Showing posts with label Andrey. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Andrey. Show all posts

Thursday, March 10, 2011

For Your Information

Life is full of strange coincidences.

One of those is that my husband Ars passed away on March 12th a year ago, which is the day after my rezday into SecondLife. I have to deal with this fact and have decided the following.

I will not celebrate my rezday on March 11th - at least not this year - because I will not be in a mood for celebrating at that time.

There will be however be a rezday party at a later date, this is being organized by my son Guyke and my little sister Millimina. You will all be invited by notices on this and other blogs to join me and my brother in-law Andrey as we celebrate our fourth rezdays with a joint party.

Please respect my wish!

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Valentine´s Day in SecondSweden

"Heartily Welcome to the 2011 Valentine’s Day Party in Swedish SecondLife on February 14th, 2011

As has been customary for many years there will be a huge RED party on Valentine´s Day this year also. The party is on Monday February 14th, 2011, and starts at 11 AM SLT.

It will be an evening in RED and an evening of compassion, warmth and caring!

We have two DJ´s, we have live artists and we have great cash prizes to win.

It all takes place at the most Swedish place in all of SecondLife, the Second House of Sweden (also called "The Swedish Embassy"), the Swedish commercial success in cyberspace and in SecondLife.

The contests will be BEST IN RED! - The jury consists of Annabella, Ewa, PirateJenny and Tina (PetGirl). The jury's decision is final! Just live with it!

This is the program for the evening - isn't it wonderful!
11:00 AM - Starting off with DJ PJ (PirateJenny)
12.30 PM - Live artist: JennySue Crosby
01:30 PM - Live artist: Nici Chrome
02:00 PM - DJ Mazey Blackwell

The Awards Ceremonies for best in RED will take place at 02:00 PM after which DJ Mazey will make us party until we fall asleep - it is after all a Monday evening.

Landmarks and (SLurl):

All are heartily welcome
Annabella, Ewa Aska, PirateJenny and Tina (PG)"

This should be a great party, I am so sorry I cannot attend it but fear not clan McMillan will be represented at the party by my amazing brother in-law Andrey S. Messmer.

Treat my BIL well, my friends and countrymen, for he is a rare gem and close to my heart!

Friday, January 21, 2011

My B-I-L Makes the Big Time

This is from my friend Eddi Haskell´s blog today, my darling B-I-L and his cute husband Andee prancing around in swim wear showing off their studly bodies.

...but now that Andrey has made it to the big blogs always remember you saw him here first, and in the buff too. Wooooooohoooo! Aren´t they a stunning couple?

Sunday, January 16, 2011

The Cute & the Cool

Ma´boys are back in the fold, well some of then - the ones I want and need most to be close to.

The cuteness that is Guyke Lundquist has even learned the trick how to look cute when you are kicking someone else´s teeth in. It´s a really funny picture.that Janttu made of him there.

The picture below shows you my wonderful, caring and loving son in-law, the coolness that is Janntu Winkler.

I am so happy that Guyke always had this nack of finding the sweetest asnd most wonderful men in his life. That is a great talent, he must have inherited it from his father Ars. (I have another picture of Janttu (absolutely mouthwatering), but I am not allowed to show you that one - well not yet.

My SecondLife would be much poorer without these two and my B-I-L Andrey and of course my little sister Millimina. I love them all to bits!

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Alpha Males II

Well my earlier post about Touko Laaksonen and his "Tom of Finland" turned out to be a major eye catcher among my readers, so I am now doing a follow up.

This time I will show you one of the "Toms" in my SecondLife, the fabulous, the loving and the forgiving Andrey Messmer! I am so proud to call him my BIL (brother in-law) again.

"The Cuteness that is Guyke" and "The Coolness that is Janttu" are going to be reinstated as my son and son in-law also as soon as this drama queen gets confirmation from both that its OK to do so.

Hell, I will not wait for confirmation, I´ll do the Nike-thing ...

Back to Andrey now. My BIL is a fantastic photographer in SecondLife, just look at these two examples of his work. WOOOF!

If he wasn´t family I would say he was totally lickable, but now I must be more modest and say instead "He looks rather nice, doesn´t he?"

Andrey showing off a new toy
Andrey showing off ...well himself I guess

Wednesday, January 5, 2011


It´s time to face the facts. My SecondLife family collapsed when Ars passed away or maybe even before.

By my own choice I still keep an adopted sister, even if I am not really sure that Millimina likes the idea - but she never protested too much so I´ll keep her there for now at least.

My son Guyke was always more Ars son - I got him as a package deal and sort of adopted him. With Ars gone I must accept that the "family tie" is no longer there even if he is a true, loving and caring very good friend. I will love him as family always but I set him free!

With Guyke gone as family, his partner Janttu, who was my son in-law, also leaves my family tree to become a good friend instead.

My brother Martial left SecondLife without a word of goodbye or any explanation long before my Ars got sick. He then came back a few months ago, only to leave again soon after. He left the second time also without any goodbyes or explanations, despite his repeated promises to me he would never, ever, do that again. His future status is unclear.

Andrey, who was the brother of Ars and hence became my brother in-law, told me in a conversation a few weeks ago that he felt estranged from SecondLife and was only going to be in-world when he had his DJ-sets or his partner could be expected to be in-world. For family-ties to exist in a virtual world they have to be by choice on both sides. I will always love him but I set him free also!

With Andrey gone I also lose Liam as a nephew. Well actually I think I really lost him a long time ago, he was never heard from after I sent him the message that Ars had passed away, I guess death was not a part of "his game".

My two other brother in-laws Dejerrity and Jeb, were really friends of Ars and not mine. They have always been sweet and kind to me and I will always love them for the support they gave me when Ars passed away. I set them free too!

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

What, Me Worry?

Sometimes I think it´s just me, other times I think it´s everyone else.

I didn´t really realize I was a worrier until Ars told me so. When he did I protested vehemently and told him I was no such thing. I told him, "I do what I want to do and say what I want to say and to hell with anyone who tries to stop me."

"Sure", he said, "that´s just it. You don´t worry about yourself, but you worry about everyone and everything else. Look at how you fuss about Guyke and his love life. He is a man, he can take care off himself and when he cannot he will come to us if he needs it.He knows where to find us. And then look how you think and talk about Martial and Andrey after they dropped out of SecondLife. People leave SecondLife for many reasons, babe. They don´t always have to be run over by buses or killed in Brazilian street-fights not to log in and say good bye to you before they leave. They just leave and don´t look back - at-least not for a while."

My response was, "But Ars we loved them, they told us they loved us and we knew them for a long time, is it wrong of me to wonder why they leave with no word of goodbye?" Ars answered, "No babe, that´s why I love you, you care about other people and me and our son, But you really don´t have to carry it that far. Look at Haakon, he left us after saying goodbye and all, still you worry about him. What he´s doing or if he has friends taking care of him. Just drop it, he is a grown man also and can take care of himself, I am sure."

I dunno why I worry for other people sometimes, but Ars was right there, I do do that,.whenever I think people are being mistreated. or wronged or just disrespected.

Hell I cannot save the world but I can look out for the people that are close to me or react and take action at aggression or bullying I see going on in front of me or around me. It´s the only way I know how to deal with such things.

But yes, I should heed Ars advice and not worry about things I cannot do anything about and also let grown people take responsibilty for their own choices and actions. Perhaps that should be my new years resolution, good thing I have a few days to think about it...

Well something good came out of my worrying. Ars told his sisters his I am a worrier and therefore instructed them to tell me everything that was going on, because otherwise I would just worry about it. I am grateful to him and love him for it. if his sisters hadn´t been so forthcoming with information I really would have gone completely berserk those last few weeks and days before Ars passed away.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Language Tracking 2

Well my brother-in-law Andrey will be happy for this, finally Portuguese shows up among my readers languages even if it only is a 1 percent share!

Monday, November 15, 2010

Alpha Males

Something I read on a blog, made me think of "Alpha males".

That lead me on to think about the works of "Tom of Finland" who´s real name was Touko Laaksonen (1920–1991). Laaksonen was a Finnish artist best known for his stylized androerotic and his influence on late twentieth century gay culture. He has been called the "most influential creator of gay pornographic images".

I would think his work is in part the role model to a great proportion of the rougher side of gay life, whether the men know of "Tom of Finland" or not.

What the images and magazines of "Tom of Finland" was to the gay men of those earlier days was in a way what our SecondLife is to some gay men today.

This was not a coherent post, because I am a bit on the tired side, but I wanted it out of my system...sorry readers.
My darling BIL (Andrey Messmer) doing a "Tom Of Finland"
Photo courtesy of Andrey Messmer

If you liked this post perhaps you will also like Alpha Males II or this with the bodybuilder/pornstar Zeb Atlas singing and showing us his body.

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Musical Memories - Swedish Bloggers Relay

Cobra Starship - I Kissed a Boy (Music Video) from Max Welch on Vimeo.

This is a song I remember from the summer of 2008 (Yeah I know I rezzed in March 2007 but my memory is lousy about those first months - I dont think I actually found the music button until I met Ars...) This song was really huge on the SL gay scene! Ahh those were the days...

I remember them well, they were all about Ars, Ars, Ars, Ars and well Ars again and a bit of Guyke and Andrey too. I thought of Ars by day and dreamt of him by night. I hurried home from work to be with him, I stayed up too late to be with him.

Those were happy days! We worked on our house, we worked on our parcels at "Southern Charm", we hung out at "Ninth Wave Island" with Andrey, sarco, Yannis, Harley, Guyke and Orchid and the rest of the gang and their fans. We listened to all the "Sarco Sound" DJ´s as they trying out their music and sets.

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Martial is back

"Patterns in the Palouse" by Gary Hamburgh

I logged on late yesterday - it must have been after 11:30 pm my time - to catch a bit of DJ Butch Diavolo´s set at Club Erotes/The Den, before going on to listen to my brother-in-law DJ Andrey at the Week-End Club in Boystown.

When I had arrived at Erotes and had said my hello´s I took a look at my friendslist just to check who was online. And then I got a big shock that brought tears of both joy, surprise and anger to my eyes. I am not really sure what I would have done if I weren't talking to Andrey at the time, most probably I would have lost it and logged off...

With my heart beating hard I told Andrey, "Guess who is online, my brother Martial..." or something to that effect. My emotions were in a total uproar, I was happy, sad, angry and nervous all at the same time. I couldn´t think straight.

The thing is you see, my darling, beloved and crazy brother Martial suddenly dropped out of Second Life late in the summer of 2009 (if I remember correctly). I was at a total loss to what had happened to him and was imagining all sorts of awful fates that could have befallen him, like being hit by a bus or murdered by a crazy one-night stand or something equally horrendous.

Ars was as usual good to me then, he calmed me down and told me there were loads of other alternatives for something like this to happen, things that were perfectly reasonable and that did not entail Martial being dead or lying helpless in a coma. After a long while I decided to believe Ars, still hoping that Martial was going to show up again someday. And indeed, now the day had come.

The next thing I told Andrey was, "Well, I am not going to talk to him...". I don´t know what made me say that, but as always Andrey knows me extremely well. He contacted Martial anyway, and told him to talk to me. I will always be grateful to Andrey for that, because of course I did want to talk to Martial, and I also needed to talk with him.

So when I got Martials first IM I felt like my heart would burst with the love I had always had for him, and all the things I wanted to ask him, all the things I needed to tell him about all the awful things that had happened while he was away and how happy, so very happy, I was that he was back again.

We talked tentatively for awhile but I told him from the start that I was too tired to go into details this first time. We must do that at a later time. I just wanted to know if he was doing OK and if he was going to be back in SL again after tonight. He told me yes on both questions, and I felt the relief flushing over me. I told him I was happy he was well and so very happy he was back and that we would talk it through at another time, because the shock and joy of seeing him online and talking with him was quite enough for the.moment.

Before we ended the conversation he thanked me for talking to him, and I told him he was one lucky s-o-b because I really wanted to strangle him. To which he of course answered, "I know". Smartass! He knew I didn´t mean it and that his comment would make me laugh. That was so good, because with the laughter I felt some of my anguish and anger go away. Martial always could make me laugh.

I am so happy you are back in SL with me Martial!

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Ma Che Bella Serata

Ohhhhhhhhh what a wonderful evening anf night I had yesterday...

It started off with the 200th anniversary of "The Coffee & Pajamas Jazz Show with Elfay Pinkdot" at the beautiful "Circe´s Sunset Jazz Club". Elfay was inspired, the guests were intoxicated by her charming chat and the awesome music. If you missed it you really need to revise your priorities!

We actually started planning for the 300th show celebration in 2012, when someone said that that was the year the world would end according to some prophecy. Let me tell you now - if that propecy should be true - I know no better place to meet that end it than in the company of my darling Millimina, Elfay, Circe and listening to jazz!

After a brief nap - I am a bit tired these days, not really sure why - I loged in to a swimsuit party at Fride´s Beach. The music there was funkilicious and supplied by a great DJ melqt (pronounced Mel-Cutie I learned) Tennenbaum. As always at Mid´s parties, people were pleasant and all possibilities of drama dealt with in a charming way. Alas I was too tired to remember to take any pictures, but let me tell you two of the Apmels where there!

The youngest one is starting to look great - he may have started to work out - give him a few years and hearts will be broken left and right...
Picture stolen from Apmels blog "Min avatar heter Apmel"

From there I moved along to the party at Club Erotes - The Den the wonderful aussie club and one of the friendliest clubs in Second Life. DJ Butch Diavalo entranced us all. I had managed to drag the sweet Adrina Welders out of her shoe-shop and after some convincing hauled Millimina over there too. The guys were all so funny and chatty I forgot to take pictures again..

My great evening ended at "The Week-End Club" where my darling BIL ("brother-in-law") DJ Andrey Messmer entertained some of the hunkiest guys in SL, with the help of his friend and host Ciroc.

This time I remembered to take pictures again, would you believe it... Look at my BIL after his recent makeover, isn´t he a perfect specimen of an edible hunk?

Sunday, July 11, 2010

The past, the present and the future

Yesterday was sort of a crazy day, but I had alot of fun!

I was invited to the bachelor party of my old friend and hero Yannis Martynov.

"Yannis in a human skin"

When I first met Yannis in 2007 he was one of the many awesome DJ´s in the Sarco Sound Group. This was for a long time one of the largest and most successful DJ groups in SL, which at one time had 19 DJs in all timezones. The group was created by my Ars and his friend sarcophilus ("sarco") Halderman.

Yannis was already at that time a vampire in SL and he had also already hooked up with the beautiful and sexy Orchid Arado whom he will be marrying later today. I will be at the wedding of course and have been given special permission by both the bride and the groom to come in my family tartan, thus diverting from the otherwise requested goth style.

Yesterdays bachelor party was an interesting affair for me as a gay man. It took place in a stripp club on a vampire sim. The DJ played a very interesting mix of music that was fun to listen to and to dance to, Although the only ones dancing where myself, the two female strippers, the female DJ and one other guy. The rest of the men - I presume straight - stood or sat around the dancefloor watching.

The groom arrived 75 minutes late to the reception claiming there had been a power outage in Athens so he could not log in. Well atleast he got there finally. (Which is more than I can say about the last straight bachelor party I was invited to by a famous swedish singer and songwriter in SL with the initials B.J.)

I was equiped with a "boob-hat", a "boob-beer" and a "boob icicle".Fortunately there was not a photographer around...or not that I know off. I left the party when things started to heat up with lap dances and the girls getting undressed and ...

Part of my reason for leaving was that at that time my darling brother in law (BIL) Andrey Messmer started up his set at "The Week-end Nightclub" on one of the Boystown sims and I wanted to be there to support him. This was his comeback as a DJ in SL after a long absence.

My darling BIL gave us a great mix of music and talked to us with his sultry brazilian voice, damned hot! The guys were very friendly although I think there were alot of hot IMs going on - as always! It was very nice of sarco and his partner Harley Homewood to turn up to support Andrey at this set.

I am so looking forward to listening much more to Andrey and his music and voice in the future.

But first things first - the wedding today!

I would like to send my all best wishes to Orchid and Yannis on this their wedding day! Love you guys!

P.S. Yes, I know my posts are toooooooooooo long for some of you, but sorry its the rambling way my brain works. I´ll try doing better next time...perhaps...

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Nakna avatarer i SL 25

This is the amazingly hot and always loving and supportive Andrey Messmer. He is my darling BIL (brother in law) and I will love him always. Thanks so much for always being an important part of Ars and my life in SL!

Believe it or not, this brazilian hunk is one of the shyest and kindest men in all SL, I had to twist his arm hard to take part in this project.