Showing posts with label Tomais. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Tomais. Show all posts

Saturday, July 8, 2017

The Southern Belle

As you all may know already, my husband Tomais is an avid collector of SecondLife machinery and vehicles of all and any kind. I wouldn't go so far as to call it an addiction - yet, but...
Happy Tomais
Anyway! Two and a half years ago we visited the wharves of the Bandit store and saw that Analyse Dean was building a ginormous riverboat. Tomais at once said "I want it!" and I, in a moment of codependency and weakness, told him I would get it for him as a present.
Nice ass!
When I checked in with the creator Anneliese for information on when the boat would be released, she said it might happen after that summer. Well that was two years ago, and Tomais has been taking regular trips to the wharf to check on how things were proceeding.

For a long time nothing happened, but then finally, about a week ago, Tomais told me that the boat was now released and that he was going to buy it. I reminded him of my promise and told him i would reimburse him when I got inworld, because he told me he simply couldn't wait for me to get there to buy it. (Addict much, eh?)
The beauty herself
Tomais has been happy as a ten y.o. with his new toy since he got hit. Learning how to work it and re-texturing it to suit his purposes.
I am the proud portmaster of the boats home port
I have enjoyed a couple of trips on The Southern Belle also, despite the fact that the captain makes me work my way over the Blake Sea (there is no Mississippi river in SecondLife), mostly in unsuitable gear.
My preferred manner of travelling
My actual manner of travelling

Wednesday, June 28, 2017

Should I Be Honored or Insulted?

I was alerted that some jerk is selling the Flat Bock 2017 on Marketplace for the ridiculous price of L$5. It's true value is of course immensely higher!

If you really want it, you can get it for free from me. Just send me a note card, as my IM's get capped.

I don't think the creator of the item, my art director and husband Tomais, will bother making a DMCA notification, but who knows,,.

I have been informed that the object is no longer for sale, someone obviously felt it might be wrong to sell copies of what they had gotten for free. My belief in humanity is somewhat restored.

Tuesday, June 27, 2017

Sneaking Away from Pride

"Let's sneak away for some quick fun", my love and husband Tomais suggested with a lot of innuendo in his velvety voice, just as Kahvy was starting the Zeus Club party at Second Pride yesterday.
Well, of course I said yes.

Turns out he wasn't thinking of some hanky panky, but only wanted to use me as free labor on his new riverboat from Bandit. (As if he needs a-n-o-t-h-e-r boat! His Inventory is already full of them.)

So as soon as I got on the boat, the love of my life slips me a HUD and tells me to use it. As soon as I activate the HUD, I am whisked down into the boiler room and forced to stoke the fires and shovel coal.

When I ask why I am doing this, and not him, he tells me in an affronted tone of voice, that he already has "...his hands full steering the boat, navigating, checking for cargo and loading it. If there is no one shoveling coal and stoking the fires the boat will stop", so that is what I have to do...

Furthermore, he then invites JJ and Wayne to join us on the riverboat, and the two get to lounge about on the boat, while I keep working my ass of with my sweat running down my brows, my belly, my back and my ass-crack.

When I ask why they don't get to join the fun in the boiler room, I am informed in a haughty voice that they are family and friends and "We cannot abuse them by putting them to work!" The other two giggle about that and go on to try out all the non-work related poses on the riverboat.

Well, I learned my lesson and it will take more than a voice full of innuendo and promises to make me leave Pride for the rest of the week.

Friday, June 23, 2017

Introducing: Flat Bock 2017

As has become a tradition for the Second Pride Festival, I am today introducing a new Flat Bock. This years contribution was, as always, made by the blogs art director and my wonderful husband Tomais Ashdene.

This version is much improved compared to the precious ones.
As I have been informed that some of the previous versions have been used for shooting practice and as dart boards (And we cannot have that, now can we?), the material for the Flat Bock is now Kevlar.

The surface has been specially prepared to have the same silky and smooth touch as my natural skin, but is still easy to clean after use. Just rinse in loads of lukewarm running water (I suggest you use the shower or a garden hose) and dry with a soft towel. Hoopla, it is ready for use again!

Thursday, June 22, 2017

New Header for Second Pride 2017

The Second Pride Festival starts tomorrow, and I have a feeling this is going to be one of the best ever. But then again, I feel that way every year and am right every year too.

Just in time my spouse and the art director for this blog, Tomais has produced another stunning blog header for me. Enjoy!

Sunday, May 21, 2017

Be Careful...

If you are married to the most requested dick-tinting expert in SecondLife please remember to be careful when you visit the Steamworkz Sunday Tea Dance.

This is what happens to you...(i.e. me. You're welcome!) if you don't take off your Aeros-HUD and he is tinting someone else's cock.

Photo by J.J.Goodman.

Thursday, March 30, 2017


Today we spent the evening floating around and chatting, it was wonderful because my brain was fried from a long day at work and I was rather tired.

Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Tell Tomais I Love Him

I haven't seen much of my darling Tomais during the last two weeks, except for the weekend, due to the USA switching to Daylight Savings Time two weeks before Europe and our different work hours.
I am giving all my readers a mission on my behalf, please tell Tomais that I love him on his timeline on Facebook. Just a simple "Bock loves you, Tomais!" will do perfectly.

Don't worry if anyone else has already done it, you do it too! After all, he cannot get the message too many times can he? Not even 10,000 times is enough, but I don't have that many readers that are also friends with us both on Facebook so I will take as many as I get and be grateful for your help.

Sweden and the rest of Europe will switch to DST during the upcoming weekend and everything will be normalized again. Thank the Babylonians!

Sunday, March 19, 2017

Oh, What An Amazing Party!

That was one helluva a party we had last night, to celebrate Kahvy and my tenth rezdays.

I would like to thank Garrett and Tomais for organizing it, Lee McKay for supplying us with great music and everyone who turned up for giving us the pleasure of their company at this momentous time in Kahvy's and my own SecondLife.

So, to be quite honest, Kahvy is a snarky little bitch sometimes, but then again so am I! I have known him for some 9,5 years and he is my oldest remaining friend in SecondLife. We are well-suited to each other and there is no one else I would rather celebrate my anniversary of a decade in SecondLife with.

Here are some pictures from the party supplied by my loving brother JJ Goodman. Please enjoy!
For many more pictures please visit my brother JJ Goodman's timeline on Facebook and check out the pictures in his album from the party.

Thanks everyone for making this a wonderful time! As my darling Tomais said, "How many other people can say that Madonna came to their birthday party?"

Hugs and kisses to you all!

Saturday, March 18, 2017

The Dynamic Duo Party - Today 12PM (noon) SLT

Just a reminder to you all that , the double-decade rezday party for Kahvy and myself is today at 12PM (noon) SLT.

For further information please refer to this previous post The Dynamic Duo Turn 10 - Party or contact the hosts Garrett Smith and Tomais Ashdene.

You're all very welcome!

Tuesday, March 14, 2017

The Dynamic Duo Turn 10 - Party!

The dynamic duo consisting of Kahvy Smith and Bock McMillan are both turning 10 this year and are celebrating their anniversaries with a joint party for all their friends.

DJ Lee McKay

Garrett Smith and Tomais Ashdene, contact these guys for any inquiries concerning the event.

Saturday March 18, 2017, 12PM (noon) - 2PM SLT

The Northmead Gallery (SLurl) at Southern Charm

Leisurely Urban Chic

Anyone who brings canes, walkers and/or blue pills will be ejected off the sim without mercy. (We may be somewhat "ripe" and on the mature side, but we are by no means "old" or even "elderly" at all!)

Monday, February 13, 2017

New Header for Late Winter 2017

Bock in SecondLife's art director, Tomais Ashdene, has made a new header for the the late winter season of 2017.

Well, actually my husband made it for Valentine's Day, but I love it so much that I've decided to keep it until I switch to the spring header.

Please don't be disturbed by the drunk youngster in the picture, he survived the experience and has now taken an oath of abstinence. We'll wait and see how long that lasts...

Monday, February 6, 2017

The Pronunciation of "Urinal"

My otherwise wonderful husband Tomais has been giving me some hassle concerning my way of pronouncing "urinal".

I got it solved here, it seems I am using the British English pronunciation, whereas he is - of course -using the American English version.

Listen to this: How to pronounce urinal.

Sunday, February 5, 2017

All For A Wailing Kitten

Ever since I introduced ya'll to my new appearance with my Bento mesh head from Catwa, there have been repeated, very loud and disgruntled wailings coming from a certain young cat.
He's claimed that my new look is too strict, severe and even goes so far as to call it "evil-looking". Well, we can have none of that, because as you all know I am an absolute hug-whore and he refuses to hug me.
With the assistance of my loving husband Tomais and my trusted brother JJ, I have yet again update my appearances. There will be no more modifications for a while, so deal with this Nikolai!.
Photos by JJ Goodman Esq.

Wednesday, January 25, 2017

My Husband - New, Improved & Updated

"Tomais" by Tomais Ashdene
It's amazing really, how we as residents of SecondLife can update our appearances with the latest developments by Linden Lab and the content creators.

Following the introduction of mesh a few years ago, most of us got new mesh bodies and some even got mesh heads.

After the launch of Bento recently, my Tomais and I waited eagerly for the release of the Bento enabled Catwa head.

Although Tomais has been playing around with other mesh heads, I was still skeptical and holding back. (I'm not as willing as others to change my appearances radically.)

The picture shows my husband's new look with the Catwa head. Not that he wasn't good looking before, but now he is definitely both divine and mouthwatering!

Saturday, January 21, 2017

Introducing Bock 3.1

Following the suggestions of my dear friends Anonymous and Kandinsky I have decided on a hair without bangs - for the first time in about 8 years. I have also made a few changes to my eye opening and the eyebrows.

With a lot of help from my husband Tomais and my brother JJ I have also updated to the latest versions of the Niramyth Aesthetic body and the Aeros Magnus cock.

I am rather pleased with the results of all the abovementioned improvements to my appearance, especially the fact that I don't look so stern and forbidding anymore.
"Bock 3.1" by JJ Goodman

"Life" and "Life 2" by WayneNZ

My mate Wayne has been producing a couple of films in SecondLife, in the latest one my Tomais was given a starring role and my brother JJ and I were supporting actors.

I am proud to share Wayne's two short films "Life" and "Life 2" with you all. Remember to subscribe and like!

Producer, director and starring: Wayne NZ

Producer, director and starring: Wayne NZ
Introducing in the starring roles of "Boy playing with toy plane" and "The pilot": Tomais Ashdene
Supporting actors: JJ Goodman and Bock McMillan

Sunday, January 15, 2017

Booty Galore

SecondLife capitalism at it's best can easily be seen by scrutinizing what's being sold at the SL Marketplace.

Of course one could discuss if it's in good taste, but as already the old romans said, "De gustibus non est disputandum", the implication being that everyone's personal preferences are merely subjective opinions that cannot be right or wrong, so they should never be argued about.

I hear that straight men, according to themselves can be divided into "boobmen" or "assmen" depending on which of the body parts that gives the biggest thrills.

So this delicious booty is sold at the Marketplace for L$49.
I asked Tomais if I should get it, but he told me "Your booty doesn't need any enhancement, babe", which kinda made me very happy.

Tuesday, January 10, 2017

The Serenity Wish of Southern Charm

"Serenity" by dobee on DeviantArt 
May the laird grant me the serenity
                                to accept the things I cannot change,
                                                     the courage
                                                                    to change the things I can,
                                                                                                     and the wisdom 
                                                                                                            to know the difference.


Today my Tomais and I went out sailing for the first time in a long while. It was just a short trip, because I was late home from work and Tomais had to leave for his work, but it was still good. There is something to be said for just being alone with the one you love on a boat at sea.

Friday, January 6, 2017

Picture of the Day - 499

"Looking" by Tomais Ashdene

If you wish to see more of Tomais' photography, please visit his Flickr photostream by clicking the name under the picture.

Full disclosure: Tomais Ashdene  is my husband.