Showing posts with label Blanche. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Blanche. Show all posts

Saturday, February 4, 2012

We Owe Them Gratitude - SEMA 2011

Day in and day out, week after week and all year long they work tirelessly to give the rest of us in the Swedish community in SecondLife, and our International friends, a possibility to meet, chat, dance, listen to music, meditate and have a good time together.

We owe these avatars loads of gratitude and love for doing that!

Apollon Allen, Vira Broome and NE0 Timeless got together and created "The Swedish Event Makers Award" (SEMA). The purpose of the SEMA is to celebrate the creative and committed avatars for their efforts during the past year.

"The only thing wrong with the SEMA", said the Much Honored Bock McMillan, laird of Southern Charm and prince of Cascade Falls in an interview to CNN today, "is that I didn't come up with the damn excellent idea myself. Of course I will be there - and in full colors - to give back a little to all these these wonderful people!"

Ms Gittrika Mint : Proprietor of Måndagsbörsen (The Monday Exchange) where she has a theme party every Monday evening. She also runs Greenroom on Wednesdays for formal dances.
The Monday Exchange (SLurl)

Ms Iendi Laville: Proprietor of La Grenouille Inn where she throws parties with live music and also proprietor of the inworld radio channel "The Swedish Transistor".

Mrs Vampi Twine-DeSantis-McMillan (honorary) and Sergeant at Arms sirhc DeSantis-McMillan (adopted) owners of Club OrmDricka (by the laird and his clan lovingly referred to as OD) where they throw parties - with or without themes - every Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday.

The Connemara Hills collective: (Mrs. Rultan Zeppelin, Mrs Blanche Argus, Mr. Peppe & Mrs Trulte Firecaster who own and operate Connemara Hills together) The collective has a Celtic evening every month and arranges meditation sessions every Friday.

Princess Midnattsdotter Fride, lovingly referred to as Mid or Fride: owner and operator of the Frides Club & Lounge, where she has events once a week with International DJ:s and Fride Live with International Live Musicians once a month (this was the venue where the laird heard the awesome Strum Diesel the very first time)

Mrs Ewa Aska: Proprietor of Viking land of Birka where the theme is mostly viking, but she also arranges Bollywood parties once in awhile. (Earlier venues have been Vadstena Castle and The Ice Hotel - ahhhh all the great memories I have of that beautiful venue)

Ms Kicki Spingflower : Proprietor of "Club Kicki´s Jetty" where she has tea dances in the mornings and nude parties on Fridays.

Ms Fia Wycliffe: Proprietor of Fia´s Porch Club where she - usually on Fridays - throws parties that are called "Friday cozy ups"

Mr Alfdeejay Cooper: Proprietor of the Avalon Club & Garden Beach and Xanadu Club. At Xanadu Club the theme is usually ´80s or Disco. He also owns and operates the radio channel Alfdeejay Radio around the clock.
AVALON (SLurl) and XANADU (SLurl)

Mr Ix Heron: Proprietor of Euroclub, where he DJ´s himself on the theme Eurovision. .

Ms Jini Shearer: Co-proprietor of the September Rainforest which is a sim filled with romance, beautiful waterfalls and a dance floor in the middle of the jungle (great for dating and marriages)

Be there or be square!
...and for the love of everything that is important to you lets show them all our love and gratitude by having FUN!

What: The SEMA 2011
When Saturday February 4, 2012, 1 PM - 3 PM SLT
Where: Fallen Gods Club (SLurl) (Reopening of the club)
Who: Everyone who wants to see Swedes go crazy is invited
Clothing: Gala/Formal (which means tartan for me)
Host/DJ: Apollon Allen

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Party for Three Beauties

This was the party for which everyone in the  "Who is Who in Swedish SecondLife" turned out.for, and even a few of the up and coming SLebrities and some International guests. The only one missing was the third rezday girl, Gittrika Mint who had ISP-problems.

Apollon Allen and sirhc "Junior" Weatherwax did a great job to entertain us. Good music and great company are the two core ingredients of a party in SecondLife and you can even add a drink or two in first life to make it even better!

Lots of old friends, some sexy new studs I must confess but I kept my hands to myself - this time... When I left just after 11 pm the party was still going on strong. I should imagine some of them kept it up the rest of the night.

3 x Happy Rezday

Today I would like to congratulate three beautiful Swedish women who share the same rezday. The three are (in alphabetical order) Blanche Argus, Gittrika Mint and Second Renoir.

I am happy to inform you that since yesterday all three are friends of mine - again. Forgiving each other is a thing friends do, isn´t it?

Happy rezday girls, I am looking forward to see you all at the party today!

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Parading the Colors

When I put in my order for the McMillan tartan with full regalia for my buddy sirhc DeSantis, the beautiful designer Elle74 Zaftig ordered her seamstresses to work at full speed. With the delivery of sirhc´s present she also gifted me a full new outfit of the newly designed version.

I absolutely love it, so after the photo exhibition I took a walk around the estates. Although it was a windy evening the cold breezes didn´t get at my ba...uhmmm testis, not much anyhow. All was calm on the sim and all the animals were accounted for.

On the picture you see me parading the clan-colors next to a jar made by the artist Second Renoir. She is according to rumor actually a well known artist in first life also. She is also the first life sister of Mrs. Blanche cbreak.

I have quite a few of those jars placed around the sim, they are great focal-points.

cbreak´s Photo Exhibition

The artist and his wife in front of a piece I bought
Today I looked in at cbreak´s first exhibition in SecondLife of his first life photography. I had been planning to go to the opening the past weekend, but some crap got under my shoe.

I must say I liked a lot of what I saw. Some things more than others, but isn´t that the way it always is? Some pieces actually struck me as being a fusion between first and second life in a very interesting way although, I am sure, all the pictures were taken before cbreak had joined us in SecondLife.

While I was looking around I was joined by the artist himself and his partner Blanche (née Argus). We had a pleasant talk about his work and the fact that they had met, fallen in love and partnered so early in his second life. My conclusion to the happy two was, that whenever you meet love just accept it.

It should be worthwhile for anyone interested in photography or art to make a visit. cbreak hasn't gotten used to the SL artists exorbitant rates yet, so he is selling his stuff dirt cheap.

Take the SLurl to the exhibition.The exhibition continues through January 8.

Monday, December 26, 2011

Stupid Git #6

cbreak´s bare assed face-off with his copycat,
screen shot by cbreak
An evil-minded twat with far too much time, ill will and energy has taken it upon itself to make a copy of another avatars name, skin and shape and go visiting at the original avatars home and other hangouts.

As the original avatar cbreak is an almost noob I strongly suspect that he himself is only collateral damage and that the maliciousness is first and foremost directed towards his girlfriend in SecondLife, Ms Blanche Argus, who has a rather high profile in the Swedish community.

Both cbreak and Blanche have blogged about their developing friendship and love affair on their blogs. Someone presumably feels they have a reason to be envious of the twos public displays of affection and is in dire need of attention of their own.

Men having issues with their ex-partners choice of a new boyfriends is sadly nothing new, sometimes their jealousy expresses itself in the strangest ways.

The only previous instance I can recall of something like this ever happening was at the height of the Swedish SecondLife drama the summer before last when someone made a copy of PetGirl Bergman and started visiting at her home and at events that she visited.

The best things to do in situations like this are to ban and mute the shitheads, and ask all your friends to do the same.

When they don´t get any further attention they will surely die.

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Celestial Wrath

Click to enlarge (Bock himself doctored this picture found on the Internet.)
"Celeste" (a.k.a Blanche Argus with the blog "Blanche´s Arena") is angry with me for my recent post "Hatred".

As usual with "Celeste" she isn't really clear on what her objections are. All the same she seems to try to make me responsible for people quitting SecondLife and stop blogging. I don´t know anyone who has left SecondLife or stopped blogging because of me or anything I have posted.

However, I had a very long, good, openhearted and honest talk with another avatar the evening after I had posted "Hatred". That avatar was clearer and more specific about it´s objections. I am still digesting what we talked about and will most likely post something when I am good and ready. 

Monday, August 1, 2011

"I Was Robed!", says Laird

The innocent laird trying to avoid looking at Ms. Elise
The Much Honored Bock McMillan, laird of Southern Comfort and prince of Cascade falls, visited a club in Swedish SecondLife yesterday.

"I was in search of some light entertainment and relaxation so when I saw that OrmDricka (a Swedish club run by Mrs. Vampi Twine-DeSantis and a big cat, bloggers note), was having an "Under the Sea"-theme I thought it might be fun. I had just the right skin for it, I just needed to get some fins that I had seen previously at "Fallen Gods", the laird begins his recount of his ordeals the evening before.

The laird continues, "When I had finished dressing up for the occasion I looked absolutely stunning, even if I say so myself, I even thought that I was sure to win this contest. Those hopes all left me when I arrived at the venue. I was a bit late in arriving so the party had been going on awhile, but the men - all straight of course - in the place were already glassy-eyed and panting deeply. I was totally shocked and dismayed by what I saw. As everyone knows well I am not easily flustered, I earned the reputation of being the most most patient man in SecondLife after all."

Mrs, Vampi Twine-DeSantis, proprietor of the establishment
"The women were flaunting their boobs everywhere, not a single brassiere in sight. The boobs were bouncing, flopping and jittering all over the place!", the laird tells us with the grievous pain showing in his green glittering eyes and on beautiful face, "I have never seen anything like it before, the women must have maxed out on the physics on their bosoms. I didn't know where to look, it was so nauseating you cannot imagine. I am still traumatized. The straight men in the place just couldn't look at anything else, they were like zombies, hypnotized and completely enthralled."

Mr. Aake Roffo loses his footing while staring at Ms. Blanche´s assests
"Bouncing boobs, heterosexuality and the introduction of physics in SecondLife robed me of a sure victory", the laird concludes while a most perfect tear slowly rolls down his cheek.

It is reported to this blog that the laird is currently undergoing therapy for PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder). The McMillan household is hoping for a speedy recovery. The contest was reportedly won by Ms. Blanche Argus with Ms. Jazmine Cazalet as runner up. The laird came in third place.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Two Solutions to a Womans Problem

Blanche Argus (blog Blanche´s Arena) is having problems with the fact that time in SecondLife is mostly announced in SLT (SecondLife Time). SLT is the same as PST (Pacific Standard Time) because the SecondLife computers are placed somewhere in California, United States of America.

I suggest Blanche does what I did and adds two clock gadgets to her desk, with one showing her local time and the other set to the time in Los Angeles, California, USA.

To make it even easier she could choose a digital clock gadget that also tells her if the time shown is AM or PM

Another solution could be to add the clock gadgets supplied by Blogger and set one to her local time and the other to SLT/PST.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

A Whole Lotta Kissing!

The time for the 1st annual International Kiss-A-Swede Day in SecondLife finally was finally here.

Before it started I was wondering how the f**k I could come up with such a crazy idea, but that feeling passed once I had Millimina and Vampi at my side and we together waited for the kissers to start coming come to us.

Millimina and I before the party started (Photo courtesy of Millimina Salamander)
Kissable Vampi in a beautiful furry skin
 With an event like this there is no knowing who and how many will come, you just have to take it in your stride and go with the flow and most importantly just have fun!

People were coming and going all through the two hours, which is just as it should be on this kind of event, many I had missed seeing in a while showed up and some I thought might come didn't but thats to be expected also. Things happen in real life and in SecondLife, we just cannot be everywhere - and of course sometimes we don´t want to be at a particular place either.

The main thing is that those of us that were there had fun, and I myself for sure had an excellent time and kissed like crazy! There was only one dumbass loser who declined my kiss, it did not spoil my fun although I wondered about who shows up at a kissathon and refuses to kiss?

Anyway we were close to 25 avatars for about an hour and about 15 the rest of the time. I had an awesome time.

Thanks to everyone who came and special thanks to Vampi and Millimina for helping kiss a few!

Pictures from the event can also be seen on
Magasin Millimina,
Min avatar heter Apmel and
Blanche´s Arena

Now to my own kiss-fest pictures!
Kissing Carol
My boys Janttu and Guyke (Photo courtesy of Millimina Salamander)
Kissing Sven while Jon Rhiannyr dances
Me pouncing Carols hubby Timothy
Kissing sweet furry Zeba
Jon Rhiannyr pounces me after knowing me for less than 5 minutes
My bosom buddy sirhc, who was DJ-ing at another party at the same time
The wonderful Ziga and her Em - in amazing outfits as always
Not sure whom I am attacking on this picture, could be Sarco or Jeb  -  but it looks good...
Pounced by Jon again

Pounced by Blanche
Cuddling with Jon in the makeout room
Kissing Blanche again
Kissing Sven in the makeout room
Kissing Jon in the makeout room

Sunday, April 17, 2011

The Wedding of Kicki and Hercules

The bride and groom at the altar

Yesterday I was honored to be a guest at the wedding of Kicki Springflower and her handsome lover Hercules.

The church, Stavkirken in Second Norway, was packed with the glitterati of the Scandinavian communities with some interesting International additions. Stavkirken is a beautiful jewel of architecture in SecondLife and all the guests did their best to match it. Most of us actually succeeded, except for a guy who kept his hat on inside the church.

It was a very beautiful ceremony and the declarations of love between the bride and groom were touching and heartwarming.

The lag was surprisingly horrendous as we were no more than 45 people on the sim. I don´t really experience lag very often in SecondLife although it is a common complaint. I took a few pictures - as you see above, but the only one close to acceptable is the one at the top of this post, but if you look closely on that you see three guests standing in crucifixion poses.On all the rest there were "Grey people" as witnessed by the picture to the right.

I at first thought this was Ms. Blanche Argus and some friends protesting against "marriage being a patriarchal form of slavery for women", but when I interviewed her on this she vehemently denied it and claimed that she and her bench-mates were in fact all sitting down..

Well as I always say, "Lag is a state of mind, don´t blame it on the Lindens!" I had a great time and thoroughly enjoyed the ceremony. For better pictures I suggest you visit some of the other Scandinavian SecondLife blogs. I was sorry I could not attend the party afterwards but reports say that it was great fun with Ms. Ewa Aska and Ms. Rultan Zeppelin as hostesses and the amazing DJ PJ.

Kicki and Hercules, you made me proud by the way you both handled the difficult situation, I wish you both all the best for the future! As the SecondLife saying goes "If the wedding has bad lag but the sim doesn't crash it will be a long and prosperous marriage!" (Well, I just made that up, but there should be such a saying.)

P.S. I hope a bosom buddy of mine notices that I carefully avoided to include any picture of a certain reverend/philosopher in the pictures above.

Saturday, April 2, 2011

´Twas but a delusion of Satan

Ms Argus and laird McMillan dancing at Grenouille Inn. Photo. Blanche Argus.
It´s the morning - well okay noon - after April 1st and we find The Much Honored Bock McMillan, Laird of Southern Charm (that me) on the back porch of his mansion. He looks unusually contrite and shy.

"The Devil made me do it!", he sighs deeply and continues; "I apologize to you all for the sensational disinformation that was spread on this blog yesterday. My most heartfelt apologies go also to Ms Blanche Argus, who of course had no prior knowledge or involvement in this particular scam. I am sorry for any inconvenience I may have caused her by my blatant lies. Ms Argus is no more than a co-blogger, sometimes we are on friendly terms and at other times we are at each others jugulars going in for the kill."

"I am, have always been and will always be a gay man. And proud of it! There is not a heterosexual bone in my body, although there have at times been some boners in me claiming to be straight", the laird concludes with a wry smile before we are whisked away by his staff.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Oh What A Night

I am totally exhausted today after the wonderful rezday celebration yesterday for my BIL and me - and so happy and fortunate to be surrounded by these caring, loving and wonderful people in my SecondLife!

For now I will only say thanks to all who came and took part in celebrating Andrey and me on our fourth rezday but in particular I would like to thank the following for organizing and participating in making this amazing evening and night possible.

Andrey, my wonderful BIL and a fantastic DJ with one of the biggest hearts I have ever met, for talking me into doing it at all at a time when I wasn't particularly thrilled by the idea of a rezday party, in fact I had just a few days earlier turned down suggestions from Guyke and Millimina.

Millimina, Guyke and Janttu, my always supportive and loving family, who organized the most amazing and hilarious party imaginable in a very short time. (...and then calmly saved the day as the first thing I did when I got there was to derez the party venue.)

Strum and Stirred, two of the most beautiful souls in SecondLife and one of the most beautiful, witty and touching voices on the SecondLife music scene (...and I only mention one voice because I haven´t had the privilege to hear Stirred sing - not yet...). I am so proud to count both of these dudes among my friends.

Bara, my amazing and lovely buddy since for ever, who always hits every spot possible in me with his songs and his warm voice.

Sarco, the iconic and legendary DJ and my friend since the earliest days. Oh yes I do admit there were times I did not love him but that was mainly due to my ignorance, my Ars always loved him and at the end and they had made their peace. I will always rely on Sarco´s excellent memory reminding me of events that I have long since forgotten, that always bring back the love I had for Ars and the love the two of them had for each other through all the turmoil.

There are four more I would like to mention here and they are, Svessa, Frost, Mialinn and Blanche. Thanks to you all for accepting my outstretched hand over the rift that has divided the Swedish/Scandinavian SecondLife community.

In these days when the earth shudders, when nuclear power plants explode, when dictators are toppled and go down slaughtering their own people I have been immersed in my own private affairs. True it may be pathetic but it is also very human I guess. During days like these I have also realized how petty the fracas and in-fighting has been.

Stay tuned for updates with amazing pictures from the party as soon as I have gathered the energy to sort out all my impressions and all the wonderful things that happened. And dealing with a bit of real life in between.

I love you all, all who were at the party and all who sent greetings but couldn't come because they had other obligations to deal with in First Life and in SecondLife.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

At Grenouille Inn

Blanche and I at Grenouille Inn (Photo courtesy of Blanche Argus)
Let me first of all nip the rumors in the bud before they start spreading too far.
1) No, Blanche and I did not color coordinate before meeting at the inn for the Mannen Darkstone event.
2) No, I did not change my sexual preferences overnight or "bridge the gap for an evening" so to speak. However we did make up after our most recent run-in even if we didn't make out.

Mannens voice was beautiful and he sounded as great as he does on his websites, which wasn't strange because he unfortunately didn't sing live. This made me a bit disappointed at the time (So sorry, Apollon Allen) but the choices his closest and longest fans had made of which music should be played showed the wide spectrum of this amazing singer/songwriters talents.

I have some things to say to Mannen and I really, really mean this in the best possible way; Mannen, with your God-given talents you can have a great career in both SecondLife and in real life, but this will only happen if you can muster the courage to start doing it live, at the very least as "singback". I suggest you get some coaching and start in a small way, with your closest friends and the patient Swedes.

Of course you can also chose to be a strictly recording singer, Mannen, but then please see to it that the venue you "perform at" announces the event as such.

Lastly, if at all possible, get help with your scheduling and coordinating of real life with SecondLife so you are always at the venue 15-30 minutes before your time slot. There are a chosen few rock bands and singers who get away with being late to their sets. These are usually the ones where both the performers and their audiences are high as kites all the time. (This piece of my mind may be really unfair because shit happens to us all the time, but this was the first of your events I had myself come to in time - then again I am audience, we don´t count and therefore have that privilege.)

I look forward to listening to you really sing for me in the future Mannen and wish you the best of luck with your musical career.

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Lawyers, Makeovers & Housewarmings

Well, I am feeling a bit strange today. Nothing at all has pissed me off or irked me enough to make me rant and rally in a post. All has been just humdrum in a sort of calming way.

So I´ll just go ahead and tell you about my day in SecondLife yesterday.

First of all - just to warn you silly buggers who may try to mess with me - I retained a lawyer in SecondLife yesterday. Yeah, I know I am one myself but only a bad lawyer acts on his own behalf.

My lawyer is an American and one fierce cookie I can tell you from the start. She is totally fearless and protects my ass like a lioness protects her cubs. Hell, I even had to stop her from slamming a restraining order on some people for looking at me weirdly the other day. (Note-to-self, remember to pay her 1 L$ when you get in-world, so she doesn´t try to weasel her way out of our attorney-client relationship.)

A good part of the afternoon I spent giving Matt McMillan, nee Gaboian, a well needed makeover. Matt is an alt I use in the Tiny Empires-game. Although he is an alt of mine by some freakish accident he has turned out to be straight, the poor man. Well I started off by giving him my shape with a few minor differences and then he got new skin, new hair, new eyes and a brand new tartan. The tartan was from Elle74 Zaftig of course, nothing but the best would do!

This is what he looked like as a Linden-noob and here he is after the makeover. It´s a big improvement I think.

Later that evening I was invited to a friends housewarming party. It was Ewa Aska who had built a new house for herself, she is an awesome builder in SecondLife. The house was beautiful but the coolest thing was the dance floor, I thought, we danced over flamingos and crocodiles. You can see it here in a picture I stole from Blanche Argus´s blog (please note the capital B in Blanche).

The other guests at the party were mostly from the Tara Hill-collective, so I was left pretty much to myself except for the "Hi´s" and "Bye´s".

I had a few clarifying IMs during the party though. I managed to tell a woman I had been pissed with her but that it was passing now and also a guy that I had never been pissed with him just with a female friend of his, but that that was also passing now. And finally I managed to talk nicely with another friend whom I hadn´t met for a while, to her I was quite pleasant I think, no bitching at all - would you believe it?

There you go, parts of my day all summed up in one post, and those were the interesting parts.

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Happy Halloween, Friends!

I would like to wish all of you a "Happy Halloween" and I hope you all have a great time partying! Hope to catch some of you at one of the parties.

This is my look this year - as captured by Blanche Argus (and stolen from her blog).

And don´t ya all come telling me its the same outfit I wore last year pfffffttt... Let me point out to you blind buggers that this year I am in the blue Scales skin, and not the green. And the clothes are completely different too, although still in black.

Friday, October 29, 2010

Nakna avatarer i SL 109

As usual on most Fridays during workweeks I have been hit by "The Friday coma" as I call it. Which for me means that I am really, really tired after the workweek, perhaps more so now than earlier due to the medication.

However before going off to bed tonight I checked my e-mail and saw a message from Blanche Argus where she asked me if my project for peace and art in SecondLife "Nakna avatarer i SL" ("Naked avatars in SL") was still accepting entries. I also saw she had sent something to my inventory. So of course I had to log in to SecondLife to check what it was.

When I got inworld I received this beautiful and sensual picture of Blanche Argus and her soon to be husband - if I have read the blogs correctly - Ob Almendros.

First let me send my warmest congratulations to the two lovebirds. Love is a rare gift, take good care of it!

Then let me finish by telling you all that "Nakna avatarer i SL" will continue to publish pictures in this project as long as this blog exists, so do not hesitate to send me more pictures.

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Nakna avatarer i SL 108

Picture courtesy of/stolen from Blanche Argus
Picture courtesy of/stolen from Iendi Laville
Sometimes one just has to shout "Wooo get naked" and things start happening in Second Life!

This is a scene from Iendi Lavilles and Apollon Allens "The Grenouille Inn" tonight. Apollon was DJ-ing for a few of us Swedes, and I used my gesture that shouts "Wooo etc. etc.". This is what happened after I left to go to Andreys set.

You see the girls Blanche Argus, rultan Zepelin and Stella Guardian up on the the bar having a great time. It was all done with loads of charm and humour. Hell, if I had still been there I surely would have joined in the fun.

The pictures were stolen with love from Blanche´s blog Blanche´s Arena and from Iendis blog "Iendi och sl-mysteriet".

P.S. Yes, they are not completely naked, but I make the rules on this blog and in that special project of Peace and Art, but this will be the only exception allowing clothing til I decide otherwise ;P