the rules. I took special care to spell it out to the female avatar I had talked to a few evenings earlier. When the next announcement came about only 20 minutes later I shut her off from the group.

I then got an IM from her asking me questions like "Who made you God?", "Why did I shut her off because her message came 20 minutes after the previous message from one of the other two and 20 minutes was almost 30 minutes?" and "A few nights earlier there had been a lot of spamming in another group and no one had done anything about it so why was I being so strict?"

The questions were easily answered and she soon settled down and asked me for how long she would be shut off. I told her I was considering having her shut off until Sunday but that I would let her back in if she talked with the other two and gave me a promise that they would follow the rules. After discussing the matter with the other two she came back to me and told me they were all sorry and would follow the rules in future. I then allowed her back into the group chat and the altercation was finished with the sharing of Easter greetings and mutual hugs.

Otherwise yesterday was a slow and sad day.

During the semi-drama I was told that one of my best friends sister had passed away at an early age. Afterwards I also had a short conversation with a close friend who confessed to me from out of the blue that she was now in a hospice and was certain of her fast approaching death, she was however in no pain and was well taken care of. After we had hugged and I had told her repeatedly that I would always love her and remember her she logged off. Finally I was informed that a very sweet and gentle male avatar, with whom I had a good and friendly relationship without being friends, had just passed away after being seriously ill for a short time.

These proofs of the frailty of our human lives and our sometimes strange priorities about what is important made me so sad and tired that I had to log off. For the longest while I could not fall asleep.

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Bock, Whats Your Beef With Assange?

As I have written more than a few posts on Julian Assange and the extradition circus, that is now in its final stages, I have sometimes been asked by friends - and others - what I have against Assange or for that matter WikiLeaks.

Conversations in IM chats have their difficulties and many facts get lost, overlooked or forgotten, so I thought I should try to summarize my points of view on some of the issues debated.

Before starting I would like to emphatically stress the fact that everything as yet is based on what has been reported in the media coverage of the matters which are not always the most reliable sources. At the present time Julian Assange is only wanted for questioning by the Swedish prosecutor Marianne Ny on charges made against him. Assange has not been indicted and is far from condemned by a court of law.

1. WikiLeaks
I firmly and wholeheartedly admire and support the work that WikiLeaks has done, is doing and hopefully will continue to do. I also admire Assange for his co-founding of this organisation.

In my mind every healthy society - and the world community as a whole - needs to be informed about the wheeling and dealing and misdoings of the powers that be, especially in foreign policy and military matters.

Whistle-blowing, i.e. people passing on secret information to the press, is a fundamental and inherent part of a democratic society and are essential for a free press. However, sometimes information alone is not enough as this can be swept aside as hearsay or speculation. In these cases the press has to be supplied with corroborating documentation to prove the case. Passing on classified documents is however a crime in most countries, even when - as in Sweden - the passing of information itself is allowed and supported by the constitution.

My only objections to WikiLeaks is that the organization should try even harder to protect their sources so  they do not risk criminal charges and - perhaps - also should try evaluating if, when and in what form the publishing of certain information and documents could put human lives or liberty at risk.

2. Rape or not?
I was raised to believe that women and men are equal, with full and equal human rights. As a part of this I also fundamentally believe that no one is allowed to force sex on anyone else without prior consent. It is also my belief that any consent to sexual activity can be given with whatever limitations a woman or man sees fit, even if the limitation should be that the one penetrating them should use a condom.

If anyone then with disregard of the limitation stated  proceeds to have sexual activity with someone else the ensuing act is done without consent.

Sex without consent is correctly named rape. Rape is a crime in most countries.

Assange´s supporters, among these most notably John Pilger (Australian journalist and documentary filmmaker) and Michael Moore (American documentary filmmaker) have both embarked on a crusade to vilify the two Swedish women and the Swedish system of justice. Their main arguments seemingly being that this is not the usual violent street-rape and that Sweden is acting in cahoots with the United States military complex in getting at the, in their mind, lily white Assange.

3. Is Assange a rapist?
Hell, I don´t know and neither does anyone else, except for Assange himself and the two Swedish women that have made the charges. It is precisely for that reason Sweden wants Assange to come to Sweden to answer the questions of the Swedish prosecutors. Admittedly there seems to be conflicting evidence but this is a matter for the prosecutor to evaluate and weigh before she decides if Assange should be indicted or not.

If the prosecutor should find that she does not have a strong enough case to get a verdict she will close the inquiry and Assange will be deemed innocent of all charges. Should the prosecutor however decide that there is enough proof to indict Assange the cases will go to trial and all the proofs in the cases will be laid before the Swedish courts, by both the prosecution and the defense.

Before the final judgement of the courts has been made in these cases none of us can know a damn thing about whether or not Assange is guilty of any crimes or not.

Friday, March 9, 2012

The Interview With Oz Linden

(via Treet.TV)

Jessica Lyon, from the Phoenix viewer, interviews Oz Linden of Linden Lab on the Labs policy changes on Third Party Viewers (TPV). (Unfortunately parts of the interview is silent or inaudible.)

Oz Linden (Scott Lawrence in first life) is the director of Open Development at Linden Lab.

This is my humble take on some of the issues discussed in the interview (and please remember I am not a programmer):

1. Privacy
The change has been put on hold indefinitely by Linden Lab to investigate more on legitimate uses, except concerning whether someone is shown to be online against the users consent.

2. Identifying viewers, operating systems, IP-addresses and other personal data about the users
I support the change in policy as I cannot see a legitimate reason for anyone to gather, store and display this information about users.

3. Altering "shared experience" (the rendering of the world itself)
I support the change as long as testing in small scale is allowed as the Lab says it will be. Most of the brouhaha on this issue seems to me like the usual psychotic Linden-bashing and mostly comes from "the usual suspects", i.e the high-strung prima donnas.

4. "Feature surprises" by Linden Lab
I don´t understand why the Lab shouldn't be allowed to develop new features in private, just like the TPV´s can.

5. Cooperation vs. Competition between Linden Lab and the TPV´s
I highly approve of the fact that Oz strongly stressed the Labs wishes to cooperate with the third party viewers in improving the user experience and SecondLife as a whole.

Monday, November 14, 2011

Annoying SLebrity Takes A Stand

The famous - or perhaps even infamous - SecondLife performance artist and machinima creator extraordinaire SaveMe Oh today takes a stand against bullying on her weblog, "Stay With Your Filthy Hands Off Of My Swedish Friends".

I should think that SaveMe considers her whole SecondLife existence as an act of performing art because she usually creates uproar wherever she goes - usually somewhere in the SecondLife art community - by being as an agent provocateur. By her own admission she has been banned at more than 100 sims.

Admittedly SaveMe often annoys me but today she became my heroine and made my day by confronting one of the five leading Swedish bullies head on.

According to the opponents blog. she considers the conversation to be "threatening" and has now supposedly made an abuse report to Linden Lab, which shouldn't ´t lead to anything except a waste of valuable time.

From Second Life Wiki
Disclosing private Second Life conversations: Sharing or posting a conversation inworld or in the Second Life forums without consent of all involved Residents is a violation of the Terms of Service.
NOTE: This does not include posting of chat to social media sites or other websites. Posting such logs on web pages, emailing them, or printing them out and posting them on utility poles in the "real world" -- are all actions beyond the scope of the Second Life Terms of Service.; while that might be illegal, but those laws must be enforced by the proper law enforcement agencies."Conversation" means text that originally came from Second Life chat or Second Life instant messages. If it's totally unattributed, then it isn't considered disclosure. Additionally, Residents are not punished for sharing or posting a comment such as "Bob Resident said, 'You're the greatest!'" (My underlinings)

Friday, November 4, 2011

Time to Sign Up

If you aren't an organ donor already you should sign up for it now.

Always make sure that you let the people close to you know where you stand in this matter, so you do not dump the decision in their lap at a time when they are preoccupied with other things!

Organ Donor Foundation TV commercial - 'Leila' from kirk gainsford on Vimeo
(via copyranter)

This is by far the best public service announcement for organ donation I have ever seen, it´s strong and hits home hard. The best part is of course that it is completely true. If you aren't an organ donor you do take 5-7 others with you who could have been saved!

Swedes can sign up here Donationsrådet.
Americans can sign up here
Canadians can find out how and where to sign up here Canadian Living
Australians can sign up here Australia MediCare
Danes can sign up here
Britons can sign up here Organ Donation
New Zealanders can sign up here Organ Donors Foundation
Belgians can find consent forms in French and Dutch here
The Dutch can sign up here - with DigID Donorregister or with a form Donorregister

In Finland it is automatically assumed that you consent to organ donation unless you have previously expressed opposition. (Way to go, Finland!)

Lazy buggers of any other nationality, just do a Google search for organ donation and your country.

Friday, June 24, 2011

Yes to Ban Circumcision of Infant Boys

As I have informed you earier (Vote Against Infant Circumcision), there is a poll over at my friend Eddi "Snip-Snip" Haskell´s blog concerning whether or not circumcision of infant boys should be baned or not.

I feel the need to remind you that the voting will be going on for four more days, if you havent voted yet please do so a.s.a.p.

"The choosers", of which I am one, believe that there should be a ban against circumcision of infant boys until the individual himself can give a valid consent. We have no objections whatsoever to those men who elect to perform this operation when they are adults and have the possibilty to choose it for themselves.

The choosers believe that the issue is basically a Human Rights one and can be boiled down to this.

"Leave the children's bodies alone, both boys and girls. Teach them healthy routines to clean their genitals on a daily basis. ...all the rest is religion and culture screwing up with nature."


"The snippers", of which Eddi is one, believe that there should be no ban against circumcision of infant boys and that the decision on whether or not circumcision should be performed rests with the parents of the infant boy or the medical profession.They also claim that a vast amount of studies show that there are big health advantages for both the boy himself and the surrounding society and claims this is supported by a vast amount of studies conducted, they therefore believe it should not be banned but left to the parents or the medical profession to decide..

The studies that have been presented by "the snippers" have been opposed by "the choosers" who claim there are a multitude of other studies stating the opposite.

Now head on over to Eddi´s blog Eddi Haskell´s Second Life and tell us what your position is on this matter.

Monday, June 20, 2011

Vote Against Infant Circumcision

A truly inspired commercial for a man owning a circumcision clinic in the Philippines
My friend and co-blogger Eddi Haskell has started a vote for or against infant circumcision. Our debate started after a mutual friend and co-blogger Torro Spyker came out against infant circumcision on his blog The Bullring.

My own position on the issue, as I have said before, (so this is partly a  repost) is that mass-circumcision of infant boys is genital mutilation and child abuse. Admittedly there are a few cases when it is warranted by medical reasons, but otherwise I cannot see any valid arguments for this procedure being performed on infants.

In my mind this surgery should only be performed with informed consent on adult men. I for one would hate to have my foreskin removed, just saying.

(And yes, I totally agree that female circumcision is much more invasive and a more important issue to fight against, as it leads to more problems for the women later in life and also deprives them of the possibility to fully enjoy sex.)


As I have said already in a comment on The Bullring: "My position is basically a Human Rights one and can be boiled down to this.

Leave the children's bodies alone, both boys and girls. Teach them healthy routines to clean up their genitals on a daily basis.

...all the rest is religion and culture screwing up with nature."

 Now head on over to Eddi´s blog Eddi Haskell´s Second Life and tell us what your position is on this matter.

For me the only possible vote in this pole is "Yes", actually I would have preferred an option saying "Hell yes!"

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

On Circumcision

Today two of my favorite non-SecondLife blogs choose to raise the subject of male circumcision.

copyranter does so by showing a new Filipino commercial about a boys journey into "manhood" (boring add) but on a back link to an earlier post I found this truly inspired commercial for a man owning a circumcision clinic.

Joe.My.God. also touches on the same subject with a post about a San Francisco anti-circumcision group that has collected enough petition signatures to place a city-wide ban on the practice on the November ballot. The commenter's have gone wild on the subject of the pro´s and con´s of circumcision. There are more than 185 comments now.

My own position on the issue is that mass-circumcision of infant boys is genital mutilation and child abuse. Admittedly there are a few cases when it is warranted by medical reasons, but otherwise I cannot see any valid arguments for this procedure being performed on infants.

In my mind this surgery should only be performed with informed consent on adult men. I for one would hate to have my foreskin removed, just saying.

(And yes, I totally agree that female circumcision is much more invasive and a more important issue to fight against, as it leads to more problems for the women later in life and also deprives them of the possibility to fully enjoy sex.)

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Circus Assange

It´s been an interesting week following Circus Assange.

The extradition hearings that have taken place in London have given Julian Assange, his defense-team and his supporters ample opportunity to try to muddy the waters by conjuring up one objection after another against Swedish justice, Swedish judges and prosecutors and Swedish laws.

Sweden is not some 'hell-hole' with a dodgy legal system. Sweden is a democratic country, we have an independent judiciary and prosecutors that are independent from the ruling powers. Sweden is in fact a nation under the rule of law, we do not have "kangaroo courts" or a feminist lobby deciding the outcome of court cases.

The Swedish rape-laws are much the same as the British, the key word is "consent" not whether a condom has been used during penetration or not (sigh). We believe in the right of everyone - man or woman - to chose with whom we want to have sex, when and under what circumstances. If consent has been given it cannot be taken back after the fact (deeper sigh). Whether or not a condom has been used does not constitute rape.

Claims have been made against Assange by two young Swedish women. The claims have to be investigated by the Swedish prosecutors. Assange should be willing to assist with that investigation. He will of course have the right not to answer any questions that he believes would incriminate him in anyway whatsoever.

If the prosecutor after the investigation finds that there are reasons to believe that the claims are enough to bring charges against Assange she has to do so. After that it is up to the court to decide if - given all the evidence and facts that has been presented to the court during the course of the trial - if it finds that the prosecution has fulfilled it´s burden to prove the allegations beyond a reasonable doubt.

Assange claims he is innocent and also says that he has the evidence to prove it, despite not knowing what the allegations him are as he hasn't been charged yet..

By appearing to be willing to use any legal maneuvers to avoid coming to Sweden Assange is giving the appearance of knowing that he is guilty of the allegations. He will loose a lot of support by this.

...and all the while this circus is going on the two women are vilified and harassed with their names, pictures and tweets posted all over the Internet by members of the media, the John Pilger´s, the Naomi Wolf´s and the Naomi Klein´s of this world and all the rest of the "Based on what I have read in the press, on the Internet or on the bathroom-walls I so feel that this must be a conspiracy and the charges must be trumped up"-mob.

Oh by the way, Sweden cannot extradite a person to another country without the prior consent of the country that has extradited that person to Sweden, neither can Sweden ever extradite anyone to a country where they risk the death penalty.

But hell, I don´t know why I waste my time, this is no longer about facts, it has become a religion with Julian as God. 

WikiLeaks has my support all the way, but the organization´s co-founder Julian Assange has lost it.

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Nationaldagsfirande idag!

11 am SLT (kl. 20.00) börjar vårt firande av Sveriges nationaldag i SL. Festen kommer att vara på den svenska Ambassadens i SL tak. Limousin direkt till festen finns här.

Under kvällen kommer vi att LIVE - få se Bara Jonson och junivers Stockholm med vänner på scenen.

Även de nu så efterfrågade Chickendales kommer att göra ett unikt framträdande...kanske för sista gången...

Tal kommer att hållas. DJ Frostland och DJ PJ kommer att underhålla oss med musik fram till kvällens stora avslutning - ett fyrverkeri utan dess like!

PRISTÄVLING blir det också! TRE: Bäst klädda och roligast - KLÄDD I BLÅGULT! 2 500 LD delas ut till vinnarna!

Hjärtligt välkomna till detta samarrangemang mellan
Eventgruppen, Swedish People in SL och Svenska Institutet


Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Trying to deal with reality II (updated)

I received an e-mail today.

Från: []

Skickat: den 30 mars 2010 12:24


Ämne: Ticket #4051-xxxxxxxxxx: Closed (Ramifications of SL partners passing)

Ticket has been closed

Comment(s): Hello Bock

Firstly I would like to pass on my condolences for the passing of Ars, and I hope the following information is of use to you.

With this situation there are a number of legal issues that come into play, and I have included the information relevant below:

Our privacy policies disallow sharing information about accounts with someone other than the account holder, except as required by law.

From Section 2.4 of the Second Life Terms of Service: You may not transfer your Account to any third party without the prior written consent of Linden Lab; notwithstanding the foregoing, Linden Lab will not unreasonably withhold consent to the transfer of an Account in good standing by operation of valid written will to a single natural person, provided that proper notice and documentation are delivered as requested by Linden Lab.

To access an account in the event of the account holder's death, we will need
-a copy of the death certificate
-a copy of the will
-real-life ID from the beneficiary
-a letter from the beneficiary stating that they wish to close down the account or assume control of the account and its content (this includes responsibility for fees and estate ownership).

The beneficiary, if they do not have a Second Life account, should sign into, access the support portal and submit a ticket as a guest. A scanned copy of all the requested information may be attached to the ticket, or these documents may be faxed to 415-243-9045, attn: Legal Department.

I hope this information can assist you, and again pass on my sympathy for your loss.

Best regards

Concierge Team Coordinator.


There is no will, thats the problem - or I would not have contacted them in the first place.

This is totally confusing!

I am asking Linden Lab to grant me the privilege of paying them 295 USD a month to keep my home and memories of the good times with Ars and also to save them any other inconvenience!

All I want from Linden Lab is the possibility to pay the tier for the sim Southern Charm on behalf of the avatar Ars Northmead, so that that avatar can retain ownership. I do not mind if my darling Ars remains the official owner of our sim. I do not want or need access to Ars account or the rest of his other property in SL.